42. Rockstar (smut)

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I think on how i can hide my knife. I put it in my bra. I walk around to see if it would fall out. "This will work" i think. I take the knife out then put it on my dresser. I think the plan thru. A few hours had passed and dad went to bed. I change and sit at my desk. My door opens and billy comes in. He closes the door "shouldn't you be in bed" i say "didn't feel like sleeping" billy says. He lay's on my bed "ok fine i wanted to see you" billy says "it's pretty obvious" i say back smiling. I look at him "never thought I would see you in baggy clothing" i say "believe me i cant wait to go back to my every day clothes" billy says "so you can show off your ass again" i say back laughing "shut up" billy says. I sit beside him "i never though the king of Hawkins would be in my bed" i say "well I'm here and your not getting rid of me" billy says smiling. He puts his hand on my thigh. "What's your plan for clovers party" billy asks "I'm just going to see what happens" i say back. I lay down. He gets on top of me "you really want to do this" i say "yes" billy says. He kisses my neck. He takes his shirt off. He pulls his hair up and i take my shirt and bra off. "Missed seeing you like this" billy says. He sucks on my breast and rubs the other i moan. He kisses me then gets up. He takes his pants off. I take my shorts off. I watch as he takes his boxers off. He takes my panties off. I lay on my stomach. He pulls my hair. "Have fun walking tomorrow" billy whispers in my ear. He enters me "I'm fucked" i think. He starts to slowly thrust. I try not to moan. He starts going faster. I cover my mouth with my hand. He flips me on my back. He pulls me closer and pins my hands above my head. "Trying not to moan won't work forever darling" billy says. He starts thrusting faster and harder i moan. I feel myself getting closer. "billy" i moan. I wrap my arms around his neck. I feel the knot in my stomach get ready to release. We cum at the same time. I moan and he covers my mouth with his hand. "Christ you can moan loud" billy says laughing. He sits his head on my chest. We catch are breath. He moves my hair out of my face. "Hopefully i didn't wake my dad up" i say laughing "hopefully" billy says. He lays beside me. "I probably should of asked you before we did this but are you on birth control" billy asks "yes i hate children with a passion" i say back. He gets dressed. I try to stand up but fail Billy laughs "your a dick" i say "what did i tell you" billy says. He helps me up. I get dressed then sit at my desk. I find my camera. "Hey billy" i say holding up the camera. He was smoking a cigarette. He turns around and walks up to me. "I'm i your model now" billy says "maybe" i say back. I take a picture of him. He takes the camera and takes a picture of me. We then take a few of us together. I put the camera away "I'll have my dad develop them tomorrow" i say. I look at the clock it was 2:49 am. "You should probably head home so your dad doesn't flip out on you" i say "probably" billy says. We walk downstairs "your coming with me" billy says "why" i say back "I'll tell you when we get there" billy says. I put my shoes on. We sneak into Billy's house. We make it to his room. I sit on his bed. He looks thru his closet. After a few seconds he pulls out a leather jacket. I stand up and he puts it on me "what's this for" i ask "it's for tomorrow so all the guys know you belong to me" billy says i smile "you always have a way to make sure no one fucks with me" i say back warping my arms around his neck. He kisses me "i sure do" billy says smiling. I kiss him then open his window "you can use the door" billy says "no thank you" i say back. I crawl thru the window then go home. I go inside and take my shoes off. I go to my room and lay down. I fell asleep for a few hours. I wake up to music. I open my eyes and see dad dancing around my room "rise and shine" dad says i laugh "morning to you to" i say back. I get up "you get cold or something" dad asks "no why" i say back confused "I'm guessing that's Billy's jacket" dad says "oh, yeah" i say back. Dad leaves and i get dressed. I lay out my clothes for tonight. I grab my camera and go downstairs. I hand dad the camera "be back" dad says. I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and see my old twirl coach. "Oh hey" i say "long time no see" she says. She hugs me "i wanted to ask you something" she says "what is it" i say back "i know you quit but we are having a competition in town next month, and you were my most talented student, so would you come back for this one time" she says "sure why not" i say back. She hugs me then leaves. I close the door. Dad comes back and hands me the pictures. "Looks like you guys had fun last night" dad says. I took three of the pictures and put my shoes on. I walk to Billy's house. I hear yelling "I'm going to stay out of that" i think. I put the pictures in Billy's car. I go to walk away but the door opens. Billy and max walk out. Neil follows them out. Max was crying. I hug her and Neil keeps yelling at billy. "Go to my house" i say to max. She nods and walks away. I wrap my arm around Billy's neck "keep your hands off my son" Neil says "how about no" i say back. Neil keeps yelling. I use my powers to push Neil back into the house and close the door "let's go" i say. We go to my house. We walk in. Dad was talking to max. We go to the bathroom. "Looks like I'm going with you tonight" billy says "fine" i say back. I look for my hair dye. I finally find it. I grab my scissors "the hell are you doing" billy says "something" i say back. I fix up my hair then open the hair dye. I get a piece of hair towards the front. The piece was fading back to light brown. I put blue dye on it. "Ok you've lost your mind" billy says "not this time, i used to do this for years but with marker" i say back. I sit on the counter "someone has to be the hottest person at the party" i say "you are right there" billy says smiling. I let the dye sit then get in the shower. I wash my hair. The door opens then quickly closes. I move the shower curtain and see Sam. "Shit you ok" i say seeing that Sam had blood running down the side of her face "yeah you know just got into a fight" sam says. Billy finds the first aid kit. I finish and wrap a towel around myself. I help Sam "the hell happened" i say "one of clovers friends" sam says. I finish cleaning Sam's face "well more of a reason to crash her party" i say back. We go to my room. Billy sits on my bed and Sam sits at my desk. I get dressed and dry my hair. "Rockstar glam is back i see" sam says "you bet" i say back "wait what" billy says confused "i was known as rock star glam" i say back "wow i learn more about you every day" billy says. I find my clothes i layed out. "Well my dad left so I'm going home to get dressed" billy says before kissing me then leaving. "Are you sure he should go" sam says "no way of stopping him" i say back. Sam leaves. The party was in a hour. I turn music on and change into the clothes i left out. I put black jeans and a black shirt on. I tuck my shirt into my jeans. I put my belt on. I find my earrings and put them on. I use hair spray to get my hair to stay puffy. I put necklaces and rings on and ash's bracelet. I grab my lighter and cigarettes. I put Billy's jacket on and put my stuff in the pocket. I put Perfume on and my boots. I turn off my light and music then go downstairs. I hear dad in the kitchen "welcome the one and only glam" i say walking around the corner. "Oh shit your planing on crashing a party" dad says "you bet" i say back "who's the lucky victim" dad asks "clover" i say back "that's going to be fun" dad says. Billy walks in "wow is that even the same person" billy says "maybe" i say back.

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