Part Seventy

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🎵 Those eyes - sped up - New West 🎵

We just lay on the sofa together for a while. Our naked bodies against each other under the throw blanket I had on the sofa. "What you said..... did you mean it?" I asked while I listened to his heart beat through his chest.

"Asking you if you'd marry me"


"Did you mean your answer"

"Yes" a smile creeped across my face. "Not yet, but I would love to marry you"

Daniel lifted my face up to his and kissed me softly. "Well I won't wait too long." He added as our lips separated. "You know you spoke in Italian last night when we..." he smiled

"I can honestly say I barley remember any words leaving my mouth. It was so hot, the most intense feeling. sei il migliore che ho avuto"

"I love when you talk in Italian, It is fucking hot! Made me love you even more"

Tears were in my eyes and a single tear dropped down my face. "What's wrong baby?" He asked, his face full of concern.

"I've never felt this happy." I smiled as he wiped my cheek.

"Me neither" he replied and we held into each other till we fell asleep.


We'd slept the whole evening and night on the sofa, wrapped in each others arms and woke early morning. "Fancy joining me for a shower?" Daniel asked as I got up from the sofa and pulled the throw around my body leaving him naked. "

"I was thinking we could go for a run?" I replied not looking back at his naked body.

"Are you blushing anima gemella," I turned back to him and smiled. "You see me naked all the time when we have sex, yet if you ever see me randomly you blush, why is that," he teased and I shrugged my shoulders making sure my eyes don't wonder. "And you cover up when you don't need to, I like to get a look at my girl in the morning." He smiled, "you sure it's my eyes you want to stare at" he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh shut it," I smiled and shut the bedroom door to get changed. It wasn't long before he came through the door, I naturally covered myself and turned away. "Daniel!"

"Seriously Libby? We just spend the night naked and your covering up" he smiled but sounded serious.

"It's not such a good sight in the day light," I added and pulled my leggings up.

"Libby" he said sadly, I turned to look at him with tears in my eyes. He came over and hugged me tight. He started to pull at my clothes kissing my exposed skin all over. "I love every inch of your skin, every single inch." He pulled down my leggings and exposed my thighs. I was so aware of the scars and marks I tried to cover them with my top.

"They're ugly"

He moved my hands and placed kisses over them. Then he started to kiss the burn scars, the self inflicted wounds I had suffered. "Daniel," I said and tried to pull away.

"I know you don't like them but I love them. They prove how far you've come, your war wounds. I couldn't be more proud of everything you battle and overcome. There are no new marks I'm glad to see," he looked up to me.

"I promised you"

"Please don't feel you have to cover any of you up. I especially like you when your uncovered" he added and I rolled my eyes. "You don't ever have to hide from me"

I smiled and nodded, he stood back up and kissed me gently. "Ok, time for a work out" I said and pulled my leggings back up.

❤️ 3435 likes @danielricciardo and @maxverstappen1 liked this post

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❤️ 3435 likes @danielricciardo and @maxverstappen1 liked this post

ElizabethR let's test out my new workout buddy 💪🏼💪🏼

DanielRicciardo I think I'll be doing the testing

LandoNorris hah she will squash you like a bug
Liked by @ElizabethR

User176 workouts with Dannyric 👀

DR3fans I speak for all when I say we'd ship then
💬user87 no he deserves so much better
💬f1wags he could get a supermodel he's not going for someone who works for him

User67 she looks like a right show off, probably just a money chaser

View all 300 comments

"Why did you share that picture I posted on your story" I asked Daniel as we arrived back at apartment and I saw my comments had blown up.

"We can spend.... Time together ... we're in the same team!" He was grasping for breath. "You can seriously put run me"

"Have you seen what they've said about me" I added and took my phone from my hand. His face dropped and he looked at me apologetically.

"Ignore them, I'm sorry. I won't share anything else" he put my phone in his pocket. "You've still got it set to private right?"

"Yeh," I said opening the door and heading to the bathroom. "It's fine, I'm sure they'll have more to say in the future"

"Oh yeh what's happening in the future" he smiled.

"Well if I remember rightly you asked me to marry you!" I chuckled back.

"Oh yeh," his smile was so wide as he talked me from behind. We both landed on the bed and he started to tickle me mercilessly, I laughed so hat my sides burnt. "Come on, shower time"

"I don't think so" I replied. "My shower does not have room for two and me don't need a repeat of Canada" I pushed him from my chest and made my way to wash up, he followed butt naked.

"We'll make it work," he laughed and slapped my arse playfully. I rolled my eyes and started the shower.

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