78. Devil

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I ended up falling asleep in my car. I wake up and look around "shit" i think massaging my temples. I look at the porch "at least dad left the porch light on for me" i think. i unlock the doors "wonder if Billy's up" i think. I get out and go inside. I look at the clock in the living room. It says 4:28 am "how long did i sleep" i think. I look around "shit i have school today, god damn it" i think. I go into the kitchen and turn the light on. I see a note on the stove "check oven". I open the oven and see cookies. I take one and take a bite "did dad get Sam's recipe" i think. I turn the light off and go upstairs to my room. My phone rings and i pick it up. "Hello" i say "hey darling didn't think you were up" billy says "i ended up falling asleep in my car, wait why are you up school doesn't start till 7" i say back "couldn't sleep" billy says "nightmare" i say back "yeah" billy says "i need to figure out a way to stop them" i say back "i do know something that would help" billy says "what" i say back smiling "you know, someone coming thru my window" billy says "see you soon" i say back before hanging up. I go back downstairs and go outside. I make my way to Billy's window. I knock on the window and he opens it "morning" i say "hello stranger" he says smiling. I crawl thru. Billy pulls me to his bed and we lay down. "How's your family" he asks "hell, jays the reason i fell asleep in my car" i say back "your always welcome in my bed" he says i laugh "good to know" i say back "so dose your dad think your not able to take care of yourself and the house, since he's had Jay watch you" he asks "starting to think that, my dad has been gone for months before and i took care of myself and the house, and i was only 14" i say back "what dose your dad do for work" he asks "power lines, he's done it since he was 21, and i think he's been to around 30 different states so far" i say back "Jesus Christ" he says "yeah" i say back laughing. We lay there in silence. I look and see that billy fell back asleep. I try to sleep. I wake up to Billy's alarm. Billy turns it off "rise and shine" he says "more like hell" i say back. I sit up and look at the clock "what time is it my vision won't focus" i say "6" he says "i should get home and change" i say back "I'm driving you to school" he says "will do" i say back. I crawl back thru the window and go home. I walk in and see dad making coffee. "Where were you" dad asks "Billy's" i say back "coffee" dad asks "gross" i say back dad laughs. I go to my room. I change and get my bag. I light a cigarette and put my shoes on. I put my cigarette out and go downstairs. I walk back into the kitchen. "Heads up I'm most likely going to work soon" dad says "what state this time" i ask "Colorado" dad says "a new one this time" i say back "yep. So you'll be in charge of the house, jay's staying with his dad and Fiona is going to visit family, so you'll have the house to yourself for at least a week" dad says "good" i say back. Jay walks into the kitchen "well i should head back to billy" i say "ok, wait you forgot something" dad says. I turn back and around and dad throws me a bottle of water. I catch it and put it in my bag. I go outside and go to Billy's car. Billy walks out of his house "why don't you take max with you anymore" i ask "class time changed, so she takes the bus now" billy says "i forgot about the time changes" i say back. We get in his car and he drives. "What to know something" i say "sure" he says "i joined more classes, so your stuck with me longer" i say back "i don't mind" he says smiling. Billy parks and we see people chanting something outside the school "did you do something" billy asks "not this time" i say back. We get out and make are way closer. We couldn't make out what the people were staying. A guy walks passed me and puts a flyer in my hands "the fuck" i say. I look at the flyer. It had Eddie's face on it and had "murderer, justice for Chrissy cunningham" written on it. I look at billy "phase two has started" i say "shit" billy says. We get inside and go to are lockers. I see dustin. I walk up to him and pull him into an empty class room. "What the fuck did Eddie do" i ask "people think he killed that girl" he says "wait what" i say back "we're trying to get the public to stop blaming him, he's hiding right now" he says "well fuck" i say back "we got this, i will call you if i need you" he says "you better" i say back. We leave the class room and i go back to billy. We walk down the hall. Everywhere you looked it was a the same flyer i was given. "Should we skip class to figure this out" billy asks "i know who killed her, now it's just trying to figure out who's next" i say back "right" billy says. We see Jason and he sees us "fuck" i say. Jason walks up to us "your freak friend killed my girlfriend" Jason says "i know Eddie, he's not someone that would murder someone" i say back "think twice" Jason says before walking away. We go to are first class which was history. We sit beside each other and pass notes back and forth. I didn't pay attention to the class. I was more focused on figuring out who's next. The class ends and we quickly leave. We hear yelling. I see Lucas dustin mike and max walking down the hall. They walk up to us "anything new" i ask "i get one more flyer and I'm going to burn this place to the ground" max says "there trying to get me to find Eddie" Lucas says "we know where he's at" dustin says "we got this" mike says handing me a picture. I look at it "it's another gate" i say looking at billy "you guys just try to stay safe, I'm trying to put together the dots" i say. They walk away "we're completely fucked" i say "maybe" billy says i look at him confused "i might not know a lot about your powers but i do know you can talk to this vecna thing" billy says "yes, we meet at your car at lunch" i say back "I'll be there" billy says. Billy goes to his next class and i skip. I talk to people to try to get answers about stuff. I write down everything i was told. I go to the room that hell fire was in. I put down my stuff and try to piece stuff together. After what felt like hours i gave up. Nothing was making sense. I put everything back in my bag. I walk out into the hall. The crowd took over the hallways. I push my way thru to get outside. I see billy by his car. I walk up to him "any answers" billy asks "nope, nothing is making sense" i say back "fuck" billy says "we're just going to have to wait and see who dies next" i say back "you sure" billy asks "it's really the only choice we have" i say back. We watch the crowd thru the doors "meet me at my house later i have an idea" i say billy nods. I take the bottle of water out of my bag. I take a drink and quickly regret it. "What" billy asks "that's not water" i say back billy laughs "why do you have vodka in a water bottle" billy asks "i don't know, last time i let my dad give me a water bottle" i say back. I put it back in my bag. We head back inside. "I'm going to go change" billy says "k, I'm going to pay Jason a visit" i say back. Billy goes to his locker and I walk around the halls looking for Jason. I walk to the back of the school and see Jason and his friends leaning against the school outside. I walk outside and walk up to them. "Hey dick heads" i say "finally realize your friend is a killer" Jason says "Jason i know about this shit more then you do, Eddie didn't kill her" i say back "yes he did, he was there when she died" Jason says. I use my powers to push Jason against the wall keeping him from moving. "When this town ends don't think people will believe your ass when everyone is dead" i say "your the devil" he says. I let him down and i wipe the blood off my nose. "It's called being put thru hell your entire life dick" i say back "only the devil can do that" Jason says "well then there's three devils in this town" i say back before walking away. I make my way to the gym to watch billy. I sit on the bleachers and see billy walking up to me. He sits beside me "should i ask what you did" billy says "you know, just made Jason think I'm the devil" i say back "christ" billy says. I take another sip of my so called water "this came in handy today" i say "i can see that" billy says. We see Jason and his friends walk in. I use my powers to hit Jason with a basketball. Jason looks around "i like being the devil" i say "just don't over work your powers" billy says "you are right there" i say back. Jason walks passed us. I use my powers to make his friend trip. He falls and quickly gets up and They leave. Billy's teams comes in "got to go see you after, don't over work yourself i don't need you passing out and Jason hurt you" billy says "yeah yeah sure" i say back. Billy goes to his team. The other team comes in. I watch them play and Billy's team won. Jason picks up a mic and gets in the middle of the room. He goes on about how Eddie is a bad person. He looks at me "everyone this is the devil" he says pointing at me. I flip him off. I use my powers to throw the mic across the room. Everyone looks at me "fuck it" i think. I get up and walk up to Jason. "May the devil go into Jason's body and take over his mind" i say walk in a circle around Jason. Jason freezes and i look at what he's looking at. I see vecna and I smile "perfect" i think. Vecna gets beside me "this is your offering i said i would get you" i say to Vecna. I use my powers to get everyone to see him. Everyone gasps "this day just got a lot more interesting" i think. Vecna disappears "now don't you ever fuck with me again" i say before leaving. I go to my locker and get my stuff. Billy walks up to me "let's get out of here" he says. We go to his car and he drives home. "so your the devil now" billy says "yep" i say back. Billy parks and we go inside. We see dad and Jay "i need the tv for like an hour" i say "ok" dad says.

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