6. Dinner

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I hear dad walk into my room and walk over to my radio. He put a guns n roses cassette in it. He turns it all the way up. "I'm awake!" i yell over the music "i know!" dad yells. Dad starts dancing around my room to the music. I sit up and watch him then i remember the tape. Dad realized i remembered it "you remember it now" dad says turning down the music "where did you find it" i ask "under the couch" dad says. "Get ready the Hargroves will be here in a few hours" dad says "ok" i say back. I get out of bed and put my Ozzy Osbourne shirt on black ripped jeans rings my necklace and sunglasses on. I head downstairs to find dad. "Hey I'm getting ready to head to the store to get stuff for dinner tonight, Want to come with" dad asks "no thanks I'm going to stay here" i say back "ok suit yourself ill be back" dad says. Dad leaves since I'm the only one it the house i go to the fridge and grab one of dads beers. I go and sit on the couch and watch tv. A few minutes have passed and i finish the beer and throw it in the trash. I got tired of watching tv so i put my shoes on and went outside to get the mail. I get the mail and head back inside. I look through the mail most of it was bills but one had my name on it so i open it. It was from mom again. i didn't want to read it so i throw it in the trash and put the rest of the mail on the counter for dad. I hear a knock on the front door. i open it to see a kid around the age of 11-13. She had blond hair green eyes and was wearing a pink and yellow dress. "What do you want kid" i ask "would you like to join the Church of god" the girl asks and hands a bible to me. I step back from the Bible to keep her from handling it to me "get lost kid" i say back as i close the door. "Fucking church kids" i say as i walk to the living room window to watch her leave. She finally leaves after about 5 minutes of standing at the door. 15 minutes had pasted and i see dad pull into the driveway. I help dad bring in the bags. "So what are you making" i ask "chicken and vegetables" dad says back "good choice" i say back. 2 hours had past it was 7:00 pm and I help dad by setting the table while he cooks. I put plates napkins and silverware on the table right as Dad finished cooking. I hear a knock on the door "I'll get it!" i yell. I open the door to see Neil Susan and billy. "Come in" i say Neil shakes my Hand Susan hugs me. Susan and Neil walk to dad. Billy hugs me "hi darling" billy whispers in my ear. I look at him and smile we head to the table. We all get are plates and sit down. We had a round table so dad and billy sat on each side of me "sorry max couldn't come she had a project with her friends tonight" Neil says "it's ok" dad says. We all talk for about an hour. Me and billy finish first "dad I'm going to take billy to my room" i say to dad "ok if you need me you know where I'm at" dad says. Me and billy walk to my room we walk in and i close my door. Billy pins me to the wall and kisses me "I've missed you" billy says " I've missed you to even though it's only been a day" i say back. He let's go of me and we sit on my bed "how's your hand from punching Steve" billy asks as he lays down. "Ok it still hurts a little" i say back. Billy grabs me and puts me on top of him and wraps his arms around me."is this necessary" i ask "very" billy says. I just except my faith and lay there. "Glam!" dad yells. me and billy get up and walk downstairs "your mom just pulled in the driveway" dad says looking a little scared "what" i say back confused "yeah" dad says looking out the window.

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