43. Party crasher

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"Ready for the night of your life" i say "as ready as I'll ever be" billy says. We walk to his car. We get in and he drives to clovers. "Let's try not to get far from each other" i say "why" billy asks "because most of the people there are clovers friends, and you can't fight like you used to yet" i say back he rolls his eyes and flips me off. We make it to the party. Billy parks and we get out. I look for Sam's car but don't see it "Sam's not here yet so we're on are own" i say. The sun had set. We walk up to the house. We see a group of guys on the porch. Billy pushes past them. I try to get passed them but they stop me. "What's a pretty lady like you doing at a party" the one guy says "fuck off" i say back pushing past them. Me and billy make are way to the kitchen. "I didn't think this many people would be here" i say looking around "how many guys do you think she's slept with so far" billy says "over half of them" i say back. I hear music playing. We make are way to the backyard. There was a stage and a band was preforming. "Looks like she found someone else" i think. We stand along the house and watch. We watch for a few minutes then see clover walk on stage. Everyone went to the stage "go time" i say. We go back inside. We go to clovers room. I lock the door and take my marker out of my pocket. I graffiti the walls "your good at this" billy says. I put the marker back in my pocket and look around the room. I find her picture book. I look thru the book and find pictures of ash. I take out the pictures and put them in my pocket. I go to put the book back and a picture falls out. I pick it up. It was a picture of me passed out in the woods "the fuck" i say. Billy looks at the picture "that's the same outfit you had on the day you got drunk in the woods behind your house" billy says "she's been stalking me" i say back. We leave her room "she's going to wish she never took that picture" i say. People started to come back inside. I see Sam in the living room. I walk up to her and hold up the picture "we need to find clover" i say "i saw her out front" sam says. We walk onto the porch. Clover was with the group of guys from earlier. "Your not going to be able to fight 3 guys and clover" sam says "watch me" i say back. I step off the porch and walk up to them. Sam stays beside me and billy stays back. "Look who's here" clover says "you ever take a picture of me again your dead" i say back "what's the town druggie going to do" clover says "call me that again and you'll see" i say back "it's true i know you never stoped doing cocaine" clover says "shut up" i say back. Billy walks up to me "you do what" billy says "nothing" i say back "oh you never told him" clover says "watch it" sam says "your girlfriend dose drugs on a daily basis" clover says. The one guy pushes me back "keep your hands off me" i say "I'm not going to let you talk to her like that" he says "your not the first guy she's fucked and won't be the last" i say back "she wouldn't do anything with anyone else" he says "sure about that" i say back. I hear people yelling. I look and see Jaime Nate and an old friend Sadie walking across the road. "Your fucked now" i say. The guy backs off. Billy pulls me closer to him "I'm fine" i say. Clover try's to walk off but Sadie stops her. Sam and Nate follow the guys inside. "Hey punk" Sadie says "didn't think i would ever see you again" i say back "well I'm here now but I'm only in town with my mom for three days" Sadie says "then let's make this the best night ever" i say back. Sadie pushes clover onto the ground. We walk back inside. We go to the hallway since no one was there. "Billy this in my old friend Sadie" i say. Sadie shakes Billy's hand "and Sadie this is my boyfriend billy" i say "never thought you would date everyone" Sadie says "you thought wrong" i say back. "How's Montana working out" i ask "good" Sadie says. "Want to get blacked out drunk" Sadie says "sure but clover might take pictures of us" i say back. We go downstairs. "This night as been crazy so far" billy says. Sadie wonders off "well it's just me and you now" i say. "I'll be back" billy says "ok I'll be outside" i say back. We go are separate ways. I sit in the yard and light a cigarette. I take in the fresh air. I feel someone standing behind me "fuck off" i say "never" Sam says sitting beside me "you found me" i say back "you ok" Sam says "yeah why" i say back "you know clover saying all that in front of billy" sam says "hopefully billy doesn't remember any of it by tomorrow" i say back "how are you after the mall" sam asks "still a little messed up but doing ok" i say back. I look at Sam and see blood coming from her nose. "Your nose it bleeding" i say "shit again" sam says wiping the blood off her face. "What's your plans after your 18" i ask "move to New York" sam says "fun" i say back. Sam looks at her watch "it's 1:02 am" Sam says "we should head back inside" i say back. We get up and go inside. We push passed the crowd of people. I see billy with his friends. Me and Sam go to the bathroom. Sam locks the door. "Now what" i say "needed a break from people" sam says. We stay in there for a few minutes. We hear someone speaking over the speakers. We run back downstairs and see clover standing on a table with a microphone. We hide behind a group of people. "Thank you to everyone for coming tonight, there is one thing i wanted to say, to the town fuckup, i hope to see you again and to watch people beat the fuck out of you because your a fuckup" clover says. I flip her off. Clover then holds up pictures of me. I look at them "this can't be real" i say seeing the one picture being me doing cocaine from last year. "Fuck" sam says. I walk up to clover and Sam follows. "Go to hell" i say. Clover gets down "I'll meet your there" clover says. I push clover. "You talk about me again you'll regret it" i say back "i don't regret things like you" clover says. I grab clover and throw her on the floor "you forget your fucking with the town fuckup" i say. The one guy clover was with gets in front of me. "Stop" he says "stay out of it" i say back. Billy gets in front of me "leave" billy says "control your girl" he says. Billy gets out of the way. I punch the guy making him step back. He pushes me on the ground. Sadie walks up to us "Back off" Sadie says. I try to get up but he pushes me back down. I get up. "You fucked with the wrong person" i say. I punch him again this time making his nose bleed. He pushes me into the table. He try's to punch me but i use my powers to stop him. "Nice try" i say. I throw him into a wall. Sadie claps. I kiss billy then I stand up on the table "remember people don't fuck with someone you can't beat in a fight" i say everyone cheers "now let's continue this night" i say. Sam turns the music all the way up. I pull billy into the living room. I wrap my arms around his neck. We hang out for a few hours. Billy looks at his watch "it's passed 4 we should head home" billy says "probably" i say back. We say are good byes then go to his car. Billy drive home. Billy parks and we go inside. We go to my room. I didn't feel like changing. We lay on my bed then fall asleep.

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