5. Mom

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I wake up to dad walking in my room. "Good morning how was the party" dad asks. I sit up and look beside me to see that billy left some time in the night "it was good i punched a guy in the face, the cops showed up So i got to drive Billy's car and show him how fast it can go" I say back "good to know you had fun, oh and you got more mail today" dad says "what is it this time" i ask. I sit on the side of my bed and dad sits beside me "here" dad says handing me my mail. I look at the first thing "that one's about school" i say. I open the second thing and it's a letter. I see moms name at the top of the page. "Why did mom send me a letter" i ask "i don't know" dad says. I put it in my bedside table "I'll burn it later" i say dad laughs "you do that, I'll be down stairs, Don't forget the Hargroves are coming over tomorrow for dinner" dad says before walking out of my room. I get up and look around my room for clothes. I see a note on my desk "sorry to leave you in the middle of the night, i went home before my dad would come and forced me to leave-Billy" i put the note in my trash. I get dressed with the same thing i wore yesterday. I head downstairs to dad. "you excited for school in a couple weeks" dad asks "no" i say back "figured" dad says. I head to the living room and sit down and watch tv. "Mikes coming to pick me up and we're going to run some errands" dad says "ok have fun I'll be here" i say back. Dad leaves and I keep watching tv. Dad had been go for about an hour so i decide to go get that letter from mom out of my room and read it. I run upstairs and get the letter and head outside to the porch steps and sit down. I start to read the letter "Hi glam this letter is from your mom, I just wanted to say i love you and that i miss you, I know i did some bad stuff in the past but i hope we can forget all that. I just want us to be a happy family again, and you have a step dad that would love to meet you-Love mom" i just wanted to scream i can't believe after all these years now she wants us to be a happy family. I put the letter on the concrete path up to my house and grab my lighter from my pocket. I set the letter on fire and just watch it slowly burn. I see dad and mike pull into the driveway. I quickly put the fire out before dad saw it. They get out of the car and mike comes up and hugs me. "what have you been up to" mike asks "nothing much" i say back. An hour had past and mike had left to go home. I stared a load of laundry and headed to the kitchen to see dad just finishing up cleaning. Dad looks at me "do you want to see if you can still twirl fire" dad asks. I smile "fuck yeah!" i say back. I run upstairs and grab my knifes that i have from last year that my coach let me keep. Me and dad run outside dad turns music on in his truck. I put lighter fluid on the knifes and light them. I step into the front yard and start trying to do a toss turn around. After about 4 tries i land it and dad claps "you still have it in you!" dad yells. I put out the fire and put them on the porch "that was fun!" i say. Dad turns off his truck and we head inside. "do you want to style my hair for me" dad asks "yes" i say back smiling since dad never trusted me with his hair. We head into the bathroom dad sits at the sink on a chair i brought in. I put his hair in 2 French braids then put it in a ponytail and put one of my head bands on him. "I like it" dad says "good" i say back. It's 11:00 pm and dad went to bed i decided i was going to clean my room. I clean up my desk put my clothes away find all my guitar picks and made my bed. i remember to go and get my knives off the porch. I put them away and I get in the shower. when I'm done i head to my room and get dressed. I smell alcohol and try to find the source. I find that it was coming from the bottle of vodka that somehow got open and spilled on the floor. I grab the bottle then go back to the bathroom. I dump the rest of the bottle in the sink. I go back to my room and put the bottle back under my bed. I clean up the floor "worst time to have carpet" I think. I finally get in bed and fall asleep.

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