76. Burn

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We see the lab on fire. "What the fuck" billy says "fuck" i say. Billy pulls into the parking lot. I see august and the worker that help me escape. I get out and run up to them. "The hell happened" i say "it's over" august says not taking her eyes off the fire. Her eyes were red and puffy "did something happen to you" i say "he killed everyone" she says "who" i ask "one" she says "no" i say. Billy gets beside me "i fucked up" i say stepping back "what do you mean" she asks "it's my fault" i say "glam" she says "this is the first step of many" i say back. The fire grows bigger "please tell me your lying" she says i don't respond "you didn't accept his offer, please" she says "glam what's going on" billy says "the end of Hawkins has started" i say back. "Glam it's going to be ok" the worker says getting closer to me "no it's not!" I say back. The worker holds onto my arms "most of the kids are safe" he says "i don't believe you" i say back "I'm not lying" he says. We hear sirens "billy get home" i say "what about you" he says "I'll see you there" i say back. Billy quickly leaves. We hide in the woods. Cops show up "I'm going to kill him, even if it's the last thing i do" i say. August and the worker put there hands on my shoulders "you'll need someone to help get your powers stronger" he says "and you'll need someone that's not afraid of danger" she says. A few hours pass and i made my way back home. I didn't see Billy's car. I look at the driveway and see dads truck and a gray car "what" i think. I walk onto the porch and listen. I hear dad and another guy talking "what the hell" i think. I open the door and walk in. I see dad Fiona and a guy in the kitchen. "Where were you" dad asks "somewhere" i say back. Dad looks at my hand. I look down and see a bottle of vodka "i got it at my hide out" i say "ok" dad says. I walk into the kitchen. "Glam this is jay, Fiona's son" dad says "should i care" i say back before taking a sip from the bottle "well since me and Fiona are Dating i figured you should meet your step brother" dad says Jay waves to me "i have a sibling already" i say back "el doesn't count" dad says "to bad i call her my sister, and she's not the only sibling" i say back. Dad hands me mail. I take it and put down the bottle. I open it "it's just new school times" i say "what's the other" dad asks. I open the other thing and read it. "It's a thing i have to fill out, because of that guy that punched me" i say back dad nods. "Nate gave me this to give to you" dad says handing me a box and i open it "finally" i say seeing that it's the locks i pre ordered months ago "why do you need more locks on your door" dad asks "shut up i like locks" i say back. I grab the box and the bottle then go to my room. I put the stuff on my bed. I turn music on and get the lock on my door. After a few minutes i finish "try getting in now fuckers" i say. I feel the alcohol kicking in. I go downstairs. I see jay in the living room. I look around and didn't see dad or Fiona "fucking grate" i think. I look at the driveway and see that there cars were gone "might as well abuse my power" i think. I light a cigarette and go into dads room. I look around. After a few minutes i hear yelling "the fuck now" i think. I walk back to the kitchen. I see jay yelling at billy "hey dick don't think you can tell other people what to do" i say "don't tell me what to do, i was told to watch after you and the house" jay says "how about get fucked" i say back "who the fuck is this guy" billy says "Fiona's son jay" i say back "you can call me your brother" jay says "fuck no!" i say back "don't think you can bring guys home" jay says i laugh "don't worry I'll make sure you can hear everything" i say back billy laughs. Jay goes to the living room. I sit on the counter and billy stands in front of me. I wrap my arms around his neck "how are you feeling" billy asks "ok i guess, i may or may not of downed a bottle of vodka" i say back. Jay walks in "i called your dad he said you have to give me your keys" jay says "my dads not that much of a dick, he knows no one gets my keys" i say back "well that's what he said" jay says. I get off the counter and walk up to jay "listen here you bitch, you don't get to tell me what to do, plus i could end you right now" i say. Jay grabs my wrist "don't think just because your a girl i won't hit you" jay says "try, it, bitch" i say back getting in his face. Billy gets jays hand off me "don't touch her" billy says "what are you going to do" jay says i laugh "billy it's ok, he can't do shit" i say. Billy steps back "that's what i thought" jay says. I pick up a knife billy smiles knowing what I'm going to do. I throw it at jay. I use my powers to stop it right before it hits him. "What was that bitch" i say. I get the knife and put it back. Dad and Fiona walk thru the door and i wipe the blood off my nose "go along with it" i whisper billy nods. I get tears to fall down my face. I run up to dad and hug him "what's wrong" dad asks "he threatened my life" i say back pointing at jay "she throw a knife at me" jay says "glam go upstairs I'll deal with this" dad says i nod. Me and billy go to my room. I Break up laughing "that was the best thing ever" i say "it definitely was" billy says smiling. Billy picks me up and puts me on my bed. He pins my hands above my head with one hand. He puts the other on my waist. He kisses me "sex is going to be fun now that you have a step brother here most the time" billy says "he can get fucked, we were here first" i say back billy smiles. We hear a knock at the door "family meeting" dad says "be there in a minute" i say back. "I'll stay up here" billy says "you do you" i say back. I go downstairs and into the living room. I see jay sitting on the couch and Fiona standing beside him. "Sit" dad says. I sit in front of the couch on the floor. "Glam what happened" dad asks "jay yelled at billy for coming into the house, then grabbed my wrist and threatened me and billy, then he said you told him to tell me to give him my keys, and that's all i want to say" i say back "i can tell your not lying because your wrist is still red" dad says "but she is lying, she brought some random guy into the house" jay says "Billy's not some random guy" dad says "god California sounds good right now" i think. "Glam did you use your powers" dad asks "no, there not working right now" i say back. "Ok, jay since your 19 i expect you to not lie about my daughter again, glam your not in trouble" dad says. Jay and dad start yelling at each other. I lean my head back onto the couch "it's like listening to mom and dad fight" i think. I stand up "for fuck sake shut the fuck up!" i yell slamming the side of my fist on the table. Dad looks at me "what did you say" Jay says looking pissed. I hear billy walking down the stairs. "Shut the fuck up" i say back. Jay grabs my chin digging his nails into my face. I try not to let the pain get to me "don't talk to me like that" jay says "keep your fucking hands off her" billy says pushing jay back. Dad grabs me and Fiona gets in front of jay. Dad puts my head on his shoulder and covers my ears. "I'm fine" i say taking dads hands off me. Jay pushes Fiona "shit" dad says. I pull billy to me and dad helps Fiona "only step in if i tell you to" i whisper. I get closer to jay. He walks around the table. "You want to fuck with me now to" jay says "why not" i say back. Fiona goes to the kitchen. Jay hits me "want more" jay says i laugh "like i said i will end you" i say back. I wipe the blood off my lip. "Glam" dad says "stay out of this" i say back. Billy gets closer to me "get out of here man" jay says looking at billy. I punch jay and he steps back "not so tough are you now" i say. Jay gets closer to me. I take my pocket knife out "get fucked" i say "so that's how you win fights" jay says. We hear sirens "woods" i say to billy. I grab his hand and we run outback. We jump the fence and go to the tree that i hang out at in the woods. "You alright" billy asks "fuck yeah" i say back smiling billy shakes his head "you truly don't fear anything" billy says "that's the northwest part of me, and the vodka" i say back. We wait an hour then head home. We jump over the fence "see you later" billy says before kissing me. I go inside and look around. I see dad and Fiona at the table "thank god your ok" dad says getting up and hugging me. Dad sits down and i sit on the counter. "Jays in jail" dad says "good" i say back "you sure your ok" Fiona asks "yes, that was nothing compared to some of the stuff that's happened to me" i say back. I look at dad and he nods. I look at Fiona and get off the counter. I put my hand out "welcome to the northwest family" i say "thank you" she says shaking my hand. I step back and they get up. They hug me "are you trying to kill me" i say "you can be nice for a few minutes" dad says "fine" i say back rolling my eyes. I hug them back then they let go "heads up you guys only have me till April 10th" i say "why" dad asks "after billy graduates we're heading to California, you know, home" i say back "I'm glad your doing something you want to do" dad says "thanks" i say back. I go to my room and sit on my bed. Everything goes black. I see vecna "hello six" he says "what's the next step" i say back "it's a surprise" he says "if you want my help you have to tell me" i say back "it involves death" he says "lovely" i say back sarcastically. I get my vision back "well fuck" i think. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I had marks where jay dug his nails into my chin. Some were bleeding still. I clean off my face "still can't believe i accepted someone to be my step mom after all these years" i think. I go back to my room and light a cigarette. Dad walks in "how's your face" dad asks "hurts" i say back "thanks for not hating Fiona" dad says "it's only because she looks like mom" i say back "you don't have to call your mom, mom anymore" dad says "she might have put my life in danger but she's still my mom" i say back "ok, whatever you want to do" dad says. Dad leaves and i sit on the floor by the window. "I'm going to regret that decision" i think.

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