Part Eleven

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What was he doing. Was it fun for him to see me squirm under his control. Not only that, I'd agreed to spend the rest of the evening with him, watch a movie. Jesus I was going to be in for a long night.

The dinner had rapped up nicely at 9:30. Some of the guys where headed out, Lauren practically begged me to come for one more drink with her and Jamie but didn't put up much of a fight when I turned her down. I saw in the corner of my eye Daniel lingering by the door. Clearly he was waiting for me.

"Is he waiting for you?" She asked, a smile as wide as her whole face appeared.

"Probably work." I blurted out. I'd decided not to say anything about the movie. I wasn't exactly sure why but something made me want to keep it for myself.

We all made our way back to the Hotel foyer and said our goodbyes to those departing, continuing the night. I followed Daniel and Michael into the lift, butterflies filling my stomach.

When we got to Daniels door there was an awkwardness. No one really sure how to navigate the next moment. Was I right to presume we were going into Daniel's room. What if he had forgotten and expected me to carry on heading back to mine. Michaels voice cut the silence.

"Well see you guys tomorrow. Enjoy your... movie," he raised an eyebrow. Nice Michael, the pause was greatly not needed. I followed Daniel through into his room, and holy shit. It was practically a studio apartment.

"Nice isn't it?" He had taken no time and was already topless. Jesus his body. I turned away to head to the sofa across the room. He grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.

"You want to borrow something to change into. Something a bit more relaxed?" He asked

"Erm... yeh that would be nice thanks."

He'd grabbed a T-shirt and some shorts out his wardrobe and passed them over. It was comfortable, and his smell still lingered on them. I'd not been sure what to keep on, laying in my bra wasn't exactly going to be the most comfortable but would be awkward to just have them swinging around. Once I'd got the top on it was baggy enough that it hadn't really mattered much, I'd taken my bra off and wrapped it in my dress.

As I reentered the room Daniel was laying on the bed with a bowl of popcorn resting between his legs.

"You took your time! Come on the tv is much better here than the one by the sofas." I made my way toward him. "You don't mind do you?"

"No," I smile. "What are we watching?"

We'd flicked through a few movies before landing on a comedy Daniel had picked and settled in.

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