39. Mindflare

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I wake up and look around. I look at my hand. It was hand cuffed to my bed "the fuck" i think. I try to let my hand lose "it's to tight to slid my hand out" i think. I sit up and open my bedside table "where's the key" i think. I look for it but can't find it "Who the fuck took the key" i think. I shut the drawer and sit back down "now to wait for someone to come back" i think. I look at my pants they had drops of dried blood on them. I had cuts on my hand and arm "it takes a lot to get me as pissed as i was" i think. My door opens and billy walks in "morning" billy says "let me the fuck out" i say back "i don't trust that your not going to attack me" billy says "if i wanted to hurt you i would have done it already" i say back. Billy sits beside me. I grab him by his chin and make him face to face with me. "You ever do that to me again you'll be dead in a ditch" i say. I let go and he backs up "it was the only way to get you to calm down" billy says. "Shut up and hand me my cigarettes and lighter" i say back. Billy hands me a lit cigarette "your lucky i use my left hand a lot" i say "your going to be pissed but your dad is coming in to talk to you" billy says "fine" i say back. Billy leaves and i put out my cigarette. After a minute billy comes back with dad and Sam. I stand up and billy stays beside me. "Thanks for trashing my room" dad says "get to the point" i say back "when i went to California for work i had got a call from Brenner, i went to his office in the lab, we had made a deal, if i got him the files he would leave us alone, he lied, When he took you back to the lab the same night he called me and told me i had only a few hours to make it back from New York or he was going to hurt you, i made it to the lab the same time you escaped, Brenner's new plan is to find a way to trap you in the upside down" dad says "he's not going to stop till he gets what he wants" i say back. Sam and dad leave. "Dad is possessed" i say "how do you know" billy says "I just know, and his weird outbursts ain't normal" i say back "it that what el was talking about" billy says "yes, this thing is just going to slowly kill him then it will move on to a new person if we don't find a way to stop it" i say back. Billy unlocks the hand cuffs "don't try to hurt anyone" billy says "this is the only time you will win" i say back. I change then go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Joyce with dad and Sam. "What's going on" i ask. Joyce hands me drawings. I look thru them "is this what will sees" i ask "yes" Joyce says. I put down the drawings and look at dad. "You don't leave this house without someone with you" i say "why" dad asks "because this creature is after people" i say back. "Joyce don't let will out of anyones site" i say Joyce nods. Joyce and Sam leave. "I got to go somewhere" billy says "for fuck sake be safe" i say back. Billy kisses me then leaves. I look back at dad. Black veins have taken over his one arm "what's happening" dad asks "shit" i say back. I lock dad in his room "what's this for" dad asks "it's for safety" i say back. "This it not how i want to spend my 4th of July" i think. A few hours had passed and it was dark outside. I decide to check on dad. I open his door. The window was broken and dad was gone. "Fuck" i say. I put my shoes on and grab my bat and gun. I run to my car and start driving. The sky was a light red color. I pass a old factory and see Billy's car. I drive up to it and get out "where's billy" i think looking around. I find Billy's necklace. I hear a loud noise. I get in my car and drive to the mall. I park and get out. I run inside and see the place falling apart. I look around and find el. I hug her then see max and the others run to us. "What's going on" i say "the mindflare" el says "it has possessed billy" max says. We walk around and look for people. We go around a corner and see billy. The kids stay behind me. "Billy" i say "come join us" billy says "your not billy he wouldn't say that" i say back. Billy walks to us "run" i say. We run to the clothing store and hide. "How are we going to stop this thing" i say "with these" Lucas says holding up fireworks "You do you kid" i say back. The building shakes "this it how we die" i say "no" el says "definitely how we die" max says "finally someone agrees" i say back. Eleven gets up and leaves "let's go children" i say. The place shakes again making stuff fall over. A piece of the building falls in front of us. "Like i said this is how we die" i say. Max climbs over then the others. I make it over. I see billy over eleven. Max and the others run to the second floor. I go to run to billy then stop. The mindflare was making its way to billy and eleven. Billy gets up and walks to the creature. I run to eleven and help her up. I look at billy. I see max run up beside me. I look at billy and see that it had ahold of him. I hear billy scream "billy" i say starting to cry. Lucas was throwing fireworks at the creature. I pull max behind me trying to keep her from seeing what's happening. The creature lets billy down. I run to billy. I cup his face. He puts his hand on mine "i love you" billy says before closing his eyes "billy stay alive" i say back crying. Billy took his last breath. I stand up and look at the creature. "Hey fucker!" i yell getting its attention. I light my bat on fire. I see the gas tank. I throw my bat at it. Everyone runs away. Fire surrounded the creature. I turn around and see dad getting billy off the ground. I help him and we carry billy outside. I see ambulances and cop cars. Cops run up to us and take billy to one of the ambulances. They take billy to the hospital. Dad hugs me "are you ok" dad asks "no" i say back. Me and dad sit on my car "he's going to be ok" dad says "no he's not he was dead" i say back "just because someone died for a few minutes don't mean anything" dad says "yes it dose" i say back. "Hey this 4th of July will be remembered" dad says "yeah" i say back. 2 hours had passed. Dad goes to eleven and i get in my car. I drive to the hospital. I park and go inside. I talk to the reception lady. She said billy got out of surgery. I go to his room. I walk inside and sit on the chair beside his bed. "Please be ok" i think. A nurse walks in. She checks on him. His chest was wrapped "he should be ok" she says "do you know when he will wake up" i ask "it could be any day" she says. She leaves then comes back. "Here" she says handing me a bag of Billy's stuff. She leaves again. I look thru the bag. It had his wallet, cigarettes and lighter. I open his wallet. I read his ID. It said William billy Hargrove "wait he goes by his middle name" i think. I put it back. I see a picture of me "good to know he thinks about me" i think. I put his wallet back in the bag then sit it on the table. I kiss his forehead then leave. I go back to my car. I light a cigarette and put the cassette that billy gave me in the radio. I turn it full blast and drive home. I make it home and see Billy's car in the driveway. I get out and see dad walking back from the shed "what are you doing" i ask "fixing his car" dad says "how did you get out of the house and to the mall" i ask "i don't remember" dad says. I go to my room. I take Billy's necklace that was broken out of my pocket. I sit at my desk and fix it. I leave it on my desk then go to my window. The sun was almost all the way up "fuck this summer and this year" i think. I change into shorts and a blue shirt. I walk downstairs. I put shoes on then go outside. I turn my car on and put my ac/dc tape on. I lay down in the yard and watch dad work on Billy's car. "Be careful this car is his baby" i say "I'll be careful don't worry" dad says I smile.

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