7. Why now

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I look out the window to see a white car and see a woman with light brown hair a red dress on and high heels. I watch as she walks to the front door and knocks. "Who is that" Neil asks "Ex wife" dad says "Susan Neil and billy go through the back door, This could end bad" i say "you guys go I'm staying with glam" billy says to Neil and Susan. They leave and i open the door with billy behind me. "there's my Beautiful daughter" the woman says. I step outside onto the porch with billy and dad stands in the doorway ready to break up a fight. "I missed you" the woman says as she try's to hug me. Billy stops her "back off" billy says "excuse me I'm trying to hug MY daughter" she says to billy "I'm not your daughter and your not my mother, no mother leaves her kid for drugs" i say to her "let's just put the past behind us I'm here now, i want to be in your life again" she says "you want to be in my life again, How about go fuck yourself" i say back. the woman just rolls her eyes. I go to punch her but dad steps in between us and billy grabs me by my waist holding me back "let me go" i say to billy. "At least I'm better then your dad" the woman says "burn in hell bitch" i say back. Dad steps back " i hoped when i found out ash died in that accident you would have changed" the woman says. "How do you know how ash died" i say "i may or may not have cut her brakes" the woman says and smiles. "You mother fucker!" i yell as i get lose of Billy's grip. I run and grab a hold of the woman and we fall down the steps and into the yard. I punch her she's screaming bloody murder. Billy pulls me off of her and holds me down. Dad run's inside and calls 911. "I'll fucking kill you!" i yell looking at the woman she's holding onto her face screaming i see blood all over her. After about 10 minutes of billy holding me down i finally calm down and tell billy i won't try to hit her again. The ambulance shows up and takes the woman away. Billy takes me inside dad following behind us. "Billy take her to the bathroom to clean up the blood on her I'm going to go talk to the cops" dad says to billy. Billy takes me to the bathroom "I'm just going to get in the shower" i say to billy. I get in the shower and billy gets me new clothes and puts the ones that i was wearing in the washer. I wrap a towel around me and Billy comes back in the bathroom with new clothes "here" billy says handing me clothes. i take the clothes and billy waits outside the door. After about 5 minutes i walk out the bathroom "much better" billy says. Me and billy walk to my room i walk to my bedside table and grab the picture of me dad and mom in California. "Hand me my scissors" i say. Billy hands them to me and i cut mom out of the picture. "Better" i say billy laughed. Dad comes in "ok i talked to the cop your not going to get any charges, and i got a restraining order put on your mother" dad says "ok" i say back "billy you can stay the night if you want I'll call your dad" dad says billy nods "I'm going to call your dad then I'm going to bed this was a interesting day" dad says as he closes my door. Billy listen's to me try to play my guitar and my door opens "here's a pair of black sweatpants for you billy" dad says as he throws the pants on my bed "just a heads up i know you guys are dating" dad adds on as he closed the door. Me and billy look at each other. I try not to laugh billy just looks scared "I'm going to change" billy says "ok" i say back. I go back to playing my guitar i look up to see billy with just the sweatpants on and no shirt on. He sees me looking at him "like what you see" he asks "definitely" i say back. I get up and put my guitar back on my wall and put my hair in a pony tail. "Want your hair up to" i ask "no" billy says. Billy just shakes his head to get his hair fluffy again i laugh at him shaking his head. Once he's done i walk up to him and kiss him. Billy picks me up and i wrap my legs around his waist. "How the hell can you pick me up" i ask "easy" he says. Billy puts me down and we get in bed. Billy holds me close i play with his hair till he falls asleep witch wasn't long. I fall asleep after laying there for about 45 minutes.

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