35. Date

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I wake up in bed "when the hell did i come upstairs" i think. I look around and see Sam laying beside me. I go to shake her but she opens her eyes. "Welcome to hell" she says "I'm back home" i say back laughing. "When did we get here" i ask "like three hours ago" she says "i don't remember getting here" i say back. I get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and pull my hair up "I'll shower when i get home" i think. I change and go back to Sam. She was lighting a blunt "are you ever not high" i say "rarely" she says. I put my stuff back in my bag and zip it. Sam comes up behind me and wraps her arm around my neck. She puts the blunt up to my face "take a drag" she says. I take a drag and she moves it away from my face. I blow out the smoke "your lucky i don't have plans today" i say back. I lay down beside her on the bed "can i tell you something" she asks "yeah" i say back "I'm gay" she says "you think i didn't know that" i say back "you don't hate me right" she says "no your still my best friend" i say back. Sam hugs me "your the best" she says. We get up and i try to find my lighter. "Hey glam look here" she says. I turn around to look at her. She kisses me then pulls away. I stand there speechless. She realized what happened "shit, I'm sorry" she says i still couldn't think of anything to say. She steps back and covers her mouth with the back of her hand. I get back to reality "Sam" i say she try's to speak but keeps stuttering. I walk up to her and take her hand away from her mouth. I kiss her then take a step back. "Glam, we can't do this, it's not lik-" she says I cut her off "just know I've always known how you felt about me" i say back "we would only do that if we were almost blacked out drunk at party's" she says "we're still teens, we've done worst shit in are lives" i say back "but your with billy" she says "just because I'm with billy doesn't mean i can't kiss another woman, plus he's kissed another woman while dating me" i say back. We hear someone downstairs. We walk downstairs Sam was still smoking. We make it half way down the stairs when we stop. "Is that clover" sam says "yep we're fucked" i say back. We walk into the kitchen where clover her dad and frank were. Frank hands me a cup of tea "thanks" i say. Clover doesn't say a word. Me and Sam go outside. "I think she learned her lesson" sam says "it only took forever" i say back laughing. We look around most of the cars were gone. "Looks like daddy had to drive her ass since someone destroyed her car" i say looking at her dads car sam laughs. We go back inside and put my cup in the sink. "I'm going home before this kicks in" sam says "ok I'm heading home to" i say back. We get are bags "hey want to sneak into the pool tomorrow" i say "why not" sam says. We get in are car's. I follow behind sam and make sure she gets home safe. Sam makes it home and I head home. I pull into the driveway and park. I grab my bag and head inside. Dad was cleaning "I'm home" i say "you smell like weed" dad says "i was with Sam" i say back dad nods. I head to my room and unpack. I head to the bathroom. I take my shorts off and the key falls out of my pocket. "That wasn't a dream" i think picking up the key. I put it on the counter and get in the shower. "One more year and i can say fuck you to this town" i think. I finished and get out. I grab the key and my towel and go to my room. I put the key on my desk and look for clothes. I put gray shorts on and my bra. I look for a shirt when my door opens. It was billy. I find a shirt and turn around. Billy was looking at me smiling "eyes up here fucker" i say. Billy walks up to me and grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. "I missed you" billy says "i missed you to fucker" i say back. Billy kisses me. "Would you like to go on a date tonight" billy says "sure" i say back "don't get to fancy" billy says "do i look like i own fancy clothes" i say back "not really" billy says. I put my shirt on "well I'll see you tonight" billy says "wait" i say back. Billy turns back around to look at me. I walk to my desk and grab the key. I hold it up to billy "what's that for" billy says "it's for a house in California that frank and Jamie gave me" i say back "wait dose that mean your leaving" billy says "not yet I'm waiting for you to be out of school so we can leave together" i say back "good i didn't want you to leave yet" billy says. I kiss him then he leaves. I hide the key and light a cigarette. I sit on my bed "never thought sam would kiss me again" I think. I put out my cigarette "i can't leave this town till i figure out how to stop the upside down" i think. "If ash was here she would know what to do" i think. I think for a minute "wait her sister might know since they would tell each other everything" i think. I run downstairs and pick up the phone. I dial their number. It rings a few times then her sister Morgan picks up "hello this is Morgan" she says "hey it's glam i need your help" i say back "hey glam what do you need help with" she says "so you remember the upside down that me and your sister would talk about" i say back "yeah what about it" she says "did ash ever tell you a way to stop it from making more gates" i say back "i don't know I'll have to find the book that she gave me about that stuff" she says "ok if you find anything call me" i say back "will do" she says before hanging up. I hang out with dad for an hour. I look at the clock "well i need to get dressed" i say "for what" dad asks "for my date with billy" i say back "ok" dad says. I run to my room. I look for clothes. I find my blue shorts. I put them one and put a white shirt on. I put boots on then my necklaces. I grab my cigarettes and lighter. I head downstairs and see billy waiting "ready" billy says "where are we going" i ask "it's a surprise" billy says. We go to his car. He turns the music up. He starts driving "how the fuck dose he not get speeding tickets" i think. He drives for 10 minutes. He parks at the top of a lookout that i would come to. We get out and i look at the sunset. Billy puts a blanket down. We sit down "why do you smell like weed" billy says "i still smell like it, blame Sam" i say back. We sit there and watch the sunset. "How was your sleepover" billy asks "fun frank caught a fish first, me sam Nate and Jamie hung out in the one barn that we would get high in, i learned that i can float, we talked about how this town is shit looking at the stars, Jamie had to carry Nate inside because he fell asleep in the field, and when i got up Sam got me high" i say back "sounds like you had fun" billy says. We lay down and look at the star's. Billy puts his hand on my thigh. I move my head to look behind me. I see the figure. I use my powers to make billy see it. I stand up and billy looks at it "shit" billy says. I grab a rock from my pocket and throw it at the figure. He starts walking closer to me "so what you don't talk now" i say looking at the figure. He keeps getting closer to me. I start walking backwards. I look behind me and see that I'm at the edge. I look around and don't see billy. He was face to face with me "leave me alone" i say "it's for your own good" he says. I remember that sentence was the last thing brenner said to me the night i escaped. The ground below me fell apart. I started to fall. I open my eyes and sit up. I had blood running down my face "hey you ok" billy says sitting up "the figure it's getting stronger" i say back "stay here" billy says getting up. I look at the blood drops on my leg from my nose "how can a human bleed this much" i think. Billy comes back with a shirt "is this the shirt i left at you house" i say "yeah i forgot to give it back to you" Billy says. I stand up and use the shirt to get the blood off me. "Hopefully i can stop this soon" i say "how do you plan on doing that" billy says "i don't know i have to wait on ash's sister to call me back with information" i say back. I clean the blood up. We get in Billy's car. I end up falling asleep. I wake up to billy carrying me to my room. He puts me on my bed "I'm going to have to get in the shower" i say. I head to the bathroom and billy comes in. I get in the shower and billy sits on the counter. I get out and put my towel around my body. We walk to my room. Billy had my clothes laid out. I get dressed and lay on my bed. Billy sits beside me. Dad run's in "i just got off the phone with Morgan she said that she doesn't know how to get it to stop making gates but she said she might know a way to slow it down" dad says "how" i say back "she said to light the place on fire" dad says "how the hell are we going to set a town on fire" i say back "i don't know some how" dad says before leaving. "We're fucked" i say looking at billy "this time we are" billy says. We try to think of a plan "it's going to take a lot of us" i say "well you do have hundreds of family members" billy says "i only talk to like 20 of them" i say back. "How about you try to get sleep" billy says "what about you" i say back "i have tomorrow off" billy says "good" i say back. Billy lay's down and i get closer to him. He holds me close "i love you" i say "i love you to" billy says.

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