1. Morning

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I wake up to the sound of dad yelling my name. i look at the clock in my room to see what the time is. i finally get my eyes to Focus on it. the clock says 12:00 pm "5 more minutes!" i yell. i hear dad come up the stairs. My door swings open "time to wake up sleeping beauty" dad says. I cover my eyes from the light. i finally get out of bed tripping over my guitar i left on the floor "you should probably pick that up" dad says "no shit" i say back picking it up and hanging it back on the wall "get ready and come downstairs something came in the mail for you" dad says "what is it" i ask " just know it's something your going to hate" dad says "so anything basically" i say back "ok now get ready I'll be downstairs" dad says closing my door behind him. I grab my gray ripped jeans that had spray paint on them ac/dc shirt black boots and denim Jacket. I head off to the bathroom to get ready. I get dressed and see myself in the mirror "wow my hairs a mess" i think to myself i brush it and decide to keep it down instead of pulling it up. I make my way to the kitchen where dad is. he's wearing his blue pants black shirt and brown boots he has his hair down which was wavy. He hands me the mail he talked about i opened it. It said if i want to graduate i had to go back to school. I look at dad with a blank expression "i know it's bullshit" dad says "i have to go back to that shit hole just to graduate from some shit school" i say back "i know but it's only for till your 18" dad says "but i haven't been to that school since ash died in that car accident" i say back feeling the tears getting ready to fall down my face just thinking about her. dad hugs me "i know she was your best friend but you can get through this" dad says. I pull away from the hug and wipe my tears with my sleeve "right" i say "tomorrow we will go and meet all your teachers" dad says i nod "do you want to go for a ride around town" dad suggests. I shake my head yes. We go to dads truck that's slowly falling apart. We get in the dad drives and i get to pick the music. i grab a ac/dc cassette tape. i put it in "i thought you lost that tape" dad says "i found it under the back seat last time i cleaned the truck" i say back dad laughs. "Remember the red Camaro" I say "hell yeah i remember it i can't remember what we named it" dad said "Alice" i say back. It had been around a hour of us blasting music and remember the old times before we moved to this shit hole. We pissed off a lot of the neighborhood with are Music. Dad pulls into the driveway we get out and dad locks it. i look across the road to see a family moving in to the house across the road that no one had lived in for almost a year "looks like someone finally Bought that piece of shit" dad said while pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lightning it. I laugh then see a dirty blond boy come out of the house and head to the blue Camaro that's park in their driveway. he sees me looking at him. He smiles then gets in his car. He drives off with his music blasting. "He seems like a douche bag" dad says. "We should probably get inside it's starting to get dark out" i say back. We head inside i go to my room and sit at my desk and start drawing. I did that for about a hour then i hear music coming from outside. I put down my pencil and head to my window that's by my bed that Face's the front of the house. I see the blue Camaro pull into the houses driveway across the road. "Dinners ready!" dad yells "coming!" i yell. I run down the stairs trying not to fall then walk into the kitchen and see a Pizza box on the counter. Me and dad grab a slice and sit at the table "i think i might talk to that boy across the road tomorrow" i say "go for it but if he lays a finger on you punch him" dad says i laugh "got it" i say back. We finish eating and it was dads turn to wash dishes. I head upstairs and go to the bathroom and get in the shower. When i get out of the shower i grab a towel and wrap it around me. i see myself in the mirror i notice the dark brown dye in my hair is starting to fade. i see the light brown hair starting to show. all i can think of is how it reminds me of mom and how she left me and dad when i was 6 and moved to who knows where. I walk out of the bathroom and yell down the steps to dad "if you go to the store tomorrow pick up more dark brown hair dye!" i yell "on my list!" dad yells back. I head back to my room and grab a Metallica shirt and black shorts. I look at my leg and see the long scar i have from when i was 13 and was running from the cops after all most beating a kid to death and jumping over a metal fence and ripping my pants and cutting my leg open. "that was a fun hospital trip" I think. It's weird to think that I'm 16 now. It was 11:00 pm now Dad had gone to bed and i finally gone to sleep to.

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