80. Broken home

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I stand up and look in Billy's mirror. I look at my hair "i have an idea" i say "and what would it be" billy says "cut my hair a little passed my shoulders and put color in it" i say back "you'll look hot" billy says. He pulls me beside him and hands me a dart. "Left or right hand" billy asks "left" i say back. I take the dart and focus. I throw it and hit the middle "you had to use your powers" billy says "if i did then my nose would be bleeding" i say back smiling "fuck your good" billy says i laugh. "Do you plan on going to school tomorrow" billy asks "nope, my dad should be leaving for work tomorrow, so then I'll have the house to myself" i say back "what about Jay and Fiona" billy says "Fiona will be visiting family and Jay can fuck off" i say back. I look out the window and see dad leaving the house "he's ether going to try to find me or is going to the bar" i say "well I'll see you tomorrow" billy says "you to" i say back. I crawl thru his window and run home. I walk in and see Jay. "Welcome home" Jay says "fuck off" i say back. I go to my room. I look for my hair dye. I find it and i grab my scissors. Jay walks in "now what" i say "just want to talk" Jay says "well I'm busy" i say back. I grab my radio and go to the bathroom. I sit my stuff down and Jay stands in the doorway. Jay try's to talk to me so i turn my music all the way up. I look in the mirror "time for a new look" i think. I cut my hair then shake my head. I fix it up then open my dye. I blocked out jays voice. I take a piece and dye it blue. I let it sit for a few minutes. I close the door and lock it. I get in the shower. I finish and go to my room. I dry my hair and get dressed. I go downstairs and see dad. Dad looks at me "the fuck did you do" dad asks "needed a new look" i say back. "You look gay" Jay says "and you look like a pussy" i say back "guys" dad says "yeah yeah whatever fuck you" i say back. I see that dad didn't take the knife out of the wall. I grab it and put it back "don't leave knifes laying around" i say "i see what i said made you nice" Jay says "just know i didn't hear shit you said" i say back. "Are you going to school tomorrow" dad asks "I'm going to try, but it's going to be hard when the whole school thinks your the devil" i say back "you what!" Dad yells "yeah" i say back smiling. Fiona looks at me weird "would you like to come with us to church" Fiona asks "no thank you, not my thing" i say back. Someone knocks on the door. I open the door and see mom. I let her in. We walk back to the kitchen. Fiona gets a terrified look on her face. "What do you call this" mom says "getting my life together" dad says "and putting my kid thru hell at the same time!" Mom yells "I'm not putting my kid thru hell!" Dad yells "then why are her wrists bruised!" Mom yells "that's none of your business!" Dad yells. Jay try's to pull me away from mom. "Keep your hands away from her" mom says getting in front of me. "Well fuck, now what parent do i turn on" i think. "Don't think i don't know that you never gave her the letters i sent her thru her life!" Mom yells "yes i did give her them!" dad yells "wait, you only gave me one's that you knew would piss me off!" i yell at dad "you didn't need your mom, we were happy without her!" Dad yells "we were till you stared bring home a different woman every night!" i yell back "you what!" Mom yells "of course woman stick together, thanks, you turned my own kid on me!" Dad yells "fuck you, don't forget all the shit you did to me!" I yell back "and your fucking my sister!" Mom yells. "Well that answers my question" i think. Jay throws a plate at me. It hits me and my head starts to bleed. "Really fucker!" i yell. Mom grabs my hand and we go outside. "Shit he hit you good" mom says "I've felt worst" i say back. Billy runs up it us "what happened" billy asks "plate" i say back "your staying with me, i don't trust your dad" billy says "it's ok, I'm fine he can't do anything worst" i say back "if he touches you, you call me and I'll be here" mom says "ok" i say back. Mom leaves and billy stays with me. "Like the hair" billy says "thanks" i say back. "Ready to face hell" i say "can't be worst then the upside down" billy says i laugh. We go inside and look around. We hear someone pull into the driveway and music blasting. I look thru the window and see Sadie walking up to the house. She walks in and hugs me "the fuck happened" Sadie says "you'll see" i say back. Jay walks in "back for more" Jay says "do your thing" i say to Sadie. Sadie gets Jay in the kitchen and we go to my room. I lock my door and billy pulls me to my bed. We lay down "try to sleep" billy says "fine" i say back. I fall asleep. I wake up and look at my clock it says 4:58 am. I get up and see billy asleep. I walk over to my door which had been unlocked. I make my way downstairs. Everything seemed normal. I see Jay passed out on the couch. His face was covered in blood "Sadie did not go easy on him" i think. I keep looking around the house. I go to the phone and call Sadie. She picks up "hey" i say "hey glam" she says "the hell happened" i say back "you know just punched Jay a few times, and threaten your dad and Fiona" she says "well thanks" i say back "anytime" she says "i should go back to billy before he wakes up" i say back "ok I'll talk to you soon" she says before hanging up. I go back upstairs. I see a poster on the room door that me and dad would use for storage. I open the door and see that it was made into a bedroom. "So Jay has a room now" i think. I close the door and go back to billy. I see that Billy's awake "everything ok" billy asks "yeah" i say back. I lay beside him "go back to sleep you have school in a few hours" i say "I'm skipping" billy says "won't your dad flip out on you" i say back "my dad hasn't been home in over a week, Susan divorced him" billy says "well shit, i need to pay attention more" i say back. "Let's leave" billy says "what do you mean" i say back confused "let's pack are stuff and go to California, today" billy says "billy we are 17, and what about your school" i say back "i don't have my dad pressuring me about grades anymore, and you need out of this house, we both have nothing to lose, let's do it just me and you" billy says "i can't tell if your joking or not" i say back "I'm serious, let's do it, the towns going to end anyway" billy says "this weekend we'll leave" i say back "that makes four days to pack" billy says "i have the key, most the people i know are safe" i say back "just think, no more fighting with your parents, no more roles, nothing, we have the world to experience, just me and you" billy asks "i know the perfect thing to make sure everyone knows what we did in this town" i say back "spray paint the town" billy says "you read my mind" i say back smiling "let's do it now" billy says "bet" i say back. We get up and i change. I find my spray paint. We pick colors and put them in my bag. We go downstairs and go outside. We run to billy car. The sun was going to rise soon. We get in and billy drives. We light cigarettes and listen to music. We make it to a abandoned building. We get out and i give billy a can of spray paint "let your imagination take over" i say. Billy starts painting and i think of something. I paint stuff from the upside down. Billy tried to paint a skull. We finish and step back. "Your not bad at this" i say "thanks" billy says. "Welcome to the life of a fuckup" i say "i kinda like it" billy says. We get back in his car and he drives to a different place. "You know what we should do" i say "what" billy says "tag the school tomorrow night" i say back "sounds risky, let's do it" billy says smiling. Billy parks in front of a abandoned church in the middle of a field. We get out and walk up to it. We get to work. We finish "never thought i would be spray painting buildings with the king of Hawkins" i say "since I'm the king then your the queen" billy says "I'm more of the god of this town" i say back "more like the devil" billy says smiling "your evil" i say back smiling. We get in his car and he drives home. We get out "I'm getting in the shower then I'll be over" billy says "ok" i say back. I go home and walk inside. I go to my room. I move my dresser and grab the key from the back of it. I put the dresser back. I look around my room "can't believe it's actually happening" i think. I go to my phone and call Jamie. "Hello" he says "hey it's glam" i say back "oh hey what's going on" he says "I'm leaving this weekend" i say back "wait really" he says "yep, i can't take this town, so I'm going back to California, with billy" i say back "good, you better keep me updated" he says "i will, and i have something to ask you" i say back "what would that be" he says "protect Nate for me" i say back "fine" he says i laugh "you better" i say back "i will don't worry" he says "well i should go, talk to you soon" i say back "you to" he says. I hang up and my door opens. I put the key in my pocket. Jay walks in "what do you want" i say "who were you talking to" Jay says "my cousin" i say back "what were you talking about" Jay says "life" i say back. Jay leaves "i think he finally learned his lesson" i think. I get a head start on packing. I pack everything but my clothes and some other stuff. I take the two boxes to my car. I open the truck and put them in. "You can never be to prepared" i think. I go back inside. Dad stops me "are we cool" dad says "sure" i say back sarcastically. I go to the living room and sit on the floor. Dad walks in "did you hear about the guy that died last night" dad says "nope" i say back. I turn on the news. We listen "make that two deaths today" dad says "well fuck" i say back. Billy walks in and sits beside me. Dad leaves "one more death then the town is gone" i say "hopefully it happens soon" billy says "hopefully" i say back. We go on the back porch and sit on the steps. "We're really doing it" i say "nothing can stop us" billy says "heads up i have the money part covered" i say back "shit, i didn't think of that" billy says "see I'm always a step ahead of you" i say back. Dad walks up behind us "i feel like you guys are planning something" dad says "nope just talking" i say back "I'm not believing that, your always planning something" dad says "go talk to your girlfriend and son, they want your company more than us" i say back "fine i will" dad says before walking back inside. "Any plans for later" i ask "nope" billy says "want to come with me to training" i say back "what kind" billy asks "to get my powers stronger" i say back "why not" billy says. We go back upstairs. We smell weed and i laugh. "Is Jay getting high" billy asks "yep, because i haven't smoked and i keep mine locked up" i say back. I walk up to jays door and open it. Jay quickly hides what was in his hand i laugh "I'm not an idiot, i know what you were doing" i say "you didn't see anything" Jay says "just know everyone can smell it, your not as sneaky as you think" i say back before closing the door. We go to my room. "Get a head start on packing" billy asks "yep" i say back. I look thru my clothes and find an envelope. I hand it to billy and he looks in it "how fucking much is here" billy says "over 3k" i say back billy looks at me "how the hell" billy says "different jobs I've had and drugs" i say back. I put the envelope back. "When did you sell drugs" billy says "I've done it for the passed year" i say back "wait you've been doing it since you were 16" billy says "yep, my dad never cared what i did, some times i wouldn't come home for weeks at a time" i say back "where would you be" billy asks "in some random guys houses" i say back "and your dad never cared" billy says "nope, never tried to find me or anything" i say back "well, good thing we're leaving" billy says. I grab my first gun i had that was dads off my dresser. I walk downstairs and billy follows. I see dad in the kitchen and i walk up to him. I hand him the gun "you should have this" i say. Dad takes it "why" dad says confused "because it was yours and i have my own" i say back. Dad puts in it his pocket "your never this nice" dad says "well the end is near so why not be nice" i say back. Dad gives me a suspicious look "oh and your son is getting high as we speak" i say before walking away. We go outside and we hear dad run up the stairs. I laugh "i love getting people in trouble" i say.

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