74. Crazy

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I hear someone walking up the stairs. My door opens and billy walks in. "I come with a gift" he says i laugh. He closes my door and takes a bottle of vodka out of the bag he was holding. He gives it to me. I open it and take a sip. "You have been forgiven" i say "thank you" billy says. He looks at me "your doing that weird look at me" i say "your body is back to normal" billy says "oh, yeah i don't know how" i say back. A week had passed. Dad still wasn't talking to me. He went to a hotel which he had been at for three days. I was in the school bathroom with Chrissy. "Hold still" she says "I'm fine" i say back "you were punched your not fine, now let me clean off your lip" she says "fine" i say back. She gets the blood off my lip. "Now no more fights" she says "yeah yeah" i say back. "Have you heard from your dad yet" she asks "nope, but he did leave me a note telling me to go to hell before he left" i say back. I hand her the note "your dads a jerk" she says handing me back the note. We leave the bathroom. I see Jason. I flip him off and smile. Chrissy went to find someone and i went to meet billy at his car. I see billy playing with his lighter. I walk up to him "hello dear Hargrove" i say "were you punched" billy asks "yes" i say back smiling. We get in his car and he drives home. "So what's the deal with your dad" billy asks "no idea" i say back "i have a feeling that it has something to do with Brenner" billy says "most likely" i say back. Billy parks and we get out. I look at my house. I see dads truck "looks like mother fucker came home" i say "let's not die" billy says. We walk over. We stop on the porch. I hear people talking inside "dad has someone here" i whisper "fuck" billy says. I turn the door handle and open the door slowly. I didn't see any of brenner's people. We walk inside. Dad walks out from his bedroom with some woman. Dad stops when he sees me and the woman looks at me. Dad walks up to me and puts his hands out. I step back "what happened to your lip" dad asks "fight" i say back. Dad looks at billy "what happened" dad asks. Billy puts his hands up in defense "i wasn't with her" billy says. "Well this would be a good time to explain some of the stuff i found in your room" dad says "you went thru my fucking room!" I say back "yes" dad says. Dad walks back to the kitchen and i look at billy "I'm going to hurt a bitch" i whisper "just act normal" billy whispers "then I'll punch someone" i whisper back. We go to the kitchen. Dad had stuff of mine all over the table. I see my gun, lighters, knives, and packs of cigarettes. "Explain" dad says "first of all you know i smoke, you know i own a gun, keep your hands off my lighters, and most of those knives you gave me" i say back "be nice to your dad" the woman says "i don't fucking know you so don't tell me what to do" i say back "take everything out of your pockets" dad says. I take my cigarettes, lighter, knife, and notes out of my pockets then sit it all on the table "if your trying to figure out if i have cocaine on me, your not going to fine any" i say "glam" dad says "oh shouldn't you call me august since every time you have a girl over to call me that" i say back getting closer to dad "that was one time" dad says "the only time you were sober enough to remember" i say back "don't talk to me like that" dad says "i don't have to talk i have other ways to get my point across" i say back "don't you even" dad says. Billy gets in front of me "glam" billy whispers. I step back billy stands beside me. The woman gets beside dad and crosses her arms. "Don't think your better then me bitch" i say looking at the woman "i won't take this kind of disrespect from you" she says "good, plus who the fuck even are you" i say back "your dad's girlfriend" she says i laugh "good try" i say back "it's half true" dad says nervous "she's just another slut that you found" i say back. The woman gets in my face "watch your mouth" she says "fuck, you" i say back. She try's to slap me but i use my powers "hit me and your dead" i say. Dad gets her away from me. Billy try's to get the blood off my face but i push his hand away "I'm fine" i say. Dad takes the woman to his room. I grab my stuff and go to my room with billy. I put my stuff away "what's up with your dad" billy says "no fucking clue" i say back. I lock my door. I sit beside billy on my bed. I wrap my arms around his neck "did i ever tell you how pretty you are" i say smiling "a few times" billy says smiling. I kiss him. He puts me on his lab "i can't wait to see you in a swimsuit everyday" billy says "and i can't wait to see you surf" i say back "I'm actually excited to get back into that life style" billy says. We hear a knock on the door "fuck my life" i say getting up. I open the door and see the woman. She walks in and i walk back to my bed. "Are you done being a brat" she says "are you done trying to be my mother" i say back opening my bedside table "I'm trying to make this work" she says "sure" i say back. Billy hands me his lighter and i light a blunt. I offer it to billy he shakes his head no. I take a drag "i see you do drugs" she says "get out" i say back "i will be living here with you and your dad, so i wont leave" she says "whatever you think" i say back. She starts looking thru my room "the fuck" i think. I walk to the top of the stairs "dad come get your bitch!" I yell. I hear billy laugh "coming!" Dad yells. Dad walks up the stairs "your bitch your problem" i say "fuck" dad says. I sit beside billy and dad try's to get the woman's attention. "I'm going to sacrifice her to vecna" i whisper "go for it" billy whispers "the fuck you say" she says "oh nothing" i say back "how did she hear you" billy whispers "who knows" i whisper back. She opens my dresser and digs around. I realize what she's going to find. I quickly get up and close the dresser. She holds up an envelope that had dad written on it. "What's this" she says "put that down" i say back. She gives it to dad "maybe this will explain stuff" she says "you son of a bitch" i say back. Billy gets beside me. Dad opens it and starts to read it. I try to get passed the woman but she blocks the doorway "fuck" i think. I look at dad and i could tell what he read by the way his eyes looked. I use my powers to get pasted the woman and billy follows. I run outside and down the road. Billy runs after me. After a few minutes i loss billy. I make it to the woods where me and billy hang out. I sit at the table "I'm fucked" i say. I zone out to keep my mind off what dad read. I hear a car. I see dads truck. I stand up figuring i would get yelled at. Dad gets out and runs up to me. Dad hugs me "I'm sorry" dad says "i should have told you" i say back starting to cry "everything's going to be ok" dad says "you didn't need to read a suicide note from your kid" i say back "I'm just glad your still here" dad says. Dad holds onto me "i should listen to you more often" dad says "you think" i say back laughing. We go home. It started to rain. Dad runs inside trying not to get wet. I stand in the yard. Billy walks up behind me. Billy hugs me. I lean my head back onto his shoulder "yes I'm wet because of the rain" billy says i laugh "good" i say back.

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