45. Testing

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A worker wakes me up "wake up" she says. I sit up "this must be the new worker that deals with me" i think "get dressed and come to the main room" she says "yeah ok" i say back. She leaves and i look at the clock it was 9:01 am. I get up and get dressed. I walk to the main room. I walk in and see all the other kids. I sit down beside a girl. "Hi" i say "oh hey" she says. I look at her wrist and see 017. "Your number is my age" i say "cool" she says. We eat breakfast. Brenner walks in and we all stand up. We get in number order. We get split up in groups. Me and seventeen go with Brenner. We follow him "do you have a name" i whisper "you can call me Dylan" she whispers "good to know" i whisper back. Brenner takes us to a room. We sit in the two chairs in the middle of the room. "Ok six your going to work on time control and seventeen your working on the same thing" he says we nod. Dylan dances around the room i watch her. "Ok six try to go back in time" Brenner says. I close my eyes and imagine going back in time. I open my eyes and see everything going in reverse. I stop when Dylan sits back down. "Ok that is cool" i say "i figured you would like it" Brenner says. Me and Dylan high five. We practice for a few hours. A worker walks in. Dylan goes with the worker. "Now that it's just us i have news" Brenner says I look at him "i have aloud you to have visitors" he says "ok" i say back. "Question" i say he looks at me "I'm i aloud to go outside" i ask "only with workers with you, why do you want to know" he says "so i can smoke" i say back. Brenner let me walk around the lab. I find Dylan's room. I open the door and see her practicing her powers. "Hey" i say "oh hey didn't hear you walk in" she says "yeah sorry i didn't knock" i say back "it's ok" she says. We sit on her bed "so dose this mean were friends" she says "yep" i say back she hugs me. I hug her back "i finally have a friend in this hell hole" she says "i should only be here for a few days" i say back. She looks at me confused "I'm just here to be tested on then i should be able to leave" i say "oh that sucks" she says "when i leave i could probably find a way to take you with me" i say back she smiles "that could work" she says. I head back to my room. Brenner opens the door "you have visitors" he says before leaving. Billy walks in "hey darling" billy says nervous "hey Hargrove" i say back. I hug him "so this is your new room" billy says "yep" i say back "your dad is talking to dick bag" billy says. He looks around then hands me a pack of cigarettes "thanks" i say "no problem" billy says. I hide the pack under my bed. "How's everything been so far" billy asks "not bad i can control fire and can go back in time" i say back "at least it's useful" billy says. Dad walks in. I hug him. Dad hands me my California jacket. I put it on "this will come in handy" i say "figured" dad says. I talk to dad and billy for a few minutes. Brenner walks in and has dad follow him. They leave "i didn't want to bring this up but sorry for hiding the drug thing from you, i planed on telling you but was afraid of how you would react" i say "it's fine" billy says "you don't have to act" i say back "i just don't know how to think about it" billy says "then don't" i say back. "How's your torso healing" i ask "ok i think" billy says. He pulls his shirt up a bit. I look at his stomach "better then it was" i say. He puts his shirt back down "has Sam asked about me" i ask "no but your friend from the party has" billy says "Sadie you mean" i say back "yeah that one" billy says "she should be heading home tomorrow" i say back. A worker comes in "oh i didn't know you had visitors" she says "it's ok what's going on" i say back "Brenner needs you" she says "I'll be there in a minute" i say back. She leaves "now what's going on" i think. We walk to Brenner's office. We walk in and see dad and Brenner "you needed me" i say "yes, how do i put this" brenner says i look at him confused "the mindflare has came back" brenner says "how i killed it!" i say back "it makes copy like things of itself" Brenner says "you have to be the one to defeat it again" dad says. Brenner puts his hands on my shoulder "i had a feeling this was going to happen that's why i trained you to control fire" Brenner says. I look at billy then dad "get billy out of this town" i say dad nods. Brenner stands beside dad "I'm not letting you deal with this thing alone" billy says "billy for once just listen to me" i say back "no" billy says "i don't care you will get out of this town where you will be safe" i say back "I'm not doing it" billy says "I'm not letting you almost die again" i say back "if i survived the first time i will survive again" billy says "billy i love you but I've lost to many people to this weird shit" i say back "you won't lose me" billy says "billy please just go with my dad out of town and stop making this hard" i say back. Billy just looks at me "fine" billy says "thank you" i say back. I hug and kiss billy before him and dad leave. Brenner hugs me "you can do this" he says. Brenner takes me to a room. He gives me a lighter "do your worse" he says before leaving. I see a line of fluid around the room. I light the fluid and watch it catch on fire. I walk to the middle of the room. The fire comes closer to me. The more anger i felt the bigger the fire got. In a few seconds the room was full of flames "how the fuck dose nothing in this room catch on fire" i think. I calm down so the fire would go out. I sit on the floor and put my knees to my chest. I stay like that for a few minutes. "This is hell" i think. I feel a hand on my back "want some fresh air" someone says. I look up and see a worker "yes" i say back. I walk to my room and grab my lighter and a cigarette. I hide the stuff in my jacket pocket. We go outside. I sit on the ground and light my cigarette. The worker sits beside me "want to talk" she asks "yeah" i say back "continue" she says "I'm afraid that this creature will take out Hawkins this time" i say back "it's not big enough to take out an entire town" she says. It started to rain. I put my hand out to feel the rain. Something about rain was calming to me. I dry off my hand and finish my cigarette. We go back inside. I grab my bathroom stuff and pajamas. I go to the shower "This is the only thing i hate with my life here" i think. I get undressed and get in the shower. I wash my hair. I look at my hands. They were still bruised. Black stuff started to fall on them. I look at the shower head and see that the water was black "the fuck" i say "you ok" she asks "the water is black" i say back. She opens the curtain "no it's not" she says. The water went back to normal "that was weird" i think. She closes the curtain. I finish and wrap a towel around me. I step out and get dressed. I brush my hair and teeth. "Everyone else is in there rooms would you like to go to the rainbow room" she asks "sure" i say back. We go to the rainbow room. I see Brenner. We play Chess. "I won again" i say smiling "you beat me three times" he says "i can't be beat" i say back. "Can i know more about seventeen" i ask "sure, she's 15 she likes to draw she doesn't talk to a lot of the other kids" he says. The worker takes me back to my room. "Get sleep" she says "ok" i say back. She leaves "like i sleep" i think.

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