84. No one (smut)

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Three days pass. I was laying on the couch waiting for billy to get home from work. For some reason i missed home. I've never been home sick Even though i hated home. I take a drag from my blunt then put it back on my ashtray. I sit up and try to think about what to do to pass time. I grab my ashtray and go upstairs. I walk into the bedroom and put my ashtray down. I make the bed and pick up clothes off the floor. I lay on the bed and try to sleep since i haven't been able to sleep thru the night. I wake up to the sound of music coming from the bathroom. I sit up and look around. I see Billy's clothes laid out on the bottom of the bed. After a few minutes billy walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Hey darling" billy says. I give him a quick smile "are you feeling ok" billy asks i nod. Billy gets dressed and i put my headphones on. I turn my music up enough that i could still hear what's happing around me and the music. Billy sits beside me and moves my headphones off my ears. "I feel like your not ok" billy says "just home sick" i say back "that's new" billy says "believe me i never get home sick, but for some reason i am" i say back. "What's making you miss home" billy asks "no idea" i say back. "I noticed that you haven't been sleeping well" billy says "i keep getting the same dream every night" i say back "tell me about it" billy says "I get flash backs to when I was in the lab, every single time it's just watching Peter die, over and over again, it's like vecnas curse for me leaving" i say back "have you tried sleeping with your headphones on" billy asks "no" i say back "give it a try" billy says i nod. I put my headphones back on and get up. We go downstairs and go into the kitchen. I sit on the counter "I'm starting to think your a cat" billy says i laugh "more like a bat" i say back. Billy stands in front of me and leans closer to me. I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck. "How was work" i ask "not bad" billy says "good" i say back. "I wonder if anyone at the high school remembers me" i say "how would they even know you" billy asks "i lived with Kate for two years when i was 13-14" i say back "i really do learn something new about you everyday" billy says "well, me and Jamie took franks truck for a joy ride one time and ended up here" i say back "how the fuck did you guys get here without frank flipping out on you guys for taking his truck" billy says "dumb luck, but most likely because like half my family lives here, so if he got to worried he would send family to find us" i say back "your life is the least from boring" billy says "pretty much" i say back. Billy picks me up and takes me to the living room "i have legs for a reason you know" i say. Billy puts me on the couch and gets on top of me. "Let's see what you got Hargrove" i say smiling. Billy pins my hands and starts kissing my neck. I let billy take control over me. He takes his shirt off then slides his hand over my clit thru my shorts. I throw my head back wanting his touch. "Didn't think i had this kind of effect on you" billy says with a smirk on his face. He takes his hand away and starts to undo his belt. I take my shirt and shorts off. He takes his boxers off then gets back on top of me. He undoes my bra then throws it on the floor. He takes my panties off. He looks at every inch of my body. He pulls me closer to him and lines himself up with my entry. He starts to slowly thrust into me and i moan. I feel the knot in my stomach grow pretty quick. He pulls out and i whine. He flips me on my stomach and thrusts harder. "I'm close" i manage to say thru moans. He pulls me up and i lean my head back onto his shoulder. He puts his hand around my throat and the other rubbing my clit. I feel the knot release. I arch my back and moan. I feel billy cum after me. I put my hand on top of his. Billy kisses my neck and i try to catch my breath. "Feel better" billy asks "definitely" i say back. I lay on my stomach and billy gets up and gets dressed "want help getting dressed" billy asks "no" i say back. Billy kisses my forehead then walks to the kitchen. After a few minutes i sit up and start getting dressed. I finish and go to the kitchen. Billy hands me a cup "it's tea" billy says "didn't think you knew how to make tea" i say back "it's pretty easy to make" billy says. I sit at the table and drink my tea. I finish and go upstairs. I walk into my music room as i like to call it. I leave the door cracked with means if billy wants to come in he can. I open the windows and pick out my paint colors that i need. I start painting and letting my mind do what it wanted. After an hour i finish. I step back and billy walks in. Billy looks at the wall "is that a demogorgon" billy asks "yep" i say back. I put my paint back and wash my paint brushes. "Heads up you have paint in your hair" billy says "yeah i need to take a shower" i say back "you mean we" billy says smiling i laugh "yes we have to take a shower" i say back smiling. We go to the bathroom and get in the shower. Billy looks over my body "can't get enough of me can you" i say "just a little" billy says. We finish and go to the bedroom. I open my bedside table and get a blunt. I light it and take a drag. "Sorry that I'm kinda stoned today" i say "i don't care when your stoned, i only have a problem when you do cocaine" billy says "don't worry I'm out of cocaine, just kidding i haven't done it in months and don't plan on ever doing it again" i say back "good" billy says. I lay on the bed watching billy do his thing. "I'm running to the store I'll be back" billy says "ok" i say back. Billy leaves the room and after a few seconds i hear billy walking around the house. "Guess he can't find his keys" i think. Billy walks back in "do you know where my keys are" billy asks "nope I'll try to find them, but for now you can use my car" i say back. I throw billy my keys and he leaves. "Now to find car keys" i think. I walk around upstairs and look around every room. I didn't find them so i went back to the bedroom. I start looking thru Billy's pants pockets. Still didn't find them. I go downstairs and look for them "mother fucker loves his car but some how loses the keys" i think. I gave up and open the fridge. I see Billy's keys on the middle shelf "ok how the fuck" i think. I take them and put them in my pocket. I decide to go outside to check the mail. I grab the mail and quickly go back inside. I put the mail on the counter so billy could look thru it since he didn't trust me to look thru it. I look at the phone and debate if i should call dad. I dial the number and it rings. After a few seconds someone picks up. "Hello" Jay says "hey dick put my dad on the phone" i say back "glam, wait, everyone says your dead" Jay says "yeah, I'm calling from hell, now put my dad on the phone or your the next victim" i say back. Jay yells for dad. "Hello" dad says "your son is an ass" i say back "glam why did you call this number" dad says in a serious tone "i have nothing better to do" i say back "never call this number again, after the shit you did i don't want to hear your voice, your not my kid anymore, if you want a parent call your mother" dad says before hanging up. "Fuck you to" i say. I cross my arms and lean against the wall. "Now what" i think looking around. Billy walks thru the door. "Found your keys" i say "where were they" billy asks "fridge" i say back "why did i put them there" billy says "no idea" i say back. Billy puts his keys in his pocket and gives me mine back. Billy looks at the mail "you didn't look thru it right" billy says "no, why don't you trust me to look thru it" i say back "glam we know how you are, you would threaten to kill people" billy says "your not wrong" i say back. Billy hands me an envelope and i take it. I open it and read it. My face lights up "what" billy says "the same person that owns the barn that we saw flower child at what's me to preform there next month!" i say back trying to control my excitement "well then you should do it" billy says "i will, plus i could go for stoping by my dads and pissing him off quick" i say back "your dad start another fight with you" billy says "yep" i say back. I look out the window and see the sun starting to set. I grab Billy's hand and go to the backyard. We sit down and look at the sky. "I've noticed that you like the sunset" billy says "I've always said, sunsets never fail to impress" i say back "your not wrong" billy says. I look at the sky and everything goes black. My vision comes back and i see that I'm sitting on the floor in the rainbow room. It was the dream i kept getting. Fear fills my body hearing kids screaming. The doors open and Peter walks in. He crouches down in front of me. He lifts my head up making me look at him. I feel tears fall down my face. "Don't cry six, everything will be over soon" Peter says. I feel someone put there hand on my shoulder. "Hello six" Vecna says "fuck, you" i say back not wanting to turn around "just remember you did this to yourself" Vecna says. Peter disappears and the room changes to the cemetery. Ash walks up to me "you killed her" i say "no, you did" Vecna says. Everything changed to my room. I see dad sitting on my bed. "You made your dad hate everything" Vecna says "you made me" i say back. Everything changed to the void. I stand up and Vecna stands in front of me. "What do i have to do to get this all to stop" i say "you can never get this to stop, you broke the deal, now you have to deal with what happens" Vecna says "there's always a way to get something to stop, and i know the way, but i wont leave the people i care about" i say back "billy doesn't care, none of your friends care, no one, because you ruined there lives" Vecna says. I step back and start to fall. I wake up and land on the ground. Billy holds onto me. "Are you ok, what happened" billy says worried "Vecna" i say back. Billy helps me up and we go inside. I go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. "Want to talk about it" billy asks "no" i say back.

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