22. Come over (smut)

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I wake up and look around my room. I decide to pinch myself to make sure it's not a dream "ow definitely not a dream" i think. I look at the clock it says 1:28 pm. I get dressed and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair then walk downstairs. I put my shoes on and open the door. I see a box on the porch. I see that it had clovers signature with a dumb heart at the end. I take my pocket knife out and use it to move the box. I move it to the top of the steps. I kick it onto the yard. It opens a little. I look inside and the smell hits. I walk back covering my face with my shirt. I take my shirt off my face and hold my breath. I cut open the box and tip it over with my foot. A dead rabbit rolls out. "Ok that's fucking gross" i say. I walk back inside to get dad. I see dad in the kitchen "i need your help" i say "with what" dad asks "just come outside" i say back walking outside. Dad comes out and i point at the animal. "What the fuck" dad says "I'm going to kill clover" i say back. Dad cleans up the animal and i get in my car. I turn the music up and drive to clovers. After a few minutes i pull into her driveway. I stand at the Front of her house. Clover walks out and sees me. "Like your gift" clover says "just know this means war" i say back clover laughs "sure" clover says. i grab a rock and throw it at her. Clover moves so it doesn't hit her. "That's what we're doing" clover says walking off her porch "you bet" i say back. Clover try's to hit me but misses. "Nice try" i say. Clover kicks my leg which makes me fall. Clover stands over me "how dose it feel being the one on the ground" clover says "nice reminds me of what's going to happen tonight with your so called boyfriend" i say back smiling before kicking clover making her fall. I get up and walk to my car "next time remember you don't stand a chance!" i yell before getting in my car. I drive home and see that only Billy's car is in the driveway at his house. I lock my car and walk over. I knock on the door. After a few seconds the door opens. "Come in" billy says. I walk inside and take my shoes off. "Follow me" billy says. I follow him to his room. We walk in and I'm hit with the smell of cigarettes and Cologne. Billy locks the door "is this when you kill me" i say "No" billy says laughing. I take my shirt off and wrap my arms around Billy's neck. "desperate i see" billy says "well i do deserve something for fighting clover" i say back. Billy turns the music up on his radio and puts me on his bed. Billy takes his shirt off and gets on top of me. He pins my hands above my head and starts leaving marks on my neck. I moan and he takes my jeans off. He looks at me and i nod. He takes my panties off. He holds my hips and starts licking my clit. I moan starting to feel the knot in my stomach build up. I throw my head back and grab his hair as i cum. I let go of his hair and he lets go of my hips. He kisses me. He takes off his jeans and boxers. He gets back on top of me then slowly enters me i moan. He lets me adjust to his size. "If you want me to stop just say stop" billy says i nod. He starts to slowly thrust into me. I moan as he starts going faster. I wrap my arms around his neck. He starts going faster. I scratch his back leaving marks. I start to feel the knot again. "I'm going to cum" i say thru moans. We cum at the same time. He cums inside of me then lays down beside me. Billy lay's me on top of him and warps his arms around me. "You did good" billy says before kissing me. I'm still trying to catch my breath. "How the fuck can you go that fast" i say "talent" billy says. Billy lay's me on his bed. He gets dressed and helps me get dressed. "I can dress myself" i say "i know" billy says. I slap his hands. I put my panties and jeans on. He puts his Metallica shirt on me. "This is your shirt" i say "i know, now you'll have something to remember me by" billy says "well you have my virginity to remember me by" i say back. Billy kisses me. Billy gives me one of his cigarettes. I lights it and sit on his bed. "Here i found this in my car" billy says handing me a lighter "so that's where i lost it" i say back. Billy lay's on his bed "can i tell you something" i ask "anything" billy says sitting up. I grab my shirt that I originally had on. I wipe the makeup off my wrist to reveal the 006 on my wrist. "What's that mean" billy asks "it's a number i was given when i was a kid, the guy that knocked on your door asking if you knew where i was his is name is brenner he would make all the kids at the lab call him papa, he would test on kids" i say back "wait so you were a lab rat" billy says "yes" i say back "what did he test on you" billy says. I take the lighter out of my pocket and throw it. I focus and have the lighter float back to me. I grab the lighter then look at billy and he's white as a ghost. "That" i say "how the fuck, wait so you like have powers" billy says "yep why do you thing my dad is afraid to piss me off" i say back "it all makes sense now" billy says. We lay on his bed "heads up school is cancel for tomorrow" billy says "good i can still see you" i say back. We talk for a few minutes then we hear Neil and Susan pull into the driveway. "I should head home" i say standing up "I'll probably see you later tonight" billy says. I kiss billy then leave thru his window. I walk home it was dark outside. I open the front door and head inside. Dad's asleep in his room. I head upstairs and changed into shorts. I keep Billy's shirt on. I get in bed and try to sleep.

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