32. Missing

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I wake up and turn over to look at billy. Billy wasn't in bed. I get up and put my jean's on and one of Billy's shirts "now to see if he notices" i think. I open the door and walk to the living room. I see billy working out. I walk up to him "morning" i say "your up early" billy says putting the weight done. Billy takes the cigarette off his lips and drinks his beer. I take his cigarette and take a drag. I hand him the cigarette back. He goes back to working out and i sit in front of the couch on the floor. "You don't have to sit on the floor" billy says "i get a better View from here" i say back billy laughs. I watch billy for a few minutes. Billy gets up "I'm going to shower" billy says i stand up "i should head home so you have fun with that" i say back. Billy try's to kiss me "ew your all sweaty" i say stepping back "why do you think I'm getting in the shower" billy says. I turn around to leave but billy run's up behind me and hugs me. He kisses me i get out of the hug and grab my shoe and hold it up to him "go shower you animal" i say "fine see you later, wait it that my shirt" billy says "yeah" i say back "you look hot" billy says "why do you think I put it on" i say back. I put my shoes on then head home. I walk in and see dad cooking in the kitchen. I walk up to dad "what you cooking" i ask "bacon" dad says "well I'm going to shower" i say back "ok" dad says. I head upstairs to the bathroom. I get undressed and get in the shower. After a few minutes i get out. I wrap a towel around my body and head to my room. I put jeans and the shirt of Billy's back on. I get dressed and brush my hair. I look at myself in the mirror. I see my 006 in the mirror "i have a idea" i think. I grab a black marker. I draw a sun over it and let it dry. "Nice" i think. I head back downstairs and walk into the kitchen. Dad put a plate of bacon on the counter. I grab a piece "the raccoon found it's bacon" dad says "shut up" i say back dad laughs. "I have bad news" dad says i look at him "eleven is missing" dad says "has hopper tried to find her" i say back "no he wanted to know if you might know before he try's to find her" dad says "no i haven't see her in weeks" i say back "I'll let hopper know" dad says walking to his room. "Well shit" i think. A week had passed. I wake up then walk over to my window. I see a light filling the sky "the fuck" i think. I put shoes on then go outside. Billy was outside his house "what's going on" billy asks "i don't know" i say back. "Get dressed we're going to see what's happening" i say. Billy runs inside his house. I go inside and run to my room. I put jean's on then go back outside. Me and billy get in my car. I speed to the light. I pull into the mall parking lot. The light disappeared "now what" billy says. I grab his hand and we run to the back of the mall. "How are we going to get in" billy says "they don't lock this door" i say back opening the door. We walk inside. We run down all the stairs. We make it to a room that had guards laying in it. "The fuck happened" billy says. We keep walking till we see eleven walking out of a elevator type thing. I run to her and hug her "where the hell have you been" i say "hoppers not here" she says "the Russian guys might know" billy says "how are we going to ask dead people" i say back. "The hell happened to your hair and clothing" i say "eight did it" she says. It took me a minute till i realized what she meant "wait you found eight" i say back she nods "there's more people like you guys" billy says "like 16 i think" i say back. We take eleven to the car. "Your staying with me" i say she nods. I drive home. I pull into the driveway. We get out and i see max. "Why are you up" billy says walking up to max. Billy and max get inside. Me and eleven go inside. She gets in the shower. I go to my room and blow up a air mattress. I put blankets and pillows on it. I get clothes for eleven. I open the bathroom door and hand them to her. I go back to my room. After a few minutes eleven comes back. "Better" i ask she nods. "I saw mama" she says "your mom" i say back confused "yeah" she says. "My real name is jane" she says "well now I'll call you that" i say back. I look out the window and see that the sun is starting to rise. I sit on my bed "i hope hopper is ok" she says "i hope so to" i say back. She lays down. I wait a few minutes to make sure she falls asleep. I get up and walk downstairs to dads room. I open the door and see dad getting up "i found eleven but hoppers missing" i say. Dad just looks at me "go back to sleep I'll tell you later" i say. I close the door and go back to my room. I walk past eleven trying not to wake her up. I make it to my bed. I lay down then go back to sleep.

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