69. First day back

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A few days passed and it was the first day of school. I pull into the school parking lot. I find a spot and park. I grab my bag that had my art supplies. I get out and light a cigarette. I lock my car and sit on the hood. I look at all the cars and people. I didn't see a lot of new people. I see Billy's car. I watch him park and get out with max. I see a group of girls looking at billy and whispering something to each other "time to shine" i think. I get up and walk over to billy. I walk up behind him. "Hello there Hargrove" i say wrapping my arms around him "hey darling" billy says "ready to piss off people because we're together" i say back "fuck them" billy says. I wait for the girls to be looking then kiss billy. We make are way to the front of the school. The girls watch us. "Cover up your number i see" billy asks "yep, didn't feel like having everyone ask me about it" i say back. We make it inside. I look for my locker. "Thank god it's the same one from a few years ago" i think. I open it "looks like they cleaned it" i think. I see that they got rid of my graffiti on the door. I take out my marker and draw on the inside. I close the door and write "properly of glam so fuck off" on the door. I put my marker away. Billy walks up to me "see you after class" billy says "you to" i say back. Billy walks off. I see the principal walking to me. "Nice to see you again mrs northwest" he says "you to principle pinefield" i say back "well you should head to class" he says "probably" i say back. I find my class room. I walk in and see the teacher. "Everyone welcome the new student" she says. Someone yells "we all know her!" From the back of the room i laugh. "Then you don't need to introduce yourself" she says "fine with me" i say back. I find my seat then sit down. I take out my sketch book and pencil then sit it down. "Everyone welcome Jason carver" the teacher says. I look up and look at him and see that he's wearing a basketball Jersey. We lock eyes and he smiles. I look back at my paper "fucking grate" i think "you can sit by glam" the teacher says "fuck" i think. Jason sits down "hey" he says "what do you want" i say back "just saying hello to one of the new students" he says "didn't think idiots knew how to draw, and I'm not new" i say back "it's always good to try new things" he says. The teacher starts talking and i start drawing. I could feel Jason looking at me "calm down your not getting in a fist fight on the first day" i think. "Ok now move on to the next page in your book" the teacher says. I turn the page. "Now we're going to work on shading" the teacher says "something I'm good at" i think. I draw a sunset. I use my finger to blend it together. I wipe off my finger on my pants "thank god for black jeans" i think. An hour passes. "Ok that's everything for today, i will give you guys a work sheet, i expect you to finish it by tomorrow" the teacher says. She give everyone a work sheet. I read it "i have to draw someone by tomorrow, I'm fucked" i think. I put my stuff back in my bag. I put my bag on my shoulder and get up. I walk to my locker. I open my locker and put my bag in it. I grab Sadie's jacket and put it on. A note falls out of the pocket. I read it "you better wear this on your first day- Sadie". I put the note in my locker "yes i will Sadie" i think. I hear someone walk up to me. I close my locker. I see Jason "names Jason carver" he says putting his hand out "glam northwest" i say back shaking his hand "I've heard a lot about you northwest" he says "not surprising I've got into a shit ton of illegal trouble" i say back "are you going to the basketball practice" he asks "planned on it" i say back "hope to see you there" he says "yeah yeah whatever" i say back. He walks off "fuck my life" i think. I see a cheerleader follow Jason "she looks new" i think. I put my headphones on and make my way to watch billy. I walk thru the door and look around. I walk to the bleachers. I sit at the bottom. I turn down my music just enough that i could hear what's going on. I see Jason with his team "looks like Jason as to keep his shirt on" i think. After a few minutes i see billy walk out with his team. The game starts. Billy's team gets there first point. I see the same girls that were fangirling over billy. They cheer him on "bitches" i think. I zone out into my own little world. An hour passes. I come back to Reality when my music ended. I put my headphones in my bag. The game was over. I get up and walk to billy. Jason stops me "what did you think" he asks "you were decent" i say back. I keep walking and Jason follows "your fucked dick head" i think. I walk up to billy and his friend "your problem now" i say. I stand beside billy "who do we have here" Tommy says "I'm just talking to the new kid" Jason says "don't try anything" billy says i laugh. "It was nice talking to you" Jason says i nod. He walks off Billy try's to wrap his arm around me. I step back "hands to yourself sweaty bitch" i say "come on" billy says smiling "you can do whatever you want after your not gross" i say back "fine" billy says. I watch Jason go to the same cheerleader."you ok" billy asks "fucker sat beside me in class" i say back. I roll my sleeves up. Billy holds onto my wrist. Tommy leaves "numbers showing" billy whispers "shit" i say back. I roll my sleeve back down "I'm going to get in the shower then I'll meet up with you" billy says "see you soon" i say back. Billy goes to get in the shower and i head to my locker. I open my locker and look thru my bag. I find my foundation and makeup remover wipes. I put them in my pocket. I head to the bathroom. I walk in and look around to see if anyone was in there. I stand at the sink. I roll up my sleeve and wipe off my wrist. I dry it then cover it again. I put my stuff back in my pocket. Someone walks in. It was the same cheerleader that was with Jason. I could tell she had been crying. She looks at herself in the mirror "if you need makeup remover Wipe i have some" i say "yes please" she says. I hand her them "names glam" i say "Chrissy" she says. She hands me them back. I put them back in my pocket. Three girls walk in "look who it is the town fuckup and the head cheerleader" the one says "fuck off" i say back. They look at me "just because you two are dating guys on the basketball team doesn't mean your cool" she says "and being a bitch doesn't make you guys cool" i say back. I grab Chrissy's hand and walk out of the bathroom. We walk to my locker "you ok" i ask "yeah, thanks for standing up to them" she says "anytime" i say back "dose this mean we're friends" she asks "yep" i say back she smiles. "Here" i say handing her a note with my number on it "thanks" she says "i should get going I'll see you tomorrow" i say back "you to" she says. I grab my stuff then close my locker. I walk to my car. I light a cigarette and sit in my car and leave the door open. I wait on billy. I watch Jason walk up to me. He puts his arm on the top of the door. "Did you know that guy" he asks "yeah" i say back "so he's your friend I'm guessing" he says "nope, he's my boyfriend" i say back "didn't think you would go for a guy like him" he says "i don't go for douche bags" i say back "any Hargrove is a dick" he says "Hargrove's are nothing compared to northwest's" i say back "you don't act like a dick" he says "you haven't met the true side of me" i say back. I see billy walking out of the school. "When you find my record then you'll know how i am" i say "i would never go into your personal life" he says "good you'll find stuff you don't want to know" i say back "like what" he says "like i would tell you" i say back. Billy leans against my car "do you have a lighter" billy asks "always" i say back handing him my lighter. Billy lights his cigarette then gives me my lighter back. Jason looks at my wrist "your parents let you get a tattoo" Jason says "that's none of your business, plus my moms not in the picture and my dads a raging alcoholic" i say back "leave" billy says "fine, I'll see you in class tomorrow" Jason says before walking off. "This fucking tattoo will not stay covered" i say "maybe Brenner used a ink that can't be covered" billy says "most likely" i say back. "How was your first day back to school after like a year of not being here" billy asks "good and hell" i say back "that guy sucks at basketball" billy says "literally, at least I had you to watch" i say back "if one more person asks about the scar on my body i was going to punch them" billy says "people in this town don't mind there business" i say back. "I'll see you at home" billy says. I stand up and kiss billy "i can kiss you now since your not sweaty and gross" i say "just for that I'm going to tackle you every time I'm sweaty" billy says "I'll love to see you try" i say back. Billy goes to his car and i drive home. I make it home and see dad talking to Jim. I park and get out. I walk onto the porch "how was school" dad asks "descent" i say back "sam wanted me to give you this, she said your probably getting low" Jim says handing me a bag of weed "thanks i was almost out, i planed on giving you a call later" i say back "well there i saved you a call" Jim says. I go inside and go to my room. I put my weed in my bedside table. I change then go downstairs. Dad was doing yard work. I grab a bag and go to my car.

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