83. Cali chick

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We drove half way then stoped at a gas station. I get out and billy walks up to me "i have listened to every cassette that i own" billy says. I open my door and grab a cassette off my dash and hand it to billy "you asked the right person" i say "thanks" billy says. We walk inside and look around. We get snacks drinks and cigarettes etc. We pay then go back to are cars. "Please tell me you have my lighter" i say "oh yeah, i forgot to give it to you" billy says handing me my lighter. We get in are cars and start to drive again. I look in my mirror and see billy tapping his steering wheel. I smile and look back at the road. After hours of driving we make it to California. I knew exactly where the house was. I see it in the distance. We park in the driveway and get out. Billy stands beside me "ready for a new chapter of life" i say "can't fucking wait" billy says. We walk up to the door and i unlock it. We walk in and look around. We walk into the kitchen and see a letter with my name on it. I open it "you can look around" i say "ok" billy says before walking off. I read the letter "hey glam, can't wait for you to see this place, after years of you saying you liked it, it's finally yours, I left some stuff I knew you would like in the house, and you better come and visit me fucker, have fun and don't go to jail- Jaime". I laugh and put the letter in my pocket then walk around. I walk upstairs and find the master bedroom. I walk in and see billy "welcome to are room" i say "this place is huge" billy says i laugh. I walk into the bathroom and billy follows. Billy looks at the huge shower "i know what your thinking Hargrove" i say smiling "maybe" billy says smiling i laugh "sure" i say back. We walk around upstairs. I open a door and see paintings and two guitars on the wall. I look closer and realize that they were dads old ones from when he was a teen "guess Jamie was here recently" i think. We go the other room. We walk in and Billy's face lights up. I laugh "you have your own gym now" i say "can't wait to use it" billy says. We keep looking and find another door "this makes room number 4 upstairs" billy says. I open and door and walk in. I turn the light on. "Ok what the fuck" billy says looking at the stripper pole in the middle of the room. I break up laughing "don't ask" i manage to say thru laughs. We walk up to the pole "i always said I was going to be a stripper" i say "I'm concerned" billy says. We go outside and i help billy bring are stuff inside. We start unpacking. I open the last box of mine and it was my clothes. I hang my stuff in the closet with Billy's. I look in the box and see my weed box. I take it out and put it in the bedside table. I stack my cassettes on the one shelf. "You have full access to my cassette collection now, like you never had access" i say. I pick up my guitar and walk to the other room and Billy follows. We walk in and i hang my guitar with the others. I step back and look at them "I'm guessing your family was known for playing guitar" billy says "only my dad, i always said i would keep that part of the family going, my dad is a dick but i like to keep a part of the family alive" i say back "is all your family like your dad" billy asks "nope, frank Bryan and Kate are nothing like my dad, he was the only sibling to turn out the way he did" i say back "what made him turn out the way he did" billy asks "his dad would abuse him as a kid, so then he turned to drugs and alcohol, then he met my mom and they had me, my dad would take out the anger he had for his dad out on me, i got tired of it so i started to fight back against it, when we moved to Hawkins my life went downhill, started doing drugs, would get blacked out drunk at party's and would go home with random people, it was my way of trying to feel something again" i say back "the trauma continued with the blood line" billy says "basically" i say back. We go back to are room. I change and see billy looking at me "your shirts are huge on me" i say "it just makes you hotter" billy says "yeah yeah whatever" i say back. Billy picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Your an ass" i say billy laughs. Billy walks over it his radio by the window. He turns music on then puts me on the bed. We lay on the bed. I lean over and open the beside table. I take out a blunt and light it. I lay back down and take a drag. I offer it to billy and he takes a drag "you joined the dark side" i say "not the first time" billy says i  laugh. I put it in my ashtray then get on top of billy. "Look who's the bitch now" i say "not for long" billy says before flipping me on my back and getting on top of me. He kisses my neck "your lucky i like you" i say "your lucky i don't make you moan my name" billy says pinning my hands above my head. "Just to think I'm the only slut for you here" i say. Billy kisses me "no shit" billy says i laugh. We get up and go downstairs. I see Billy's keys so i put mine beside his "have fun trying to figure out which is yours Hargrove" i think. I walk into the living room and see billy on the couch. I jump over and back of the couch and sit beside him "the fuck" billy says "don't ask" i say back. Billy looks at my knee "what did you do" billy asks "sidewalk" i say back "how did you survive in a lab but get hurt by sidewalk" billy says "no idea" i say back. "How are you not tired" billy asks "I've stayed up for two days straight before" i say back "you truly are fucked up" billy says. The phone rings and i pick it up. "Hello" i say "thank god your ok, its Jamie" he says "oh yeah, I'm home" i say back "like the house" he asks "well it is my dream house so yeah" i say back he laughs "glad to hear, oh and the town has pictures of you and that guy your with everywhere saying your missing aka dead" he says "good to know they think we're dead" i say back "yeah people have been graffitiing yours, since your the devil, and who all knows you left" he asks "you dad and Skyler" i say back "wait did you say Skyler" he says "yeah" i say back "what was she doing in town" he asks "visiting me" i say back "well you guys are sisters" he says "how's Nate" i ask "good, he's still trying to process what happened to the town" he says "well tell Nate to stop worrying" i say back "will do, well hate to go but i have to help people at the school" he says "no problem, talk to you soon" i say back before hanging up. I go back to billy. "Guess what" i say "what" billy says "the town thinks we're dead" i say back "are you serious" billy says "yep, and the town still thinks I'm the devil" i say back. I look at billy "i can tell your fighting sleep" i say "no I'm not" billy says "lier" i say back. We go upstairs and billy lays down. I sit beside him "sleep" i say "fine" billy says. Billy falls asleep and i get up. I walk onto the balcony and look at the beach and see the sunset. After a few minutes billy walks up beside me "didn't i tell you to sleep" i say "didn't feel like it" billy says. Billy wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me. "Still can't believe we left" i say "same" billy says. We go back inside and lay down. "Now this time stay asleep" i say. Billy wraps his arm around me "then you can't leave me" billy says "fine" i say back. "your a cali chick" billy says "shut up" i say back he laughs.

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