49. Paint

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A week had passed and dad was getting ready to leave for a work trip. I help dad take his bags to his truck. "Ok i might be gone for two weeks this time" dad says "ok no problem" i say back. I hug dad then he leaves "now for the real fun" i think. I go inside it was 6:18 pm. I was going to call billy but i figured i should let him be since the fight between us. I go to my room. I move my bed and find my spray paint. I take everything off the wall. I find a drawing that i did. I grab black spray paint. I paint a UFO on the wall. I let it dry then move my bed back. I hang my pictures back up. I hang up pictures of me and Sadie's first concert "i miss that day" i think. I make my bed. I look across the road and see Billy's car. I write "hey" on a piece of paper. I fold it and put my shoes on. I make my way across the road. I look around before opening Billy's car door. I put the note on his dash. I close the door and run back home. I trip on the sidewalk. I scraped my knee. I look at my knee it was starting to bleed "i can jump and fence but i trip on sidewalk" i think. I go inside and clean off the blood. The phone rings. I answer it "hello" i say "hey glam" Sadie says "look who finally called me" i say back "it's been a day" Sadie says "yeah yeah whatever" i say back "how are you after the billy thing" Sadie asks "fine" i say back "glam i know you, your not fine" Sadie says "i am" i say back "i know your stupid for him" Sadie says "shut up" i say back Sadie laughs "whatever you say" Sadie says. We talk for a little then her mom yells for her. We say are goodbyes then i hang up. I go to the porch and light a cigarette. I sit on the steps. I hear a car door. I look across the road and see billy "fuck" i think. Billy looks at the note. He puts it in his pocket. He starts walking over to me. I get up and walk to the yard. He stands in front of me. I step back "hey" billy says "hi" i say back. He hugs me "this is weird" i think. Billy looks at me "you good Hargrove" i say waving my hand in front of his face "yeah uh, Everything alright with us" billy says "yeah" i say back. "Want to go on a date" billy asks "sure, but i get to pick where we go" i say back billy nods "we're going to the abandoned house in the woods since me and Sam never got to go" i say "as long as we don't die" billy says. We go inside and to my room. I look thru my clothes. Billy looks at the pictures on the walls. "What concert was this" billy asks "ac/dc" i say back "what year" billy asks "79" i say back "wait you were 12 billy says "yeah, don't ask how me and Sadie's dad's got us in" i say back "ain't Sadie younger than you" billy asks "no she's a year older then me" i say back "i though all your friends thru out the years were the same age as you" billy says "nope, sam and ash are the same age as me and Sadie is a year older then me" i say back. I find clothes "if the cops show up you get out of there" i say "what about you" billy asks "I'll get another fine for trespassing" i say back "how many fucking times have you trespassed" billy asks i laugh "i lost count at 26" i say back "never asking that question ever again" billy says. I put pants on "hey billy you should stand by my bed" i say. Billy does what i say. I walk up to him. I push him on my bed then get on top of him. I pin his hands above his head "your my bitch now" i say "sure about that" billy says. He flips me over and pins my hands "fucker" i say "you really thought that would work" billy says smiling "kinda" i say back. He kisses me. He hands me my shirt and i put it on. "Ready to go" i say billy nods. We head outside "I'm driving" billy says holding up his keys. We get in his car. "Let's play a game called what's in your car" i say "nothing interesting" billy says "doubt it" i say back. He drives and i look around his car. I open the glove box. I find pictures of us and empty cigarette packs. I find condoms and hold them up "definitely billy Hargrove doesn't have anything interesting in his car" i say laughing "you didn't see anything" billy says. I put them back and close the glove box. I turn the music up. I watch billy tap the steering wheel to the music. Billy turns into the woods. We make it to the house "it's even more rundown then before" i say "it looks creepy" billy says. I see that they put a fence around the property "ready to clime a fence" i say "i guess" billy says. We get out and walk up to the fence. I throw my bag over then start to clime it. I make it over "your turn" i say picking up my bag. I watch him slowly make his way over. He makes it over and we head to the front door. I open the door "don't they lock doors anymore" billy says "i picked the lock a year ago" i say back. I hand billy a flash light. We walk around. He holds my hand. We go upstairs "you sure no one got murder here" billy says "someone may have got murder here" i say back Billy looks at me with a blank expression "I'm joking" i say. We find the attic. We go up and billy turns on the light. I look around. I find a book. I sit down and look thru it. Billy looks around. I find drawings. I get a weird feeling. I see billy by the light bulb "billy get away from the light" i say. He gets beside me. The light bulb exploded. "That's new" i say "how did you know" billy says "i had a feeling" i say back. Billy sits beside me and we look thru the book. We finish it and i put it back. I see a lamp in the corner. It turns on "uh billy" i say "yeah" billy says. I point at the lamp "that wasn't on a minute ago" i say. The lamp turns off "we should go" i say "agreed" billy says. We grab are stuff and quickly go outside. I look back at the house and see someone standing in the window. It was pitch black outside. We get over the fence and get in Billy's car. He quickly drives off. "Never doing that again" i say. I get the weird feeling again "billy slow down" i say. He slows down and a creature runs to the middle of the road. "What the fuck is that" billy says "demodog" i say back. It runs off "let's just make it home" i say. He drives home. He parks and we get out. Billy walks home with me "staying the night" i say "i have nothing better to do" billy says. We go inside and i lock the door. We change then sit on the couch. "Don't go outside till it's daylight" i say "definitely" billy says "that thing is the same thing people believed killed ash" i say back. I turn the tv on. The news was on. A picture came on. It was of a car smashed into a tree a few minutes away from town. I look at the car. It was a white van i get a better look at the license plate i laugh. "that's brenner's van" i say Billy Laughs "it looks like it's a few miles away from where the mall is" i say. I turn off the tv and we head upstairs. We go to my room. "Any plans for tomorrow" billy asks "nope" i say back "why don't you come by the pool" billy says "sure why not" i say back.

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