58. Pretty little lies

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I wake up. I sit up and look around. Dad cleaned my floor "how didn't i wake up" i think. I look at my clock it was 2:03 pm "shit" i think. I get out of bed and quickly get dressed. I go downstairs and see dad on the porch. I go outside. Dad was smoking a cigarette. "I'm definitely your kid" i say. Dad jumps and turns around "trying to Kill me" dad says i laugh "not yet" i say back. I look across the road. I see Neil's truck "he's back i see" i say "yep" dad says. We hear yelling "I'll be back" i say. Dad grabs my wrist "no your staying here" dad says "nope I'm going over" i say back. We see max run out of the house with her skate bored. Neil follows her "dick" i say. Dad lets go and we walk over. Max skates down the road. Neil walks up to me "you ruined my family" Neil says "last i checked it was you who ruined it" i say back. I hear a noise coming from inside the house. I look at dad. Dad nods. Dad gets Neil's attention on him. I go inside. I listen to the noise. It lead to Billy's room. "Fucking lock" billy says hitting the door. I look at the door. I see a lock at the top of the door. I unlock the door "it's unlocked" i say. Billy opens the door "thank god" billy says "so this is what he dose to you now" billy says "he's been doing it for years" billy says "well shit" i say back. We go outside. Dad was still arguing with Neil. "What was his reason this time" i say "i didn't watch max this morning" billy says "she's what 14 she can make her own decisions" i say back "he's a dick he'll do anything to start a fight" billy says. Billy goes home with me and dad. "Shit i just remembered your mom is coming by today" dad says "good I'll get to do my best at acting like her" i say back. Me and billy go to my room. I turn on music. I hold Billy's hands and make him dance around with me "why do i have to do this" billy says "deal with it" i say back. Billy spins me and a piece of paper falls out of my pocket. I walk over to my radio to change songs. Billy picks up the paper. "What's this" billy asks "what's wha-" i say back seeing him looking at the paper. I grab it and put it back in my pocket "nothing important" i say "why do you carrying a map type thing in your pocket" billy says "it's Incase i go back to the lab" i say back "now i need the full story" billy says. We sit on my bed "my dad made it for me when i was a kid, he worked for Brenner, his job was to keep the parents from seeing there kids, the day he quit was the day i escaped, Brenner refused to give up on getting his hands on me, so dad made me a map that has the passwords to the doors and how to escape, after all these years the passwords are still the same to everything" i say back "Jesus Christ" billy says "yep" i say back. Dad walks in "i need you for a second" dad says "I'll be back" i say Billy nods. I follow dad to the bathroom. Dad turns the shower on and locks the door "ok about this vecna guy" dad says "yeah" i say back "dose the same thing happen before you see him" dad says "no it's different each time" i say back "do you ever not see him when your doing things" dad says "nothing happens then i have music playing" i say back "ok, we're going to test that" dad says "how" i say back. Dad hands me cassettes "how is this going to work" i say "till i get more Advance stuff, just play music when you think your going to see him" dad says "whatever you say" i say back. I go back to my room. Billy was looking thru my cassettes "got more you can look thru" i say putting them beside him "you have an obsession" billy says. I light a cigarette and sit by my window. "When dose your school start" i ask "august 29" billy says "so in 20 days" i say back "are you going back to school so you can graduate" billy asks "nope i like being a drop out" i say back. I could tell billy didn't like my response "don't worry I'll come visit you" i say "how" billy says "i know the principle, i can walk into that school and he wouldn't have a problem with it" i say back. Billy sits beside me "why are you nice to me" billy asks "because i can" i say back "that's new" billy says "if i didn't like you i wouldn't be talking to you right now" i say back "you would have my head by now" billy says i laugh "you are correct there" i say back. I look at Billy's wrist "you still have that hair tie from the time you let me style your hair" i say "yeah it reminds me of you" billy says "you are truly my bitch" i say back. I put my head on Billy's shoulder "Ash would have loved you" i say "she would kill me" billy says "probably" i say back "is ash short for something" billy asks "her name is Ashley but everyone called her ash" i say back. Dad walks in "your favorite person is here" dad says "yeah yeah fuck you" i say back standing up. I go downstairs. Dad and billy sit on the steps so they could hear the conversation. I walk into the kitchen and see mom. "How's the staying in town where your unsafe working out" mom says "good" i say back "you need to stop letting people brainwash you" mom says "I'm not" i say back "come home with me so you'll be safe, you me and Dan can become a family" mom says "i have a family" i say back "your dad is shit" mom says "why would i leave my dad boyfriend, family, and friends to be stuck in a house with you" i say back "those people you call family ain't your family" mom says "i grow up with them so i call them family" i say back "Kate is a lier, frank is shit, Jamie is a trouble maker, Nate doesn't know what he wants to do in life, your dad is a alcoholic, Sadie just gets you in trouble, that billy kid thinks he is something, Sam made you do drugs, ash was the worst person ever, I'm the only good person in your life" mom says "you ever talk about one of them again i swear I'll make sure you never find me again" i say back. Mom puts her hands on my shoulders "us woman only have one thing in the world to complete" mom says "fuck you" i say back knowing what she's going to say next "we're only supposed to have kids to a grate man, that's the price role" mom says "I'm not a fucking price" i say back "yes you are" mom says "i'm a northwest not a price, the day i call myself a price will be the day i die" i say back "you just need to accept that your a price" mom says "get your fucking hands off of me" i say back "listen to me" mom says "i won't listen to a thing you say, this is the same thing you did last time you tried to talk to me, I was 13 being told the same thing!" i yell back "august listen please" mom says. My nose starts to bleed "oh honey let me help" mom says trying to get the blood off my face. I push her hands away "don't touch me you mother fucker" i say "you've been doing drugs again, you can tell me the truth" mom says "shut the fuck up" i say back "you have to tell me" mom says "no i don't" i say back "I'm your mom you can tell me anything" mom says "i tried and you fucked that up" i say back "fine I'm done being the nice mom" mom says "you never were" i say back "don't get smart with me" mom says "so what you won't do anything" i say back "your dad ruined you" mom says "no, you did" i say back "never" mom says "sure, your the same person that tried to let a guy that i didn't know do shit to me" i say back "i thought we said never to talk about that ever again" mom says "your the same person that didn't care when i was drugged at a party" i say back "i didn't know" mom says "more fucking lies" i say back "ok i fucked up sometimes, i know I'm such a bad mom, your dad has done worst things and you don't hate him" mom says "because he didn't abandon me" i say back "i never did i sent letters i tried to see you as much as possible" mom says "you know what fuck you" i says back "what did you just say" mom says "fuck, you, I'm done, never contact me or dad again, if you do I'll have you put back in jail" i say back. Billy comes into the kitchen "leave her alone" billy says "don't tell me what to do with my daughter" mom says. Dad comes in "she's not yours anymore" dad says "good to know you had people listening to everything" mom says "why wouldn't i" i say back. Mom yells at me. I feel light headed. I hold onto billy. "Get her upstairs" dad says. Billy takes me upstairs to my room. I sit on my bed "feel like your going to pass out" billy says "i think" i say back. My nose starts to bleed more. Billy holds onto me. Dad runs in. He turns on my music. Dad holds my head "you ok" dad asks "for now" i say back. I look behind dad and see vecna. Dad looks behind him "what do you see" dad asks "him" i say back. Dad covers my eyes. After a few minutes dad uncovers my eyes "everything look normal" dad asks "yeah" i say back.

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