66. Never ending

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"I wasn't going to tell you but you should know, the second file on you is from when you were little" dad says "wait then how did i see another six" i say back "no idea" dad says. I go to my room. "Am i losing my mind" i think. I clean up my room. I hear dad talking. I stand at the top of the steps. I couldn't make out anything being said. I go down a few steps and sit down. I listen to the conversation. "I'm not going to do that" dad says "who the fuck" i think. "Just please don't hurt her" dad says "mother fucker" i think. I walk downstairs and stand in the doorway. "Don't play dumb" i say "what" dad says "don't think i didn't hear your little conversation" i say back "it was work" dad says "sure, just know i can watch your every move" i say back. I go back upstairs. I change and sit on my bed "that was definitely not work" i think. Dad walks in "good night" dad says "night" i say back. Dad leaves "he never tells me good night, something weird is going on" i think. I turn off my light and lay down. I fall asleep. I wake up to dad saying my name. "I'm sorry glam" dad says. I could tell dad was crying "for what" i ask. Dad gets up and walks out of my room. I sit up. Brenner walks in "hello six" Brenner says "stay back" i say back. Brenner walks up to me. I grab a beer bottle off my bedside table. I throw it at Brenner "you lying mother fucker!" i yell. Brenner grabs my wrists "six you have a gift" Brenner says "fuck, you" i say back "give me one more chance, we can go back to being six and papa" Brenner says. I look at dad "just do it" dad mouths. I look back at Brenner "let go of me and I'll talk" i say "good" brenner says. Brenner let's go. "You get one more chance, don't fuck it up" i say "thank you six" brenner says. Brenner hugs me. I feel a sharp pain in my neck "lier" i say before passing out. I wake up to someone banging on a door. I roll over "shut the fuck up" i say "glam your awake" someone says. I roll back over to look at the person. "Chloe what the fuck" i say "we can't get out, i don't know what to do, I'm freaking the fuck out" Chloe says. I look around "fucking brenner" i say "i woke up in the middle of the night to someone standing over me then i woke up here" Chloe says "no shit he takes kids in the middle of the night now" i say back "what do we do" Chloe says "we just go alone with it, we've done it before we can do it again" i say back "are you sure" Chloe says "yes" i say back. I stand up "good to know he put me in this fucking gown thing" i say "i forgot how stupid these are" Chloe says. "He took my fucking lighter" i say "we are stuck in a lab and your worried about a fucking lighter" Chloe says "billy gave me it, i love that lighter" i say back. "I want this door open" Chloe says. I look around the room. There was two beds and two desks. I walk over to the one desk and pick up the chair. I throw it at the door. "Yeah that would work" Chloe says "it was worth a shot" i say back. I see a camera. I move the chair to the camera. I stand on it "let us out dick" i say. "What are we going to do, we might die in here" Chloe says walking back and forth "Chloe for fuck sake stop panicking" i say back. The door opens. We see Brenner. We stand in front of Brenner like we would do as kids. "Five, six, glad to see you guys awake" Brenner says "hello papa" Chloe says "where's my fucking lighter" i say. Chloe slaps my arm "watch it" i say looking at Chloe. Brenner gives me my lighter "thanks" i say. We follow Brenner to a room. A worker comes and takes Chloe. "You know where eleven is" Brenner says "i don't, i lost contact with her months ago" i say back "don't lie to me six" Brenner says "I'm not" i say back "just know your not going to be able to escape this time" Brenner says "no shit" i say back. We leave the room "get to know the other kids" Brenner says "yeah yeah" i say back. I walk back to my room. I see the same kid sitting against the wall. I sit beside her "i see he got you to" i say "hey" she says "we look alike" i say back. She looks around "I'm you" she says "what" i say back "Brenner tried to make a clone of you after you escaped, we think the same, look the same, and act the same" she says "hold the fuck up, what the fuck" i say back "I'm you from when you were a kid" she says "wait how old" i say back "13" she says "how did he make another me" i say back "he took DNA from you when you were passed out" she says "I'm going to test you to see if your for real" i say back "go on" she says. "Whats are name" i say "august glam price" she says "what last name do we go by now" i say back "northwest" she says "favorite band" i say back "ac/dc" she says "friends" i say back "didn't think you had friends" she says "fuck your good, and rude" i say back "I'm you dumb ass" she says "language" i say back. She flips me off "god were scary alike" i say. Brenner walks up to us "ready six" Brenner says. We look at him "come on six" Brenner says "he's talking to you" she whispers i stand up. I follow Brenner to a room. This room was different from the others. "Lighter" brenner says. I give him my lighter. Chloe comes in. Brenner leaves and locks the door. "What's going on" Chloe asks "i don't know" i say back. A door opens and we hear a weird sound "Chloe stay behind me" i say "we fight together" Chloe says. A demogorgon runs out. "Glam do something" Chloe says "dick head took my lighter, so we're fucked" i say back. It runs up to us. It stands in front of me "Chloe don't move" i whisper. It just stands and looks at me. I put my hand out. It steps back. "I think it's afraid of you" Chloe says "i think so to" i say back. A worker walks in. The worker try's to get closer to me. The demogorgon gets in front of the worker. I cover Chloe's eyes. The demogorgon attacks the worker. "Fuck" i think. Security runs in "the fuck did you guys think was going to happen" i say. Two Security guards drag me out of the room. They drag me to my room "watch it fuckers" i say. They throw me in the room and lock the door. I sit on the floor "dicks" i say. A few minutes pass and Brenner comes in "we're not done for today" brenner says "figured" i say back getting off the floor. Brenner takes me to a bigger room that had all the kids in it. We all line up against the wall in number order. "You ok" i whisper "i think" Chloe whispers. "Six step up" brenner says. I stand in front of him. "Let this be a lesson to always listen" Brenner says. A worker hands him the collar. "You put that on me and your dead" i say "when the roles are broken, the role breaker will face the consequences" Brenner says "last i fucking checked i didn't break any roles" i say back "you should work on your language" Brenner says "fuck you" i say back. He puts the collar on me. He starts to turn it all the way up. It wasn't Affecting me. "Sucks to be you right now" i say "why ain't it working" Brenner says. He takes it off of me and i get back in line. He gets a new one "get back here" Brenner says. I walk back up to him. He puts it on me. He starts to turn it up. This time it affected me. "Now what will we improve on" brenner says i laugh "get fucked" i say back. Everything goes black. I get my vision back. I was being dragged out of the room. I was throw into a dark room. I lay on the floor "hell happened" i think.

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