44. Truth

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I wake up to billy trying to get out of bed. I pull him back "your not leaving me" i say "i have to get up" billy says "no your perfect temper" i say back "fine 5 more minutes" billy says. Five minutes pass and billy gets up. "I'll see you later" billy says before kissing me. I give him a thumbs up before he leaves. "Now to try this standing up thing" i think. I stand up and the Nausea hits me. "Fuck sake" i think. I make my way to the bathroom. I lay on the floor. After a few minutes dad walks in "you ok" dad asks "no" i say back "sick" dad says "i refuse to throw up" i say back "your not going to be able to fight it" dad says. I sit up "i will fight it" i say. Back. Dad sits beside me. Dad looks at my hand "fist fight" dad says. I look at my hand it still had blood on it. And my knuckles were bruised "yeah" i say back. Dad helps me up "ha i don't feel sick anymore" i say "it'll kick in" dad says. "I'm going to kill clover" i say "what for this time" dad says "for saying stuff i did in front of billy that he didn't need to know" i say back "what did she say" dad asks "drugs and she took a picture of me in the woods blacked out drunk" i say back pulling the picture out of my pocket. Dad looks at the picture "so she's been stalking you" dad says "yep" i say back. I take the picture and go back to my room. I take everything out of my pockets and sit it on my desk. I grab my towel and go back to the bathroom. I get in the shower "much better" i think. I finish and get out. I head back to my room. I put shorts and a shirt on. I light a cigarette and grab Billy's jacket. I head downstairs and put my shoes on "be back" i say. I walk across the road then knock on the door. I wait a few seconds. I finish my cigarette and put the bud in my pocket. Neil opens the door. "Here to corrupt my son more" Neil says "just ask him to come here" i say back. Neil yells for billy. Neil closes the door and walks off "fucking dick" i think. Billy opens the door. "Here" i say handing him his jacket "oh thanks" billy says "no problem" i say back. I go to walk away but billy stops me. I turn back around "what did clover mean by that you did drugs" billy asks "fuck, since i cant hind it from you anymore, i did drugs for a few years and still do it sometimes" i say back "and you never thought to tell me" billy says "it was better if you didn't know" i say back "just leave" billy says "billy please" i say back. Billy closes the door. "I should've kept my mouth shut" i think. I walk back home. I walk inside. Dad runs to me "Brenner wants to meet in an hour" dad says "then let's meet him" i say back "shouldn't you let billy know" dad says "no point" i say back. I go to my room. I grab my knife and pull my hair up. I head back downstairs. Me and dad go over the plan. "If anyone i know comes by just tell them I'm in a different state" i say "you know like three people, plus they already know what's going on" dad says. We hang out for a few minutes "we should go" dad says. I put my boots on. I walk outside and up to Billy's car then put a note on the seat. I go back to dad. We get in dads truck and he drives. I put the window down and light a cigarette. I put my feet on the dash and look at everything we pass. "I'm going to miss this" i say "it should only be for a few days" dad says "hopefully" i say back. We make it to the middle of the woods "not sketchy at all" i say. I put my lighter in my pocket. Me and dad get out. I walk around. "You may take my soul" i say "glam" dad says "what" i say back "behave" dad says i roll my eyes "fine" i say back. After a few minutes a white van pulls up. I stay close to dad. Brenner gets out and walks up to us. "How are you six" Brenner asks "fine" i say back. Dad hugs me "remember the plan" dad whispers. Dad lets go of me. "Can't believe I'm doing this" i think. I walk with brenner to his van. "I better get candy" i say "you haven't changed a bit" brenner says. I get in the back and brenner locks it. "I'm fucked" i think. Brenner gets in and drives off. "I have big plans for your powers" he says "like what" i say back "time control, fire control, and more" he says. He drives for a few minutes. He parks and the van unlocks. He gets out and opens the back. Two workers were waiting. I get out and the workers take me inside. I follow them to a room. I walk in the room and look around. The one worker hands me a gown "I'm not putting that on" i say "you have to" he says "fine turn around" i say back. The worker leaves. I change and put my shirt over the gown "i can still have style" i think. The worker walks back in "your training starts in 30 minutes" he says "ok" i say back. The worker leaves. I look around the room. I see a desk with coloring stuff. Brenner walks in "you don't have to wear that" he says "good" i say back. He leaves and i change back into my clothes. I sit on the bed "god jail was better then this" i think. A few minutes pass. The worker comes back "come on" he says "fuck you to" i say back. I follow him to a room. There was a chair in the middle of the room. I sit down the worker stands in the corner. Brenner walks in. "Ok six we're going to work on fire control" he says. Brenner lights a line of lighter fluid. Brenner stands behind me. The fire makes its way to me "now what" i say "you keep the fire from getting close to you" he says. I stand up and walk to the fire. The closer i got more the fire went out. The fire went out. Brenner claps "good job" he says. I stomp my foot and the fire comes back. "Your like the child of fire" he says "no shit" i say back. I put out the fire and walk back to Brenner. He gives me a piece of candy and I take it "as long as you give me candy i won't put up a fight" i say. I eat the candy "you act like a child" the worker says "you should get a new worker" i say. Brenner snaps his fingers and two workers come and and grab the other worker. They drag him out. Brenner takes me to my room. He hands me pajamas "thanks" i say "can't wait to work with you more tomorrow" he says before leaving. I change and sit at the desk. "This ain't as bad as i though it would be" i think. I lay down on the bed. I fell asleep for a few hours. I wake up to the light being turned on. I sit up and look at the door. I see the worker that Brenner had took away. "You'll pay" he says "fuck off" i say back getting up. He backs me into a corner. "Leave me alone" i say. He puts his hand on my waist. I kick him making him fall. I run out of the room. I see Brenner. I hide behind him "you should be in bed" he says "your worker is fucking crazy" i say back. I follow brenner back to my room. The worker was walking out. Brenner makes sure the worker leaves. I lay back down and brenner sits on the chair beside me. "Go back to sleep" he says.

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