94. Warrior (the end for now)

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A few days passed and we arrive back at Hawkins. Billy drove because i didn't trust leavening my car parked in the woods. Jamie stayed in California to take care of the house. Dad had been cleaning up the house because Fiona and Jay had trashed it. "Can't believe your doing this" billy says "I'm just glad you changed your mind, last thing i need is you getting hurt" i say back "your sure you have everything you need" billy says "yes, there's just something i have to grab at the house" i say back. We talk about everything we could think of since we don't know how long it will be till we'll see each other again. We arrive at the house and billy parks. I quickly get out and go inside. The house was still kinda a disaster. Dad walks around the corner "the fuck did they do to the house" i ask seeing that it looked like someone had been thrown into the wall "no fucking idea" dad says "i swear if one of those fuckers touched even my door i will kill every single one of them" i say back before going upstairs. My door looked like someone had tried to kick it in "glad i put all those locks on" i think. Billy walks up beside me. I take my key out of my pocket and unlock the door. I open the door then walk inside. It was weird being back in this room after all the shit that had happened. "This is weird" billy says looking around "tell me about it" i say back. I start looking around for what i was looking for. I find it and sit it on my desk. I look thru the bag and take out my walkie talkies. I throw one to billy and he catches it. I put the other in my bag then hide the other bag. "I'm getting in the shower you know your way around the house" i say before going to the bathroom. I lock the door then look in the mirror "don't over think this" i think. I get undressed then get in the shower. I get out and dry myself off. I get dressed then tie my jacket around my waist. I tie my boots then braid my hair to keep it out of my face. I step back to look at myself in the mirror again. I look at my number in the mirror "time to be a six not a bitch" i think. I unlock the door then go to my room. I walk in and see billy sitting on the bed with something in his hand. "Everything alright" i ask "what's this" billy says holding up a bag with powder in it "everything you think it is" i say back "so cocaine" billy says "yeah" i say back "how long has it been in this room" billy asks "months, i hid drugs everywhere in this room" i say back "then it's your responsibility to get rid of it" billy says walking up to me "easy" i say back. I take it then throw it in the trash can "now can i trust you not to come back and do the drugs" billy says "why would i come back just for drugs" i say back "i never know with you" billy says "i have my weed I'll be fine" i say back "Jesus Christ you seriously brought weed with you" billy says "uh yeah why wouldn't i" i say back billy rolls his eyes "let's go i have a mission to complete" i say putting my bag on my shoulder. Billy grabs my wrist keeping me from leaving the room. "Yes" i say "a few more minutes" billy says "fine" i say back. Billy hugs me and i rest my head on his shoulder. "Please be safe" billy says "i will, same goes for you" i say back "god i hate that i care about someone this much" billy says i laugh "same" i say back. Billy let's go "ready" billy asks "ready as I'll ever be" i say back. We go downstairs and hear yelling outside "fuck this" i think. We go outside and see Jay "you get to kill him" i whisper "gladly" billy whispers. Dad hugs me before i step off the porch with billy behind me. "I would leave if i was you Jay" i say "fuck you august" Jay says "well now your asking to lose a fight" i say back "your just a bitch" Jay says "last i checked i was a six" i say back billy laughs "you make no sense" Jay says "only people that aren't bitches get it" i say back trying to piss him off. Jay try's to hit be but i use my powers to stop him "your not winning this time, like you won last time" i say. Billy gets in front of me and dad steps off the porch. "Next time you get flared i get to kill you" i say "definitely" dad says. I look at dads watch it was 5:48 pm. I wait for billy and Jay to stop yelling at each other then i tap billy's arm. "Time to go" i say "got it" billy says. We go to Billy's car leaving dad to deal with Jay. Billy drives and i look at everything we pass. "I'm going to be honest, I'm scared" i say "who wouldn't be" billy says "what are your plans" i ask "probably stay in town incase your mission ends early" billy says "smart" i say back "what's your plan if you find ash" billy asks "get us out of there and find you" i say back "what if vecna traps you in there" billy says "he can't, this mark makes it so i can control when the gate opens and closes" i say back "so it's like a new power" billy says "kinda" i say back "just try not to over use your powers, i don't want you passing out and me not be there to protect you" billy says "I'll be fine, i can survive without my body guard" i say back "more like life support" billy says "hey just because you don't trust me with a lot of stuff doesn't mean i can't take care of myself" i say back "anything that involves fire you can't be trusted with" billy says "oh but you let me keep my lighter, but not use a stove" i say back "that's different" billy says. "Just remember you even tough another woman that i don't know I'm killing your ass" i say "i know" billy says "i mean it i will watch your every move" i say back "whatever" billy says. "After this mission and we go back to California i'm refusing to leave" i say "same" billy says. We arrive at the gate in the woods and billy parks. We get out and i make sure i have everything. I make sure my sword was ok then i grab my bag. I tie my bandanna then let it hang from my neck. I walk up to the gate and billy stands beside me. Billy holds my hand "i can tell your nervous" billy says "because i am" i say back. I turn around to face billy. I hug him not wanting to let go. "Everything's going to be okay" billy says "i swear to god you better talk to me nonstop" i say back "i will" billy says. I let go and hold billy hands. "I'm just scared I'll lose you" i say fighting crying "your not going to" billy says before kissing me. Billy takes my marker out of my pocket and takes the cap off. "Put your arm out" billy says and i do as told. Billy draws a heart with an arrow thru it on my arm then puts his name below it. "That's my promise that you won't lose me" billy says giving me back my marker i smile looking at it. "Well i guess this is goodbye for now Hargrove" i say "i guess it is northwest" billy says "don't forget me" i say back "couldn't if i tried" billy says. I kiss billy before getting closer to the gate. I take out my sword "wait" billy says i turn around. Billy walks up to me "i love you" billy says "i love you to" i say back. Billy kisses me again. I put my bandanna on then look at billy and nod. I walk thru the gate and look around. After a few seconds i hear billy walk thru. "I'm doing this with you" billy says "then let's have the time of are lives" i say back. We make are way thru the woods making it to town. We walk down the road and talk. "Heads up i get to bring home a demogorgon as a pet" i say "not happening" billy says "your mean" i say back. We make it to the high school. We walk around the back trying to find a way to the roof. I find a ladder and climb onto the roof. I wait for billy at the top. We walk around "never thought i would be on the roof of this place" billy says "there's always a first for everything" i say back. We sit on the edge "17 has definitely been an experience" i say "agree" billy says "can i be honest with you" i ask "any time" billy says "i figured you would be like every other guy in this town, never thought the day i decided to talk to you would lead to this" i say back "same goes for you" billy says. Three days had passed. "How you holding up" i ask "why is everything here fucking creepy" billy says holding onto a stick he shaped for dear life "ask vecna" i say back. I see demobats circling something in the distance "stay close" i say billy nods. We carefully make are way to them. I see a glimpse of orange hair in the middle of the madness. "Stay here" i say before getting closer to them. I take out my sword then run into the middle of them. The bats scatter and i see Ash. She had cuts on her arms and legs. "Ash" i say "glam" she says as her face lights up. I drop my sword then quickly hug her. "Your actually alive" i say starting to cry "how did you find me" Ash says "i don't know, but none of that matters anymore" i say back. I let go and she looks at me "you've changed so much" Ash says "after you died i just kinda gave up" i say back "what have a missed" Ash asks "a lot of fucking stuff" i say back. Billy walks up to us "Ash meet Billy" i say "oh god you started dating" Ash says "shut up" i say back she laughs "we should probably get out of this hell" billy says "definitely" i say back. I clean up Ash then we make are way back. "Did you ever find Chloe" Ash asks "yes" i say back "thank god" Ash says "Chloe and Morgan are ok and safe, and now you" i say back feeling tears falling down my face "if you even get me crying again I'm punching you" Ash says "we haven't seen each other since we were 15 after being inseparable are entire lives, plus you died" i say back. We make it back to the gate then walk thru. "Fuck i hate the sun" Ash says "when you you swear" i say back "since now" Ash says. We take Ash home then head back to California. "That was fucking crazy" billy says "the craziest thing ever" i say back "how did she survive all these years" billy asks "no fucking clue" i say back. After driving for forever we make it home. Billy parks and we get out. I grab my stuff and Jamie walks outside. "Find her" Jamie asks "yep" i say back. Jamie leaves and i unpack. "Want to do something fun" billy asks "always" i say back. We go outside and sit on the hood of his car. We look at the stars "can i tell you something" i ask "sure" billy says. I hold his hand and he looks at me "billy Hargrove welcome to the life of a town fuckup" i say back.


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