53. True

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"Why didn't you fight back" Sadie asks "i didn't want max to see" i say back "what do you mean" Sadie says "i watched my parents fight non stop and look how i turned out, i don't want her to end up like me" i say back "you do have a point there" Sadie says. "I wasn't going to say anything but there's a party tonight" Sadie says "we should go" i say back "you sure your feeling up to it" Sadie says "yeah, now I'm going to get in the shower quick" i say back. I go upstairs and go to the bathroom. I get undressed then get in the shower. I finish and go to my room. I put black shorts and a band tee on. I put Sadie's jacket on and fingerless gloves on. Sadie walks in. Sadie digs thru her bag. I put my boots on. Sadie changes and i dry my hair. "Your my bodyguard tonight" i say "I'll be better then billy" Sadie says i laugh "whatever you think" i say back. We go downstairs. I grab my bag. We go outside. I lock the door. We go to my car. I drive to the party. "The sunset in pretty" Sadie says. We arrive and i park. We get out. I put my cigarettes, lighter and knife in my pocket. I leave my bag in the car. I put my keys in my back pocket. We make are way inside. Sadie goes to her friends. I find the alcohol. I find a bottle of vodka. I open it and take a sip. I walk around with the bottle. I make my way to the music. I watch people dance around. I go upstairs. I look over the railing. I see Luke looking at me "shit" i say. I find the bathroom. I go in and lock the door. I hold onto my knife. I finish the bottle. I sit it on the counter. "I cant hide in here forever" i think. I keep a hold of my knife. I open the door. I look around and don't see anyone. I walk out shutting the door behind me. I look at the steps. I hear something. I look beside me. I didn't see anything. I look back at the steps. I see Luke beside me. He pushes me on the ground. He pins me on the floor. I drop my knife. "Finally got you alone" Luke says "fuck off" i say back. Luke puts his hand on my throat "what do you want from me" i say "oh you know" Luke says "i don't dick head" i say back "i didn't get my chance last time since you fought back" Luke says "you do anything to me and your dead" i say back "you can't do anything, you don't have your boy toy or your friends around you" Luke says. "Don't act like you didn't like the feeling of the drugs" Luke says "just because your a drug dealer doesn't make you shit" i say back "say that to Sam" Luke says "leave her out of this" i say back "your just a fuckup that doesn't mean anything" Luke says "get your hands off of me" i say back. I try to get free but fail. Luke put his hand on my side "he just had to put his hand on that side" i think. "Just to think you can't yell for help because of the music" Luke says "get fucked" i say back. Luke drags me into a room. I use my boot to get my knife off the floor. Luke pushes me into a room. Luke locks the door behind him. I look around "fuck" i think seeing that were in a bedroom. "Your all mine now" Luke says. Luke takes his shirt off. I wait for him to be away from the door. I take out my knife "fuck with me and you'll see" i say "like that will work" Luke says. I get in front of the door. Luke pins me against the door. "Your not getting away" Luke says. I kick him off of me. He falls on the ground. I open the door and run downstairs. I put my knife away. I run around looking for Sadie. I can't find her "this is not good" i think. I see Luke pushing past a group of people. I hear people chanting. I run to the sound. I see billy "thank god" i think. I hear Luke yelling my name. I run up to billy and hide behind him. Luke comes up to us "move" Luke says "get away from her" billy says "I need to talk to her" Luke says "if she's hiding behind me that means she doesn't want to talk" billy says. Billy's friends get beside him. I look over Billy's shoulder. I see Sadie walking up behind Luke. I get beside billy. Luke try's to grab me but Sadie grabs ahold of his shirt. I watch Sadie beat the fuck out of Luke. Sadie puts Luke on the floor. I walk up and stand over him. I grab his shirt and pull him face to face with me "touch me again and we'll have a repeat of this night" i say before pushing him back on the ground. Sadie hugs me "I'm glad your ok" Sadie says "same" i say back. Billy followed me around the rest of the night. I found another bottle of vodka. I sit on the counter and take a sip. "How can you drink that straight out of the bottle" billy asks "talent" i say back billy laughs. "I don't think you should drive home" billy says "i can have Sadie drive" i say back "since my dad is not around you should spend the night at my place" billy says "then I'll drive home with you" i say back "it's kicking in ain't it" billy says "yep" i say back. I finish the bottle. "I'm going to find more" i say standing up. I almost fall but billy holds onto me "maybe not" billy says "yeah" i say back. We go outside. I light a cigarette "the fuck did that guy try to do to you" billy says "rather not say" i say back. Billy keeps his arm around me "what time is it" i ask. Billy looks at his watch "3:28 am" billy says "we should head home" i say back. I wait on the porch and billy goes and finds Sadie to give her my keys. After a few minutes billy comes back with Sadie. "Be safe" Sadie says "we will" i say back. Me and billy go to his car. We get in. I lay on his seat and close my eyes. Billy drives home. I wake up to billy opening the door. Billy helps me out. We go inside and go to his room. I change into Billy's clothes. I lay on his bed. "I'm going to ruin Luke's life" i say "how" billy says "I'm going to make sure the town knows the shit he's done" i say back. Billy lays down. I stay close to him. We fall asleep pretty quickly.

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