50. Pool

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Billy lays down at the bottom of my bed. "When dose your shift start" i ask "2:00 pm" billy says "then I'll see you after work" i say back "you have a job" billy says "yeah i work at the record store, i only work there because frank is the owner" i say back. My phone rings "you have a phone in your room" billy says "yeah" i say back. I answer the phone "hello" i say. No one responds back. I wait a few seconds then hang up. It was 1:48 am. I lay down with billy. I hear a noise coming from my window "I'm going to kill someone" i say getting up. I walk over to the window and look around outside. I don't see anything. I close my blinds. I lock my door then lay back down. We fall asleep. I wake up to my alarm. I shut it off and get up. I grab my towel and head to the bathroom. I shower then brush my hair and teeth. I go back to my room. I put my swimsuit on then put shorts and Billy's shirt over it. I go downstairs. I look at the clock it says 9:15 am "i have 15 minutes to kill" i think. I have breakfast then put my shoes on and grab my bag. I take out my cigarettes. I light one then put the pack back in my bag. I get in my car and drive to work. I park then get out. I head inside and see Nate. Nate was helping a girl. I go behind the counter and see a note "glams job, reorganize records". I put my bag down. I head to the records and start going thru them. I see the woman dancing around with Nate i laugh. I finish half the records then take a break. Nate walks up to me "hey" Nate says "so dose Nate have a girlfriend" i say back "she's a friend" Nate says "I've heard that many times, not Believing it" i say back "finish your job" Nate says laughing "fine i will" i say back smiling. Nate walks off and i get back to the records. I finish then go back behind the counter. I look at the clock 11:28 am. Nate stands beside me "did you hear about Jamie" Nate asks "no i don't keep up with your so called brother" i say back "he works for the police now" Nate says "your kidding" i say back "nope he started two weeks ago" Nate says. I see clover walk in "shit" i say. I hide under the counter. Clover talks to Nate. I listen to the conversation. I could tell that Nate was getting nervous by the way his voice sounded. Clover started asking Nate weird personal questions. I get out from under the counter. "If you want to ask weird fucking questions your at the wrong place" i say Clover looks me up and down. I snap my fingers "eyes up here" i say. Clover flips me off as she walks out. "Thanks" Nate says "no problem" i say back. We make fun of each other's music taste "ac/dc is not good music" Nate says "they are good music mr i only listen to country music" i say back we laugh. We run around the store to kill time. I look at the clock it was 12:54 pm "you can leave if you want since your shift ends at one" Nate says "ok, you better call me tonight to give me more details on Jamie" i say back Nate nods. I grab my bag then go to my car. I drive to the mall. I park at the end of the parking lot. I put all the windows down. I put my feet on the dash. I light a cigarette and listen to music. I look at the mall. It was finally getting cleaned up. It was fenced off so no one could get to it. I see traffic cones. "They wouldn't notice if one went missing" I think. I put out my cigarette then get out. I make my way to the fence. I look around then grab one of the cones. I run back to my car and put it in the trunk. I close the trunk and get back in. "Now that i committed a crime i should head to the pool" i think. I drive off. I make it to the pool. I park then grab my bag and sunglasses. I head inside. I look around "i thought more people would be here" i think. I find a chair in the shade. I sit down and put my bag beside me. I see a group of woman on the side of the pool. I see the lifeguard chair. A woman was there. A few minutes pass and the group of woman were fixing there makeup. I look around and see billy walking out from the back. Billy walks past the group of woman. Billy walks up to me "shouldn't you be in the water" billy says "maybe" i say back smiling "I'll keep kids away from you" billy says "good" i say back. Billy goes to the lifeguard chair. I take my shorts and shirt off. I pull my hair up then get in the pool. I stay close to the corner. The group of women kept looking at me. I wait for all of them to look at me. They look at me and i flip them off. They quickly look away "didn't think that would work" i think. A girl swims up to me she looked familiar. She waves and i see 017 on her wrist. "Hey Dylan" i say "you remember me" she says "sorry i didn't get you out of there" i say back "it's ok a worker helped me escape after Brenner took you to fight that creature" she says "wait who's taking care of you" i say back "the same worker" she says. We hang out for a little then she leaves with a woman. A kid run's around the pool. Billy blows his whistle and the kid stops. He yells at the kid i laugh. Billy's shift ended. I get out and dry myself off. I put my clothes on over my swimsuit. The group of women came up to me "so i saw you talking to billy" the one says "so what it's none of your business" i say back. I listen to her talk about how i should stay away from billy. I look at her and it clicked "how about you focus on your husband and kids mrs wheeler" i say she looks at me "how do you know who i am" she says "my sister is friends with your son mike" i say back. They walk off "fuck you to" i say. Billy walks up to me "did they talk to you" billy says "i was tempted to drown one of them" i say back "yeah i swear it's like they never leave" billy says. We walk to my car "what to see something" i say billy looks at me. I open my trunk and take out the traffic cone "you did not fucking steal that" billy says "i did" i say back putting it back in the trunk "how do you not get arrested" billy says "i don't have to worry about that anymore because Jamie works for the police now" i say back. We talk for a few minutes "max wanted to know if you would take her to the skate park tonight" billy asks "sure i have no plans, tell her I'll pick her up at six" i say back billy nods. I kiss billy then get in my car. Billy goes to his car. I drive home. I park and get out. I walk to the porch. I hear someone running. I look and see max. She run's up to me "did billy ask you" she says "yes I'll pick you up at six" i say back "can we walk so we can skate home" she asks "sure" i say back. She run's back home i laugh. I go inside. I get in the shower. I get dressed and gather clothes to wash. I start a load of laundry. I go and grab my traffic cone out of my trunk. I take it to my room. I put on Sadie's jacket. I hear the phone ring. I answer it "glam!" dad yells "what" i say back "i got the best idea" dad says "what is it" i say back "we're going to get chickens" dad says "i could work with that" i say back "good because that's going to be are project when i get home" dad says "sounds good" i say back "i got to go bye" dad says "bye" i say back before hanging up. "He might be losing his mind" I think. I look at the clock it says 4:22 pm. I hear a car door. I look out the window and see billy walking to my car. He opens the door and puts something in my cup holder. He closes the door and goes back home. I wait for him to be inside before i go outside. I go to my car and open the door. I see a pack of cigarettes in the cup holder. I put the pack in my pocket. I go inside and grab a piece of paper. I write "thanks" on it. I walk over to his car and open the door. I put it on the dash then run home. I go inside. I turn music on and pick up stuff around the house.

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