93. Photos

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A week had passed and billy was at work. I was
Practicing with my guitar since i hadn't had time lately. My door swings open and i look up to see dad standing in the doorway and Jamie behind him. I put my guitar down then stand up. Dad hugs me "how did you get here" i ask "breaking every law known to man" Jamie says "turns out i was flared for longer than i thought" dad says "he was flared for months, i did the math" Jamie says "wait so what's the last thing you remember" i ask "going to the bar then being stuck in pitch blackness" dad says "he was filled in on everything that has happened" Jamie says "wait do you know Fiona and Jay" i ask "didn't till i was told about them" dad says "Jesus Christ this is a lot to take in" i say back "i have just like little clips of what has happened over the pass few months" dad says "so everyone thinks your dead now to" i say back "mostly everyone" dad says. Dad goes downstairs and Jamie comes into the room. "What's the mission for the upside down" Jamie asks "you swear on your life you won't tell anyone" i say back "i swear" Jamie says "I've done a shit ton of research and i feel like ash might be alive there" i say back "even after all these years your still determined to find her" Jamie says "she was my best friend, i will find answers even if it kills me" i say back "let me know if you need a side kick" Jamie says "more like side chick" i say back "fuck you" Jamie says. We go downstairs to dad. "Well we should go before your boy toy gets home" Jamie says smiling "get bent" i say back "not my thing" Jamie says "your gross" i say back laughing Jamie smiles. Dad and Jamie leave to see Kate. I grab my skateboard and skate back and forth thru the house since nowhere in the house had carpet. I hear the front door open so i hide my skateboard then go to the door. I see billy taking his boots off with his back turned to me. I wait for him to stand up then i walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his neck. "Evening fucker" i say "evening to you to darling" billy says. We go to the kitchen "no jeans i see" billy says "i felt like wearing shorts for once" i say back. Billy picks up my hands and turns them over looking at my palms "what did you do to your fingers" billy asks "guitar" i say back "remind me never to play guitar" billy says "you'll be better at singing" i say back "have you never heard my voice crack" billy says "yes, its fucking hilarious" i say back "your dose it to" billy says "my voice is fucked from all the shit over the years" i say back "whatever" billy says walking to fridge "you might hate me but i might leave sooner" i say "why" billy asks "i did more research and my mission might only take like two weeks" i say back "what even is this mission about" billy asks walking back over to me. Billy stands in front of me and makes me look him in the eyes. "Your a dick" i say "i know you struggle to lie when your making eye contact with someone" billy says "why did i tell you about that" i say back "because you got tired of me putting your keys out of your reach, now answer the question" billy says "fine, I'm trying to find someone" i say back "who" billy asks "ash" i say back "why" billy asks "i feel like she might still be alive in there" i say back "50/50 chance" billy says "no shit" i say back. Billy puts his hand in my jacket pocket trying to find my keys. Billy takes his hand out "why do you have a bag of weed in your pocket" billy asks "Jamie or my dad must have snuck it in my pocket" i say back. I take the bag then put it back in my pocket. I light a cigarette then go to the living room. I sit against the couch and billy walks in then sits on the couch. Billy sit behind me making it so i was in between his legs. I lean back and billy leans down. Billy puts his hand on my throat and the other up my shirt. Billy leaves marks on my neck. "They just disappeared from last week" i say "i know" billy says and i roll my eyes. Someone knocks on the front door "most likely my mom" billy says getting up "shit" i say getting up. Billy gets the door and i quickly go to the bedroom. I put jeans on and hide my weed then go back downstairs. I go back to the kitchen and see billy and his mom. I get a bottle of water then see his mom looking at me weird. I stand beside billy and take a sip from the bottle "you guys better be using condoms or something" she says. I almost spit out my drink and billy looked embarrassed "you good" billy asks "i think" i say back fighting coughing "i mean it you to" she says "we're safe about stuff, and i would not like to be a dad yet" billy says "and i hate kids" i say back billy laughs. We go to the table and she puts down a photo book. She turns to a page then turns it to face us. It was pictures of me and billy as kids. "Fuck we have changed a lot over the years" i say "a lot" billy says. "This might be a personal question but what is your real name, I'm guessing that your like billy and go by your middle name" she asks. I look at billy then back at his mom "august" i say back quietly hoping she wouldn't hear it "don't worry i won't call you it, i just wanted to know since glam isn't a common name" she says i nod "so your full name would be august glam northwest" she says "i was originally a price" i say back "I'm guessing that is your moms last name" she says "yep" i say back "everyone knows her as glam angus northwest" billy says i smile "you actually remember my middle name" i say back "why wouldn't i" billy says "i don't know most people don't remember middle names" i say back "hopefully you'll be a Hargrove one day" she says "one day" billy says "you all ready call me a Hargrove" i say back billy smiles "your not wrong" billy says. "Why wasn't your mom around" she asks "she was busy with drugs and my dad wasn't fit to be a dad, my uncle took care of me more then anything" i say back "you mean frank right" billy says "yeah, how do you think me and Jamie got into so much trouble as we did" i say back "wait so Jamie is franks kid, but Nate is Jamie's brother" billy says confused "well family tree time, frank had Jamie and Bryan had nate, but all three of us grow up to together and those two have always called each other brothers, and nate has a sister then Kate has a son that's in a different state" i say back "makes sense now" billy says. We talk for a little then she leaves. "Sorry she asked about your name" billy says "it's fine" i say back. I sit on the couch and billy leans over the couch "have you talk to Skyler" billy asks "nope every time she calls i pick up and let her talk for a few seconds then hang up" i say back. Billy sits beside me "how was getting the sex talk from your mother" i ask "hell" billy says "did you even get the talk when you became a teen" i ask "kinda, you" billy says "nope, my dad never made the effort, Kate was the one that gave me the talk" i say back. "Do you think we will ever become parents" billy asks "i don't know" i say back "you always sound scared when we talk about becoming parents" billy says "because i am" i say back "why" billy asks "all the shit i have been injecting with will most likely always be in my system, so if a get pregnant then it will most likely go into the kid, and last thing we need is a kid with powers" i say back "didn't think of that" billy says "Just know I'm not as tough as i make myself seem" i say "i can tell" billy says. I put my head on billy's lap "what do you want to do with your life" billy asks "make it the most livable as i can" i say back "what was your dream as a kid" billy asks "become a rockstar, you" i say back "professional surfer" billy says "then you should become one" i say back "glam it is October i refuse to get in the water" billy says "then become one when summer comes around" i say back. The front door swings open and Skyler walks in "next time you speak of the devil you get to deal with the fucking devil" i say "your sister your problem" billy says "dick" i say back. I get up and walk up to Skyler. "Why have you been hanging up on me" she says "because i can, plus you pissed me off" i say back "so this is how it's going to be now" Skyler says "only for a few more days" i say back "so your just going to stop picking up the phone" Skyler says "well there's two options" i say back walking to the kitchen and Skyler follows. I find the fake pill bottle i hid. I hold it up "leave or i take every single one" i say "you wouldn't" Skyler says. Billy walks in "oh yes i would" i say back "fine" Skyler says before leaving. "Is that real" billy asks. I open the bottle and drop the jellybeans in my mouth. I hide the bottle "nope jellybeans" i say back "you are fucked up" billy says "no shit" i say back. We go upstairs and i finish packing. "Got everything you'll need" billy asks "i think" i say back "what about cassettes" billy says "shit yeah I'll need those" i say back. I go to my cassettes and look thru them and grab some. I find one that had ash written on it. "Hey billy where's your radio" i ask "window" billy says. I walk over to the window and put the cassette in the radio. I listen and realize that it was Pink Floyd. "That's new" billy says "it's Pink Floyd it's one of ashes favorite bands" i say back. I take it out and add it to the others in my bag. "Now i think i have everything" i say "so when are you leaving" billy asks "end of this week" i say back "can't i come with you" billy asks. I was shocked that billy would suggest that "it's your choice" i say back "then i want to come with you" billy says "are you sure, you've seen how that place is, do you think you could handle it" i say back "yes I'm sure" billy says "then your coming with me" i say back. I put my bag back then lay beside billy. "At least i wont lose my mind there" i say "believe me i won't shut up about anything" billy says "good" i say back. "Dose this mission have a name" billy asks "find ash" i say back "good name" billy says i laugh.

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