24. Family

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I wake up at 5:47 am. I get up from my desk and walk downstairs. I head into dads room. Dad has it suitcase open on his bed with clothes in it. "Having fun" i ask "oh your wake" dad says. Dad finished packing his stuff. "Take this to the truck" dad says handing me a backpack "ok" i say back taking it from his hand. I put my shoes on and head outside. I put the backpack in the back seat. I head back inside. I swear dad drank 5 cups of coffee in the span of 2 minutes. "Ok have fun don't die don't get sent to jail I'll call you when i get there" dad says "ok don't die" i say back "I'll try not to" dad says. Dad hugs me then leaves. I go to the couch and go back to sleep. I wake up at 1:26 pm. I lay on the couch not wanting to get up. I hear the phone ring. I get up and answer the phone "hello this is the northwest's" i say "hey glam girl" a guy says. I remember his voice it was my uncle frank. "Hey frank" i say back "hey the family is having a party tonight at the farm, i wanted to know if you wanted to come" frank says "uh fuck yeah i want to come!" I say back "good I'll see you later" frank says. I hang up the phone and dance around the room. I decide since billy won't be home for a hour i should do something fun. I run upstairs into my room. I put jeans on then grab a can of white spray paint. I run downstairs and put shoes on. I walk outside and make sure no cars are coming. I go to the middle of the road and start to paint. I paint a giant eye on the road. I hear a car coming. I run to the porch. I see Billy's car. I go inside and watch from the window. Billy gets out then looks at the road. He walks to the front door and knocks. I open it "what did you do" billy says smiling "nothing" i say back laughing. We go to my room. "Ok your going to hate me but your going to help me pick out an outfit for tonight" i say "your a dick" billy says "behave" i say back "fuck that" billy says "maybe i won't fuck you tomorrow night" i say back throwing a lighter at him "I'll keep your lighter" billy says picking up the lighter "ok i have many" i say back "you have like 2" billy says. I grab a box off my dresser and hand it to billy "sure about that" i say "how many are here" billy says "about 78" i say back. I look thru my dresser trying to find clothes. Billy looks thru my box of lighters. I grab light blue ripped jeans and a white shirt with flowers on it. I look under my bed and find my cowboy boots. I get dressed and put my jewelry on. "Like it" i say billy looks up. He looks at every inch of me. "You look hotter than before" billy says "just know your coming with me" i say back "ok it's just your family" billy says "yep" i say back putting my denim jacket on. I pull my hair up into a messy bun. I look outside and see the sun starting to set. "Let's go" i say. We head to my car. We get in and i start driving. After a few minutes i turn down a dirt road. I drive for 10 minutes then i see a house. I park and we get out. I hold Billy's hand and Walk to the giant garage in the one field. We get closer and i see people standing outside. I see frank. I let go of Billy's hand and run up to frank. I jump and hug him. "You made it glam girl" frank says "you think i would miss this!" I say back. Frank shakes Billy's hand and they talk. I walk inside and see my cousins aunts and uncles and some family friends. People are dancing to the music playing. I spot my cousin Jamie. I walk up behind him and grab him "I've come to take your soul!" i yell making him scream "you mother fucker!" Jamie yells. The people around us start laughing. He sees that it's me "glam are you trying to kill me" Jamie says "a little" i say back. My aunt Taylor hands me a beer "you still drink" taylor asks "you bet" i say back. Billy puts his arm around my waist "find your way here" i say "finally" billy says. My cousin Nate and his dad walk up to me. Nate has his hand behind his back "guess what" Nate says "what" i say back. He takes his hand out from behind his back. "I got you this" Nate says handing me a buck skull "6 point my lucky number" i say back smiling "glad you like it" Nate says before walking away "your family is fucked" billy says "a little" i say back. I see sage a family friend. I walk up to her "hey glam" she says i put the deer skull up to my face "glam is gone only deer now" i say back Sage laughs "still funny" she says. We hang out for a few hours. It was 1:27 am. "We should head home" i say billy nods. I say my good byes and we head to my car. I put the skull in the back seat. I drive home. I park and we get out. "Good night" billy says starting to walk to his house. "Wait" i say billy stops and turns around. I wrap my arms around billy and kiss him. "Love you and good night" i say "love you to" billy says. I watch billy walk home. I grab the skull and go inside. I put the skull on the table. I didn't feel like Changing. I lay on the couch and go to sleep.

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