91. Stick together

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I wake up to feeling someone sitting down beside me. "Glam" Skyler says "what" i say back trying to go back to sleep "your dad is bringing the new doctor here in an hour, to meet you" Skyler says "your joking" i say back quickly sitting up "no" Skyler says "fuck!" I say getting up "as long as you don't piss him off maybe he'll leave you alone" Skyler says trying to reassure me. I try to keep myself from panicking. Billy walks in "did you tell her" billy says looking at Skyler "uh yeah i told her, she needed to know" Skyler says. Billy try's to get near me "don't come near me" i say billy steps back. "Glam everything will be ok" Skyler says getting off the bed "no it won't be ok!" i say back. I sit against the wall and put my knees to my chest. "It's ok" Skyler says getting closer to me "don't fucking come close to me" i say back. Billy stops Skyler "I'm trying to help my sister" Skyler says "she doesn't want anyone near her" billy says "Skyler just leave" i say. Skyler leaves then billy sits beside me. "Be ready to leave" i say "why" billy asks "if stuff gets out of hand you get as far as you can away from here" i say back "i stay with you" billy says "i prefer you alive" i say back "same with you" billy says. I get up and find clothes. I get dressed than go to my bedside table. I take out a syringe then hand it to billy "keep it in your pocket" i say billy nods. I put my jacket on and my bandanna on my face. "Why do you have that on" billy asks "i wore it every time i would meet someone, mostly for fights" i say back. Billy hands me my gun and i put it in my pocket. We hear Skyler yell my name. I hug billy "remember the plan" i say "always" billy says. I slip my pocket knife in Billy's pocket before letting go. I go downstairs and billy follows behind me. I hide a syringe in my sleeve before walking to the living room which was connected to the dinning room. I see dad mom Skyler the doctor and another guy. "Names Phil" the doctor says putting his hand out "glam" i say back shaking his hand "if i remember correctly your six right" Phil says "yes" i say back. Phil has dad pull up my sleeve to reveal my number. "Hands to yourself dick" i say taking my arm back. Dad steps back beside Phil "why do you have that on your face" Phil asks "because i can" i say back "i figure you heard about Brenner, so now I'm the new doctor to continue his legacy" Phil says "so I'm just another rat for you to test on" i say back "i just want to give you your full potential" Phil says "bullshit, i lost all the potential i had years ago" i say back "from the files i was left you were one of the strongest" Phil says "my powers don't even work anymore" i say back "i was told you use them all the time" Phil says "you can't believe anything my dad says" i say back "well then we'll have to test your powers to see if they work or not" Phil says. I step back getting closer to billy "glam don't fight us" dad says "your all liars" i say back "it's just a few tests it won't hurt" mom says "say that to all the needles that have been injected into me" i say back "don't make this hard" Phil says. The front door swings open and more guards come in "we're fucked" i whisper "fight like your life's on the line" billy whispers "right" i whisper back. Dad and Phil grab me and pull me away from billy. Skyler try's to get to billy but she gets cornered. "You left us no choice" Phil says "go to hell" i say back. I see a syringe in dads hand. I hear billy yelling something before every goes black. I wake up and look around. The room looked like the ones in the lab. "What" i think getting up. "How dose this place look like the lab, it burned down" i think. I feel in my pockets and realize that they took everything out of my pockets "where's billy" i think frantically looking around. I remember i keep a small knife in my boot. I take my shoe off and find my knife "idiots" i think. I put my shoe back on then put the knife in my pocket. I leave the room and start walking down the hall looking for billy. Everything looked identical to the lab somehow. I find billy walked down the hall. I run up behind him and hug him. "Thank god your ok" billy says "did they hurt you" i ask "no" billy says "I'm just glad your ok" i say back "why dose this place look like the lab" billy asks "no idea" i say back. I see Peter walk around the corner. "Please tell me you see him to" i say "yeah" billy says. I grab Billy's hand then quickly go into a room. "He's replaying my memories" i say "then how am i here" billy asks "i don't know" i say back. We leave the room "wait if Peters here then my dads here" i say "then let's find him" billy says. A kid walks out of a room "glam why dose she look like you" billy asks "fuck" i say back. Peter appears beside me and i jump "six it's time for training" Peter says. I look at billy and nod before Peter holds my hand and walks down the hall. Billy follows behind us. More kids walk out of there rooms and they were all me from everything time i was brought back to the lab. "Everything alright six" Peter asks "yeah" i say back. I look behind me and see that Billy's not there "I need to find a way out of here" i think. Peter takes me to the rainbow room. The gate was open and i look for Peter but he disappeared. "Get me the fuck out of this hell!" I yell seeing a camera. All the different versions of me make a circle around me. The rainbow room turns to the upside down. "What the fuck" i think. Vecna appears in front of me. "Get out while you can" he says. I look behind me and see a portal like thing. I walk up to it then turn back around "revenge" he says. I walk thru and i see that I'm at home. I see blood on the floor and dad helping Phil off the ground trying to get out the door. I realize what happened then smile. Billy let's go then steps back "your fine" i say "the fuck do you call that" billy says "losing control" i say back smiling. Skyler hugs me "i think i saw the craziest shit" i say "like what" Skyler says "I'll tell you guys later" i say back. We make sure they leave before letting are guard down. Billy kisses me since my bandanna came off. "I didn't think it would actually work" billy says "i don't even remember half of what happened" i say back "hopefully you can live normally now" billy says "hopefully" i say back. I help Skyler clean up the house then we all sit at the table. I tell them everything that happened. "So vecna helped you" billy says "yeah" i say back "why the fuck do you keep a knife in your boot" Skyler says "comes in handy" i say back. Skyler leaves and we go upstairs to the bedroom. "How did you not kill that many people" billy asks "no idea" i say back "it's still confusing how i was there" billy says "i think it was different memories put all together, and since I've spent the last year with you it would make sense why you would be there" i say back. I find a picture of me and dad then see a lit candle. "Can i do it this one time" i ask "let me get a cup of water to put out the fire" billy says "i can burn it outside" i say back "we're going to go with the safer option" billy says. We go to the back porch. I hold the picture up and billy lights it on fire. I watch as it burns to ashes. I step on it to put it out "my dad can burn in hell" i say "i think you proved that" billy says i laugh. We go back inside then someone knocks on the door. Billy answers it and his mom walks in. She walks past him then hugs me. "Are you alright, i heard what happened on the news" she says "wait what" i say back "your dad coming here" she says "first time i was on the news for something other then hurting someone" i say back. We go to the kitchen and i get an idea. I use my powers to make them see a butterfly. "Mother fucker!" Billy yells i laugh "billy language!" She yells "yeah billy language" i say laughing "your a dick!" Billy yells "so are you" i say back "billy Hargrove!" She yells "why is your son so afraid of butterflies" i ask "no idea he's always been afraid of them" she says. Billy hides behind his mom "aw baby billy is scared" i say "shut up!" Billy yells she slaps his arm. I get rid of the butterfly and billy gets out from behind his mom. "Billy Watch your language" she says "just take his car keys and he'll listen" i say "glam we have the same keys" billy says "i keep my keys on me at all times" i say back "sure about that" billy says spinning keys on his finger "you son of a bitch" i say back "glam language!" She says "sorry" i say back. I try to grab my keys but billy puts them out of my reach "pay back" billy says. I put my hand on my hip and put the other out. Billy rolls his eyes and drops my keys in my hand then i put them in my pocket. "You guys never changed" she says we give her a confused look "billy was always taller then you so he would put stuff out of your reach just to see how long it would take you to get your hands on the object, he would eventually get tired of watching you struggle so he would give you the object back" she says. I turn to look at billy "so you've always been a jerk" i say "your one to" billy says "yeah yeah whatever" i say back "I'll have to see if i have any pictures of you two as kids" she says "I'll see more baby billy pictures" i say teasing billy "shut up" billy says i laugh. Billy's mom leaves and i follow billy to the door. Billy waits for her to be out of the driveway. Billy turns around "don't even think about it" i say billy laughs "you won't win this time" i say "i was a master in pe" billy says "and i was a master at running from the cops" i say back "then let's test that" billy says. Billy chases me around the house. I gave up on sticking to the roles so i used my powers to help me jump over furniture. Billy finally catches me "told you i would win" billy says "you were just lucky" i say back. Billy throws me over his shoulder and goes upstairs. Billy goes to the bedroom and let's me down. "Do you have zippo fluid" billy asks "a shit ton" i say back. I pull out a box from under the bed and take out lighter fluid then push it back under. I hand it to billy "thanks" billy says "no problem" i say back. I sit on the bed "if i was to tell you something would you over react" i ask "depends on what it is" billy says "it's about the upside down" i say back. Billy sits in front of me "go on" billy says "i plan on going back" i say back "what do you plan on doing there" billy asks "make it my home" i say back "why" billy says "it's just always felt like home" i say back "i don't agree on this, but I'll support your decision" billy says "if your worried you'll lose me you won't" i say back "what's the full plan" billy asks "I'm going to pack a bag then drive back to Hawkins, and live in the upside down" i say back "then I'll never be able to see you again" billy says. I try to think of what to say but couldn't think of anything "i could go back to Hawkins to finish school then stay here full time, so I'll be able to see you for a few more months" billy says "you sure" i say back "yes, and i think it would be funny since everyone thinks I'm dead there" billy says i laugh "hopefully by the time you finish school i will have my mission finished" i say back "what mission" billy asks "i plan on becoming the warrior of the upside down" i say back "you would look hot as a warrior" billy says i laugh "when are you leaving" billy asks "hopefully end of this month" i say back "that gives us over two weeks together" billy says i nod.

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