Part Nine

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I managed a couple more hours of broken sleep after I had got back into bed. I hoped that last night wouldn't come up again today as it is slightly awkward to think of a reason why I needed to be in the pool at 3am. I'd been up for a while when I heard the knock at the door.

"Hi!" I opened the door bleary eyed to Lauren, looking stunning as always.

"Morning." I groaned. I was not so ready for the day. I walked back into the room, Lauren following me in.

"Wow... you look." I looked back at her, "awful," she said giggling.

"Wow yes thanks for that!" I smiled back. I'd overdone it last night. It was the third night in a row I'd done at least two hours of swimming, with less than 3 hours of sleep each time. It was seriously starting to show. I couldn't keep going like this, I had to force some food down today at least. "It's a good job you bought the goods then," I smiled as I grabbed the coffee from her hands.

We went down to the Hotel foyer together to get a car down to the track.

"Were you up all night working or something."

"What..." I snapped out of the daze I had been in. "Yeh something like that." I try to brush the conversation off, I didn't want people knowing how badly I was coping behind closed doors. It was private.

"Well at least you'll have no time to think about how exhausted you are. Your still coming to the meal tonight though right?" She asked while questioning me.

"Oh.... Lauren I don't know!" I exclaim.

"No.... Absolutely not! You have to come. You can't put all the work in that you do and not reap any rewards!" Lauren had stopped walking toward the car, looking to me with doe eyes. "Daniel will be there..." she teased.

"Oh shut it." I smiled. "Yes, I'd guest, as one of the drivers he might have shown his face." I rolled my eyes smiling.

The rest of the day went well. As Lauren had predicted I had not stopped all day and not even had time to think about how tired I was. Daniel had questioned my late night outing briefly, Michael had read slightly more into it pulling me aside asking 'if everything was okay' and reassuring me I could talk to him if I needed anything. I brushed him off telling him it was just a one off bad night and I'd catch up on some sleep when the weekend was over.

We'd done press, filmed for Red Bulls YouTube channel, completed some F1 interviews and some in house interviews for the website. Daniel had wanted to film some behind the scenes for his own social media and asked me to go on the track walk with them. We'd just about finished when I headed into his drivers room to wrap up for the day and make sure he was good for me to head back to the hotel.

"So I think that's everything! I've got some of the paperwork and final documents to finish up, terms and conditions and that crap. But I can get that done tonight or first thing. Oh and also I have tomorrows itinerary sorted, so I'll double check that tonight as well and send it across as soon as possible," I looked up at him, stopping to breathe.

"Jesus... are you just at 100% all the time," he chuckled to himself.

"Huh... what do you mean"

"You, you never. I mean it's a compliment. Your amazing at your work. It's just, you very rarely relax, or you don't look like!" My face dropped subconsciously and he stopped talking.

Great, bet he thinks I'm a right bore. I quickly go to straighten my face but tears start burning my eyes. Fuck, hold yourself together. Deep breaths.

In and out. In and out

"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean," we locked eyes.

"No it fin.."

"That came out wrong," he interrupted. "Look I really like spending time with you, that's not what I was getting at just to be clear." I forced a smile. "Now I am just digging a hole, so I'm going to stop and start again."

I didn't have time for this. I was barely holding my tears in. I was tired and the smallest of things seemed to tip my emotional scale.

"Are you coming tonight?" He asked.


"To the dinner? You'll be there right?" He sounded hopeful.

"Yeah, I'm going to show my face at least! Could do with some sleep, so might have an early night."

"Oh... great. You face will make the night much more enjoyable!" Our eyes locked as he smiled and I blushed.

"Ever the charmer Mr Ricciardo"

"Oh Miss Libby. I'm only getting started."

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