31. Hospital

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I wake up at my desk. I look at the desk and see a piece of paper. I had started to draw something then fell asleep. I get up and grab the same clothes i had on yesterday. I get dressed and brush my teeth. I walk downstairs and see dad. I try to walk out the door but dad stops me "where are you going" dad says "i need to check on something" i say back "don't even think about going to the upside down without someone" dad says "I'm not that stupid" i say back "ok well be safe" dad says. I put my boots on and run to my car. "Ok i might be that stupid" i think. I drive to the woods. "I'm going to piss off a lot of people but i can't take what's going on with me" i think parking by the gate. I grab my bat and bag that had a bottle of alcohol in it. "Forgive me billy" i say walking thru the gate. I walk to the junk yard and sit on top of a truck. I put my bat on my lap and my bag behind me. I open the bottle. I drink the bottle then throw it into the woods. I hear it shatter. I take one of my sleeping pills "for fuck sake let this kill me or something" i think before taking another pill. I lay down putting my head on my bag and close my eyes. I don't know how long i was out for. I open my eyes and look around "why the fuck I'm i in a hospital room" i think. I look at my arm and see an iv "i knew i should have took more" i think. I look at a chair beside me. It had my clothes folded with my bat and bag. I take the iv out of my arm. I get out of the bed and get dressed. I put my bat in my bag. I zip it the best i could. I put my bag on then i hear the door start to open. I guy comes in "oh your up" he says "why the fuck I'm i here" i say back "are team found you on top of a car passed out so they brought you back here" he says "well I'm leaving so move" i say back trying to walk past him "you can't leave your parents have you sigh to let you leave" he says "try to stop me dick" i say back before pushing past him. I start walking down the hallway. All the nurses were staring at me. I walk past the reception lady "you have to sigh out!" she yells. I flip her off and keep walking. I make it to the elevator and press the button. I get in and press the button to the first floor. "Shit i hope i have my car keys" i think. I check my pockets and feel my keys. I walk out of the hospital and look around. "Now to go find my car then home" i think. I start walking down the road. After a hour of walking i make it to the trailer park. I head into the woods and see my car. I unlock it and get in. I start driving home. I see a shit ton of cop cars going down the road. I turn my music all the way up. After a few minutes i make it home. Dads truck wasn't in the driveway. I look at the porch and see billy walking back and forth and sam trying to talk to him. I get out and walk up to them "miss me" i say standing in the yard. They see me and billy run's to me. I put my bag down on the ground. Billy hugs me tight. "Where have you been, it's be a week" billy says "wait it's been a week" i say back confused "yeah i thought you were dead" billy says trying not to cry "it's ok" i say back before kissing him. Sam opens my bag "you tried to kill yourself again" Sam says taking the bottle of pills and alcohol out of my bag. I pull away from billy. Billy looks at the bottles. "Glam" billy says. I grab the stuff from Sam and put it back into my bag. "Glam you can talk to us about what's going on" Sam says "it's better if you guys don't know" i say back "I'm going to help you i refuse to lose someone else" billy says looking at me "i don't need your help" i say back "yes you do" Sam says "you guys stay out of it" i say back "you didn't have a reason to do this again" Sam says "yes i did" i say back getting pissed "what was your reason this time" Sam says "you just stay out of it!" i yell back "I'm not leaving till i get an answer" sam says "fine you want an answer, you don't know what the fuck i have been going thru, ever since Ash died my life as went to shit, my parents never cared about anything, I know you lost your sister but don't think you know everything that's going on in my life, fuck you sam!" i yell back before going inside. I go to my room and lock the door. "Why me" i think starting to cry. I hear someone pull into the driveway then yelling. I sit against my door. I hear someone run upstairs and try to open my door "leave me the fuck alone" i say "glam let me in please" dad says. I move away from my door and unlock it. Dad run's in and hugs me. "Are you ok" dad asks worried "yeah I'm fine i was at the hospital" i say back. Me and dad sit against my bed and i tell him everything that happened. "I hope Sam leaves me alone" i say "don't worry i wont let her near you" dad says "thanks" i say back. Dad leaves and i light a cigarette. I take in the smoke and lean my head back onto my bed. I blow out the smoke. I look in front of me and see the figure on the other side of my room. "You win" i say "you think you can get rid of me that easy" he says "well if i can't kill you I'll kill myself it's a win win" i say back. The figure disappears then billy walks in. He sits beside me "hey" billy says "hey fucker" i say back "what made you do it" billy says "life" i say back "figured" billy says "just know you are the only person i would miss" i say back. I move and sit in front of billy and lean back. He wraps his arms around me and i rest my head on his shoulder. "I love you" billy says "i love you to" i say back. We stay like that for a little while. "Do you think the hospital will try to find me" i say "maybe why" billy says "because i just got up and left" i say back. "Do you want to see the figure that i see" i ask "if you can sure" billy says. I use my powers to make him see it. "That's what you see" billy says "yep" i say back "that's fucking terrifying" billy says i laugh and wipe the blood from my nose. We stand up "I'm going home you can stay over Susan wouldn't care" billy says "you sure" i say back billy nods "ok" i say back. I grab shorts and a shirt. We head downstairs "hey dad I'm staying at Billy's" i say "ok make it there safe" dad says laughing "it's across the road I'll be safe" i say back. We walk to Billy's house. We head to his room. "This is my room you've seen it before, just last time you were moaning my name" billy says i laugh. I change then sit on his bed. Billy changes and lights a cigarette. I watch him "like what you see" billy says "definitely" i say back. Billy puts his cigarette out and lays on his bed. I lay beside him and he wraps his arm around me. "What are you doing for Halloween" billy asks "probably going to use my powers to scared the fuck out of kids" i say back. We talk for a little then fall asleep.

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