Part Eighty-Four

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🎵 Atlantis – Seafret 🎵

Complete silence. No smiles, no jumping into my arms in excitement. Nothing.

"What." He said "Your joking right." His voice was sharp, it stung me.

"No, I didn't think, the doctor told me. He did a urine sample and"

"You said you were on fucking birth control!"

"I am, I don't know what happened," I was shocked at the anger in his voice.

"Fucking hell!" He was shouting now, "well what you haven't been taking it or what!"

"I have, I don't..." I was crying now. Tears streaming down my cheeks. "Daniel please."

I'd never seen him so angry, he threw his hands out in rage, wiping the contents from the top of the dresser. "You've fucking ruined everything." The objects fell to the floor, my perfume had smashed all over. He was pacing toward me now. As he got close I could smell the alcohol on him, he was drunk, his eyes weren't his, they were cold and dark. The eyes I had only seen like this once before. He threw a punch against the window. Centimetres from my face, i cowered at his side. "Was this your plan all along" he continued to storm the room, a whirlwind, leaving behind only devastation.

This wasn't the man I loved, this wasn't the man who held me when I cried. The man I poured my heart and soul to. The man who knew the fear I had of violence.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now, I can't fix this now, you've fucked everything," he carried on. "What do you want, cash to sort the problem."

I shook my head in shock. I hadn't stopped crying, I could barely catch my breath. I felt emotions I couldn't describe, he was tearing my soul out. What was happening. "You disgust me, I can't fucking look at you anymore." He walked away slamming the door shut. I fell to my knees sobbing uncontrollably. He had just hurt me in a way I didn't think possible. The things he said burned in my mind.

My auto pilot kicked in, my mind went to survival mode. I wasn't doing this again, I couldn't stay here. I picked up the smaller of the two luggage bags I had with me. I knew I wouldn't manage to get the other out the house without alerting anyone. I packed as quick as I possibly could. Put in everything I could fit, everything I needed. I couldn't fit all my clothes, it didn't matter, he could burn them for all I cared.

I looked out the window after I'd packed everything up, I'd finally calmed my breathing. I couldn't believe this was my life right now, the small matter of hours since this morning had changed everything. My future thrown back into complete disarray.
I could see Daniel sitting alone.

It was now or never, I'd called a car to meet me at the end of the drive and it would be here any minute. I wiped my tears and headed out. I was cautious and careful not to be caught by anyone. I needed to leave now, I wasn't talking about this, I wasn't being guilt tripped into hearing him out, to hearing his pathetic excuses for being a prick. I was out of here. He wasn't the person everyone thought he was. Their was a monster inside of everyone. He'd had his chance and he'd well and truly blown it. I was done.

I walked down the drive as quick as I could, the driver came to get my luggage and put it in his truck. "Airport is it?"

"Please," I replied, my voice was shaking. It was a 30 minute drive to the airport, I wasn't sure if Daniel was even going to realise I'd gone before I arrived. I decided I didn't want to know, I flicked my phone to airplane mode to block any and all calls.

I thanked the driver when we arrived and headed to find a kiosk. Virgin was the first I saw so I headed over. "How can I help," the lady on the counter asked.

"I want to board the next flight to the UK. Nearest airport to Milton Keynes but I'll take whatever." I replied.

It took a while but she sorted me a ticket on the next outbound flight to London Luton, the only available seat being in business class meant I had to dig deep into my bank account to pay for it. That was all my savings for the last few months blown.

I only had 30 minutes till they were boarding so I got a priority ticket to speed through lines at security and check in. Considering how much of a mess I was, things were going surprisingly smoothly. I made it to my gate with a few minutes to spare and boarded. I'd spent the whole time crying, tears were just pouring from my eyes and I hadn't got the strength to hold them back. People had just started in confusion at me. But I didn't care I just let them fall.

It was clear to me, sitting in this seat as the plane taxied to the runway, something was ending here. And that hurt beyond words. The tears came thicker and faster as I sobbed into my jumper.

Was this the end of everything?

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