19. Rumor

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I roll over to look at my door. I get my eyes to focus and see someone standing beside my bed. I jump up and stand on my bed. I grab my pocket knife from under my pillow. I see a creature with vine like things covering its body "come back to us six" it says. I try to move but I can't move my body. It puts its hand up to my face. It had sharp claws like fingers. I wake up trying to breath. I look at the clock it says 4:28 am. "Why is this happening to me now after all these years" i think. I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser. I open the drawer and dig thru my clothes. I find dads gun. I grab it and close the drawer. I sit on my bed and see if it has bullets in it. It has some in it. I put it behind my bed so if i need it i have it. I go back to sleep. I wake up at 1:08 pm. I get up and get dressed. I walk downstairs dad is nowhere to be seen. I get a bowl of cereal and sit at the table. After I'm done i put the bowl in the sink. The phone rings. I answer the phone "hello this is glam" i say "it's Sam" Sam says "oh hey" i say back "ok i have to make this quick because I'm using the school phone, but clover is telling everyone you slept with Steve" Sam say "wait she's what!" i say back "yeah she's telling everyone" Sam says "that bitch" i say back "sorry i have to go ill come by your place after school" Sam says "ok" i say back before hanging up. "Fucking clover" i think. I walk onto the porch and light a cigarette. After a few minutes i see billy pull into his driveway. Billy and max get out of the car. Max goes inside and billy starts walking to me. I put out my cigarette and walk to the front yard. Billy walks up to me "if your going to ask me about the Steve thing it's under control" i say "i want to know who's telling the entire school that you slept with Steve and that I'm dating some random bitch" billy says "it's clover" i say back. Billy just looks at me "I'm guessing that she got pissed off that i was with you more then her in California, she's done this before" i say "how the fuck are we going to fix this" billy says "i have a game plan" i say back. We go inside to my room "ok so we have to think of a lie about clover" i say "what if we tell everyone that she's slept with every guy at school" billy says "good plan" i say back. Sam comes into my room "it's got worst" Sam says "how" i ask "she's telling people that she's dating billy" Sam says "gross" billy says "I'm going to fucking kill her" i say back. "Ok new plan" i say. Billy and Sam look at me "ok so during lunch I'm going to sneak into you guys school and you know" i say "your going to fight her" billy says "yep" i say back. I hear dad pull into the driveway. "Fuck" i think. Dad walks into my room drunk. "You fucking bitch!" dad yells. Billy puts me behind him "leave" sam says "this is my house i will do what i want!" dad yells. I walk past billy. Sam grabs my hand keeping me from getting closer to dad. "I'll send you back to the lab!" dad yells "try mother fucker" i say back. Dad swings at me but billy grabs dad's wrist. Sam let's go of my hand. Dad starts yelling at billy and Sam's ready to stop a fight. I walk over to my bed and grab a glass bottle from under my bed. I stand at my bed "move" i say. Sam and billy turn around. Sam and billy get out of the way. Dad looks at me "Leave" i say "you win" dad says. Dad leaves and i put the bottle back. "I can tell this is an everyday occurrence" billy says. A few hours had passed and Sam and billy went home. Dad went back to the bar. I lay on my bed trying to think of what to do. After a few minutes i give up and just lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.

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