27. Neil

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I wake up and see that billy left. I get out of bed and grab clothes. I get dressed and walk downstairs. I get a water bottle out of the fridge. I put my shoes on and go on the porch. I light a cigarette and sit on the steps. After a few minutes i hear yelling. I look at Billy's house and see billy walk out and to his car. Neil is following behind him yelling. Billy gets in his car and drives off. Neil sees me and starts walking to me "what dose he want" i think. I stand up and walk onto the front yard. "I swear if i ever see you with my son again I'll make sure you never see him again" Neil says "the fuck did i do" i say back "your a no for good cunt, you think I haven't seen the posters everywhere" Neil says "oh your one of those people that believe everything you see" i say back "i only believe the truth, I've seen how you act" Neil says. I put out my cigarette "you can try all you want to keep me from your son but it's not going to work" i say back walking back onto the porch "you go near him I'll call the cops" Neil says "good luck" i say back before walking inside. I go and sit on the couch. After a few hours i hear a noise come from my room. I walk upstairs and open my door. I see billy laying on my floor. Billy gets up "hey" billy says "hey I'm guessing your hiding from your dad" i say back "yes and no" billy says. Billy told me what happened with him and his dad. "My dad is going to be home from work soon i need to go" billy says "ok" i say back before kissing him. Billy crawls back through my window and runs to his house. I go back downstairs. I sit at the table. After a few minutes i hear a car pull into the driveway. I look out the window and see hoppers cop car. I walk onto the porch. "I was called by the dick across the road" hopper says "for real" i say back "yep" hopper says. I put my shoes on and walk to Billy's house with hopper behind me. I knock on the door. Neil answers and he sees me and try's to close the door but hopper stops the door. I nod at hopper and he talks to Neil. I walk around to the back of the house. I open Billy's window and crawl thru it. I get off the floor. Billy turns around and looks at me "miss me fucker" i say "how did my dad not see you" billy asks "because the cop he called on me is talking to him" i say back sitting on his bed "he called the cops on you" billy says "yep your dad is a dick" i say back. Billy sits beside me. Billy's door opens and Neil walks in. "Why the fuck are you here" Neil says. I stand up and walk up to Neil "just talking to your son" i say back. Billy stands in front of me. "Billy get rid of her" Neil says. Billy looks at me "I'm not leaving you" i whisper "you need to go before one of us gets hurt" billy whispers. I try to leave but Neil pushes me into the wall. Billy didn't know what to do. I push Neil off of me "keep your hands off of me" i say. Neil turns around to look at billy. I could tell that billy was scared. Neil pushes billy into his book case. I slam the side of my fist on the wall. Hopper run's in. Neil let's go of billy. Hopper hand cuffs Neil. Hopper takes Neil out of the house. I walk up to billy and cup his face. I wipe the tear off Billy's face. "Your staying with me" i say. I hold Billy's hand and take him outside. Billy sits in his car. Hopper talks to billy and i go back to his room. I grab some of his clothes and walk back outside. Hopper drives off with Neil. Billy grabs his car keys. We go across the road then inside my house. I put his clothes in my room. "How long will he be in jail" billy asks "i don't know I'll ask hopper later" i say back. We sit on the couch. "Can i know more about ash" billy asks "sure" i say back putting my head on his lap "Well we had been friends since we were kids, we were neighbors in California, her and her family had moved here 8 months after me and my dad did" i say back "how did she die" billy asks "some weird creature ran out in front of her when she was driving late at night, she tried to stop but her brakes didn't work so then she swerved and hit a tree, her car wasn't found till 9 hours later, she was pronounced dead when help found her" i say back looking at the ceiling. "Your nose is bleeding" billy says "again" i say back getting up. I grab a tissue and hold it to my nose. "This has been happening a lot" i say "so that explains all the stuff in your room with blood on it" billy says. I get my nose to stop bleeding. I start to feel light headed. "Grate this now" i say "maybe you should go to the doctor" billy says "never" i say back. Billy stands beside me. I grab Billy's arm. Billy holds onto me "are you alright" billy asks worried "i don't know" i say back. Everything goes black. I try to move but i cant. I hear billy saying my name. I was in a white room and a nurse comes out of nowhere. She try's to talk to me but i cant understand anything she's saying. I open my eyes. Billy had me on his lap on the floor. "What happened" i ask "i think you passed out" billy says. Billy helps me up. We go to my room. I sit on my bed. Billy grabs me clothes out of my dresser. I change into shorts and the shirt that billy gave me. "I think this has something to do with my powers" i say "maybe" billy says. I walk to the bathroom and wet a towel. I wipe the dried blood off my face. I throw the towel in the hamper. I look back at the mirror. The same figure that i saw last week was behind me. I turn around but the figure wasn't there. I turn back to the mirror and the figure was half way out of the mirror. I scream. I step back and fall into the bathtub. Billy run's in. Billy helps me out of the tub. "The fuck" billy says. I look at the mirror then hit it. Billy grabs my hand "are you trying to break it" billy says "the same figure i saw last week was coming out of the mirror" i say back. Billy takes me back to my room. "Try to sleep" billy says. I lay on my bed. Billy turns off the light. He lays with me. He puts me on top of him and warps his arms around me. "Sleep" billy says "fine" i say back.

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