86. Graffiti

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"What's your plan for this wedding" billy asks "I'm just going to go with the flow" i say back. The phone rings and i get up. I answer it. "Glam did you hear the news" Skyler says "yeah" i say back "you have to go because I'm going just to watch it all fail" she says "already planed on going" i say back "good, well see you in two days" she says "you to" i say back before hanging up. "My dad is fucked" i say "why" billy says "Skyler's going to the wedding" i say back "I'm guessing that you and her are like the same person" billy says "yep" i say back. The phone rings again and i answer it. "Hello" i say "is billy there" he says "yeah" i say back. I give billy the phone then go upstairs. I go into the bedroom. I see that billy put a bar in the door frame to the closet. I grab ahold of it and try to pull myself up but fail "fucking cigarettes" i think. I try again and hang upside down. "Why do i like this" i think. After a few seconds billy walks in. "Are you trying to get light headed" billy says "it's fun" i say back smiling. Billy walks up to me "you know your going to have to get down soon" billy says "fine" i say back. Billy steps back and i get down. "See I'm fine" i say "give it a second" billy says. I feel light headed "told you" billy says "fuck you" i say back billy laughs. I sit on the bed and billy sits beside me. I lay down and billy looks at my arm. "What was it like before you had a number" billy asks "i don't remember" i say back "do you know the system of getting a number" billy asks "you get kidnapped then go thru some tests, then papa picks your number, you get it tattooed then it's just hell from there" i say back "how many kids was there" billy asks "when i was there it only went to 16" i say back "how many are there now" billy asks "i think 27" i say back "Jesus christ" billy says. "I almost didn't get a number from what i was told by my dad, since i was just a Guinea pig for tests, papa didn't want to give me one incase something went wrong with one of the tests, but in the long end i got one" i say "so you were supposed to be dead by now" billy says "yep" i say back. We hear someone knock on the front door. "I'll get it" billy says getting up. I wait a few minutes then get up. I grab my cigarettes and put my jacket on. I make my way downstairs hearing people talking. I see billy talking to a guy. I walk pass them making my way outside "where are you going" billy asks. I keep walking and hold up my cigarettes. "Get back here" billy says. I turn around on my heels and look at billy. I walk up to them. "Glam meet Scott my old friend from high school" billy says and Scott waves at me. I wave back then try to leave again. Billy pulls me back beside him "fuck sake" i think not wanting to talk to anyone. I listen to them talk waiting to try to leave again. Billy let's go and i quickly make my way outside. I light a cigarette and look at the sky. The sky was filled with stars. Something about the stars has always been calming to me. "At least something good came out of this fucking day" i think. I finish my cigarette then go back inside. Billy and Scott were still talking. I sit on the couch and they walk out of the house. I hear a car pull out of the driveway. I get up and look out the window. I didn't see Billy's car "finally" i think. I run upstairs and grab my bag full of spray paint headlight and my bandanna. I go back downstairs and grab my keys then go to my car. I get in and drive for 30 minutes. I park and get out. I walk down an alleyway. I put my light and bandanna on then get my paint. I start painting. I finish and step back looking at the wall. I did six different paintings and making sure i add my signature to every single one. One of the paintings were of a skull on fire. I clean up my stuff then go back to my car. I see the bored walk "billy won't mind if I'm gone for longer" i think. I throw my bag in my car then go to the bored walk. I lean on the railing and look at the ocean. "I wonder how many sharks there are out there right now" i think. I head back to my car to keep me from standing there for hours. I get in and drive home. I park and see Billy's car. I grab my bag and get out. I walk inside and see billy walking back and forth in the living room. Billy sees me and quickly walks up to me. He hugs me "where the hell have you been" billy says "looking at the ocean" i say back "i don't believe that you were doing that for three hours" billy says. I try to think of a lie "um, i was walking around town" i say back "glam, i know you were up to something, because you never have a bandanna around your neck" billy says "well fuck" i think. "I was doing something, don't worry about it" i say back. I walk passed billy and go to the bedroom. I put my bag back in the closet and put away my other stuff. Billy comes in and i turn around. Billy holds onto my head and looks at me. "The fuck billy" i say "i have a bad feeling about what you were doing" billy says "if your trying to figure out if i did drugs i didn't" i say back getting Billy's hands off. "Then tell me the truth" billy says "i was graffitiing a building ok" i say back "see how easy that was" billy says "sure easy my ass" i say back. Billy looks at me "why are you acting different" billy asks "I'm not" i say back annoyed "glam I'm not stupid i can tell when something is wrong" billy says "i just want left alone, please" i say back walking out of the room. I walk into my music room and lock the door. I put my headphones on and sit on the couch. I end up falling asleep. I wake up and look around. I look at the clock it said 4:17 am. I get up and leave the room. It was weird not hearing any noise in the house. I walk into the bedroom and see billy asleep. I change and sit on the bed. I put my hand on Billy's back "Sorry" i whisper. I lay down and go back to sleep. I wake up and feel Billy's arm around me. I kiss his forehead and he puts his head on my chest. After a few minutes someone knocks on the front door. I get billy to let go and i go downstairs. I open the door and see Billy's mom. "Sorry if i woke you" she says "it's ok i needed up" i say back. I let her in "where's billy" she asks "still in bed, you can get him up if you want" i say back "it's ok, how have you been" she asks "descent" i say back. I look at the clock and it said 12:53 pm. "I've never been up this early in forever" i think. "Your a price right" she says "was, I'm a northwest now" i say back "i remember you and billy playing on the beach as kids" she says "it took us a year to find out we knew each other before i moved" i say back "I'm just glad you guys found each other again" she says "same" i say back. I hear billy walking around upstairs. I hear billy start walking down the steps "your moms here so put a shirt on!" I yell. Billy goes back to the bedroom. "How do you know where he's at in the house just by footsteps" she asks "talent" i say back. Billy walks into the kitchen and hugs his mom. "Morning" billy says "it's weird being up before you" i say back "it's the first time" billy says. I leave the room and go get the mail. I grab it and go back inside. I look thru it to see if any of it had my name on it. One thing had my name on it. I sit on the counter and open it. It was a fine for painting the building last night. "First crime I've got caught for here" i think. "What did you do" billy asks "nothing" i say back "glam" billy says "it's a fine for painting that building" i say back "should have figured that" billy says. Billy's mom leaves. "I'm tempted to go back to bed" billy says "do it" i say back "it's to late in the day" billy says "then go take a nap" i say back "can i trust you by yourself" billy says "billy I'm not a kid, I'll be fine" i say back "ok, then I'm going back to bed" billy says before kissing me and going back upstairs. "Now that i kinda have the house to myself" i think. I get up and go to the phone. I call dads number and it rings. "Hello" dad says "it's glam" i say back "oh" dad says "listen I'm sorry about flipping out on you yesterday" i say back "you don't need to be sorry, i was the dick" dad says "that's new" i say back "I'm trying to be nice here" dad says "you still suck at it after all these years" i say back "believe me I know" dad says i laugh. "How's Hawkins" i ask "shit, your still able to drive to some parts of the town but not a lot, it all just missed franks farm" dad says "dose everyone still think I'm dead" i ask "yeah, some people were asking if you were actually dead" dad says "well let's keep people thinking that" i say back "also how did you get my hotel number" dad asks "i have my ways" i say back. I hear a woman yell in the background "well i got to go" dad says before hanging up "Fucking Fiona" i think. I sit on the couch and watch tv. An hour passes and billy comes down the stairs. "Nice nap" i ask "yes" billy says. Billy sits beside me "sorry for flipping out on you" i say "it's kinda my fault, i shouldn't have though you did drugs just because you came home late" billy says "just know i don't have a dealer here" i say back "why were you weird around Scott" billy asks "i didn't feel like talking to people, mostly because i was still pissed off from the fight with my dad" i say back. The phone rings "I swear I'm going to end that phone" i say "that's why I'm getting it" billy says getting up. After a few minutes billy comes back. "It was Tommy" billy says "never though he would contact you" i say back. "Good to know i can trust you alone" billy says "why don't you trust me alone" i say back "glam i watched you start fires inside, you lose control of your powers sometimes, you hate people, and you get hurt every second" billy says "yeah yeah whatever" i say back. Billy pulls me closer to him and hugs me "fuck sake what is it with you people and hugs" i say "deal with it" billy says "when you kill my soul i don't want to hear it" i say back "you won't die if your nice for a few seconds" billy says "never thought big bad billy Hargrove would say that" i say back "shut up" billy says i laugh. Billy gets up "I'm going to workout feel free to come with" billy says walking away "like i would say no to that" i say back. I follow billy upstairs. I sit on the floor and watch billy. I ended up getting distracted drawing on my leg. Billy crouches down in front of me "get distracted" billy says "a little" i say back. Billy kisses me then leaves and i follow behind him. Billy gets in the shower and i get dressed. I sit in front of the mirror and try to braid my hair. Billy comes back and looks thru his clothes. I look behind me in the mirror and watch billy start to get dressed. "I know your watching me" billy says "no you don't" i say back. Billy finishes getting dressed and i get up. "Any plans for today" billy asks "nope" i say back "what would you like to do" billy asks "I'm going to turn the tables, what would you like to do" i say back "want to go for a walk on the beach" billy asks "sure, i could go for collecting shells" i say back. We go downstairs and billy finds his keys. "Are these yours or mine" billy asks "yours i have mine in my pocket" i say back. We get in Billy's car and he drives. We pass the alleyway and i see that it had been blocked off and was being painted over "dicks" i think. Billy parks and we get out. I get closer to the water "be safe" billy says "yeah yeah" i say back. I pick up shells and wash them off in the water then put them in my pocket. I get back to billy "is it just me or is it kinda cold" billy says "not really, but i live in the cold" i say back "ever since i was possessed everything feels cold" billy and "everything that comes from the upside down has to survive in cold, so you being possessed probably fucked with your blood temperature" i say back "you were possessed to, so shouldn't you be the same way" billy says "yeah, but the lab was always cold so I'm used to it" i say back. We keep walking and talk about random stuff.

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