61. Upside down

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"Go get ready" dad says "yeah yeah, I'll get right on that" i say back "be nice" dad says. I go to my room. I put jeans and a black shirt on. I put my boots on then look for a jacket. I put my California jacket on. I grab my bag and put a spare shirt in it. I pull my hair up. I put my gun in my pocket and grab some of my lighters. I throw them in my bag and put my pocket knife in my back pocket. I go back downstairs. I walk up to dad and he puts headphones on me "what's this for" i ask "just in case" dad says "ok" i say back. I take them off and let them on my neck. Dad throws me two cassettes "why the fuck do we own so many fucking cassettes" i say "we live on music" dad says "still" i say back. "Jim and John are going to meet us there and Jamie is going to follow us" dad says "can i ride my bike" i say back "sure" dad says. I throw dad my car keys "why do i need these" dad says "I'm letting you drive my car there" i say back. We walk onto the porch. It was almost dark out. "If it gets bad you get out of there" dad says "I'm not leaving you guys there" i say back "and I'm not letting you get killed" dad says "fine" i say back. "If you feel like vecna is Close or whatever you put those on, the cassette that's in it is almost every ac/dc song, i think it's around an hour long" dad says "you have to much free time" i say back. Dad puts stuff in my car and i start my bike. Billy walks over "ready" i say "i think" billy says. I could tell billy was nervous "we've survived many times don't worry" i say "trying not to" billy says. I put my hand on the side of his face "billy Hargrove your going to be with people that fight death on a daily basis, plus i won't let anything happen to you" i say "i know you won't I'm just worried about you" billy says "don't be" i say back "that's enough of being gross love birds" dad says i laugh "yeah yeah shut up" i say back. "See you soon" billy says "same to you" i say back. Billy goes to his car. "What gate are we going to" dad asks "the one in the woods by the trailer park" i say back "you got it" dad says. Dad gets in the car and drives off. I follow behind him. I hear billy behind me. I pass dad. Jamie meets up with me on his dirt bike. We arrive at the gate. I see Jim and John. I walk up to them "look who got style" Jim says "funny, how's Sam" i say "she's doing good, she got a job at a book store" Jim says "at least she's doing something she likes" i say back. "Ready to kick ass" John says "you bet" i say back. Dad gets his stuff out of the car. Jamie walks up to me "how scary is this place" Jamie asks "worst then hell" i say back "so not scary" Jamie says "it depends on how easily scared you get" i say back "then I'm fucked" Jamie says "yep" i say back. Dad walks up to me "put your hand out" dad says. I put my hand out. Dad writes my name on my hand "what's this for" i ask "it's incase something happens to one of us and we get found they'll know are name" dad says "it's like you know i don't keep my driver license on me" i say back "is that why then you were in the hospital they didn't know your name" billy says "yep" i say back. "Ok we're going to go over some role's" dad says. Dad starts naming them off. I grab Jamie and billy then we run thru the gate. We look around "this place never changed" billy says. Dad Jim and John come thru "let's not do that again" dad says "fuck the roles it's die or nothing" i say back. We make are way thru. We didn't see anything so far. We made it to town. We go to the woods on the other side of town. "i think after today I'm going to hate woods" i say "same" billy says. I get a sharp pain in my head. I stop walking. The pain lasts for a few seconds. I get my eyes to focus. I didn't see anyone "you have to be kidding me" i say. I walk around trying to find them. It felt like i was walking in circles. I trip on a stick. I get up and see vecna "fuck" i think. I go to put my headphones on but i didn't have them. I look around and realize i didn't have my bag "i just had my bag" i think. I look back up and see Ash. I look around and see that we're in my room. "Come join us glam" ash says "your not ash" i say back "what makes you think that" ash says "i just know" i say back. I look at her eyes. They were all black then they changed to her green eyes. I step back and start to fall. I fall for a few seconds then land. I look around getting off the floor. I was back in the mall. I see billy "glam" billy says "I'm not stupid i know your not billy" i say back. Billy walks up to me and grabs my hand. I didn't have my gloves on. "Your one of us" billy says "no I'm not" i say back "your apart of it now" billy says "who is it" i say back. Billy points behind me. I turn around and see a creature. It had rats around it "gross" i say. I turn back around and see that Billy disappeared. The creature got closer to me. I run hoping this would end. "It's never ending" i think. I felt like i ran forever. I stop and fall to the ground. I lay on my side and put my knees to my chest. I cover my ears and close my eyes. I felt like stuff was crawling all over me. "You can't escape" vecna says "get out of my head" i say "you have no choice" vecna says. I scream hoping someone would hear me. I feel someone's hand on my face. I hear people saying my name. I open my eyes and uncover my ears. I see billy and dad. I sit up "what happened" dad says "i, don't, know" i say back "was it him" billy asks i nod. Billy helps me up. I had blood on my shirt and hands "give me my bag" i say. Dad hands me my bag. I take out my shirt "you guys go somewhere" i say. Everyone walks away and billy stays with me. I change and put my shirt in my bag. "Your sure your ok" billy says "i think" i say back. We go back to everyone. "What did he do" dad asks "he's using ash to scare me" i say back walking past dad. We make it to my house. "What are we doing here" i say "trying to find answers" dad says "then let's split into groups" i say back "no" dad says "John Jim go with dad, Jamie your with me and billy" i say "i just said no" dad says "and I'm taking charge" i say back. Dad Jim and John go there way. We go inside the house. "Let's see what's in here" i say. We walk around the house "it's weird to think this is your house" billy says "don't step on the vines, they hate it" Jamie says. "Didn't Morgan say that everything here is stuck in time" billy says "yeah" i say back "let's try to find out when this place stopped in time" billy says. We look around. I go to dads room. I see that the window is shattered. "So this place stopped last month" i think. Billy runs in "your room is different" billy says "no shit" i say back. We go to my room "ok this is way more different then i thought" i say "when did it stop in time" billy says. I look around "it looks like how my room was then i was 10" i say back "so when you almost killed that kid" Jamie says "most likely" i say back. We hear someone outside. We look out the window. We see brenners people "why are they here" i say "we should get out of here" Jamie says "what about the others" i say back "did you have your dirt bike when you were 10" billy says "yeah" i say back. It took me a few seconds to realize what he meant. We go outside and go to the shed. I find my bike. I start it "you two get out of here" i say "be safe" billy says. I kiss billy and hand him my gun "I'll try" i say back. Jamie and billy run off. I drive off in the Direction that dad went. I drive for a few minutes. I find brenner's people. They see me and i flip them off. I stop and see dad hiding behind a house. Brenner's people start walking up to me. "Thank god it's only four people" i think. The one walks up to me "you shouldn't be here" she says "fuck you" i say back. I could tell i pissed her off. I wait for all of them to have there attention on me. "Go!" i yell. I see dad Jim and John start running for there lives. "Next time don't fuck with one of brenner's test subjects" i say before driving off. I catch up with the others. I ditch my bike. We run to the gate. We make it thru and see billy and Jamie. "Let's go" i say. Dad gets in my car, billy gets in his, me and Jamie get on are bikes, and Jim and John get in there truck. We all drive off. Me and Jamie stay beside each other "you ok" i ask "yeah you" Jamie says "ok as I'll ever be" i say back. We see my house. We see brenner standing in the yard. Me and billy keep driving. I slow down and get beside billy. Billy puts his window down "now what" billy says "i don't know, i know he's trying to get me back to the lab" i say back. We drive to the mall parking lot. We park and billy gets out. Billy walks up to me "we're fucked" billy says "i have no choice but to go back" i say back "you could skip town" billy says "I'm afraid he's going to hurt me or Jamie" i say back "i wont let him get his hands on you" billy says "you've seen what happens when you try to protect me" i say back "hopefully he'll leave" billy says. We wait a few minutes then drive back to the house. We didn't see brenner. I park my bike and billy grabs my wrist. "Your staying with me till we know it's safe" billy says. We go to his house. We go to his room and i sit on his bed.

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