Part Thirty-One

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I'd made sure the interviews were short and sweet for Daniel. I'd cancelled anything not urgent and turned down as much as I could. We'd wrapped up pretty quickly and I headed back to the hotel with Lauren.

I think most of paddock had had the same thoughts as us trying to get earlier media slots pushing what wasn't needed and racing through their debriefs. The season has been pretty full on and it had only just got started.

So many of the drivers fighting for those top spots in cars that were all very competitive. We'd not seen a year like this in a while. That said, a night out had been organised by a few drivers, that now included hiring out a club or something I'd heard, but it had an open invite to all the teams and staff.

Much to Lauren's surprise it was me who said I couldn't wait for the night and to get off my face drunk. I was so ready to have a night drinking, dancing and having some real girl time with her. We'd agreed to meet at my room for 8:30 for some pre drinks and head out from there.

Daniel had made an effort to speak to me today and I'd done by test to keep it short and professional. I avoided any conversation with Michael while other guys asked where I had been and even a few other drivers came to say they'd missed seeing me and that Daniel had been sulking for days. 'Good' I thought. Max had made a couple of appearances and tried to speak to me but I carefully avoided those.

I didn't want to talk about it, I was embarrassed enough. Tonight I was just going to let myself go. Men were always playing with me, my emotions. They think I'm just a slut, so be it, that's what I'll be, and I'll have fun doing it.

I made an effort with my outfit and makeup, I mean it want anything much but considering how bad my appearance had been that last few days. It was a miracle, and even if I say so myself, I didn't look half bad.

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Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now