2. The boy

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I wake up to the sound of motley Crue blasting. I get out of bed and look out the window and see dad washing his truck and dancing to the music. I put on black pants and the same shirt i slept in last night. I put earrings on and put my black Converse on keeping my hair down. I walk outside and see dad finishing up washing the truck "morning daughter" dad says "what time is it" i ask dad looks at his watch "it's 1:27 pm" dad says "wait weren't we supposed to be at the school hours ago" i ask "i all ready did your school stuff" dad says "good i didn't want to be seen at that shit hole yet" i say back. I see the dirty blonde boy walk out the door across the road "I'll be right back" i say. I walk across the road and see the boy Leaning against his car with a lit cigarette in his mouth. I walk up to him "hi" i say "hey" he says. I put out a hand "I'm glam northwest" i say he shakes my hand "Billy Hargrove" he says lets go of my hand "it's nice to meet you" i say back "it's nice to meet you to glam" he says smiles. I could tell why people call him the king of Hawkins. We talk for about 10 minutes then his dad yells for him "i better get going it was nice to meet you" he says "it was nice getting to know you Hargrove" i say back. we wave goodbye to each other and I walk back to dad hiding behind his truck watching me. "You don't need to punch him" i say. Dad comes out from behind the truck "good so what's his name" dad asks "Billy Hargrove" i say back. A few hours later Dad left to go to the store and i run upstairs and grab my pack of cigarettes out my dresser and my lighter. i head to the front porch and light a cigarette. I see Billy come out of his house. he looks at me and starts walking over to my house. "Hey darling" Billy says "did you just call me darling fucker" i say back looking at him. He just smiles "so i wanted to ask you something" Billy asks "what is it" i say back "there's going to be a party tomorrow a few houses away, and i wanted to know if you wanted to come with me" Billy asks "sure why not" i say back. "Well since my dad ain't home yet you can come in the house" i say putting my cigarette bud in my pocket. Billy follows me to my room. I sit at my desk and Billy sits on my bed "so i want to get to know you better" Billy says "well I like the color blue, I've only drove once in my life, my mom left me when i was 6 and im from California, now i want to know stuff about you" i say back " i like the color red, i like candles, my mom left my dad so now im stuck with a stupid step mom and step sister, i used to surf and im also from California" billy says "what do you plan on doing after you graduate" i ask "go back to California" he responds. We both smile i stand up and walk over to him i stand in front of him and lift his head up by his chin to look up at me. i look him in the eyes "maybe we can runaway back to California together" i say. He starts to blush i like how he doesn't try to hide it. I step back and he stands up and clears his throat "I'll be here at 7:45 to pick you tomorrow" billy says "sounds good" i say back "i should get going my dad will be home from work soon" billy says. I walk over to his house with him "I'll see you tomorrow" he says. I hear dad's music blasting in the distance "you to, i should get going" i say back. I quickly get home then dad pulls into the driveway. Dad gets out "where were you" dad asks "here" i say back "you sure" dad says "yep" i say back.

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