29. Back again

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I wake up to two people talking downstairs as loud as can be. I look at my clock it was 3:19 pm. I get out of bed. I put jeans and a white shirt on. I brush my teeth and pull my hair up. "I swear I'm going to kill you mother fuckers" i say walking downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see dad and billy talking. "Sleep well" billy says "was till you fuckers woke me up" i say back. Dad hugs me "how have you been" dad asks "livening thru hell" i say back. Dad freezes realizing what i meant "it's back" dad says "yep and stronger" i say back sitting on the counter. Dad looks at billy "how bad has it been" dad asks "bad enough that people will think she's going insane" billy says. Dad looks at me "have you found a way to the other side" dad asks "the upside down and yes" i say back "shit" dad says. I look at billy "your coming with us" i say. Billy nods and walks to my room to change. Me and dad go to his room. "Why didn't you call me i would've came home" dad says "a lot of stuff was going on i forgot" i say back. I go to my room. Billy was lightning a cigarette. "Ready to almost die again" i say before taking a drag from his cigarette "as ready as i could ever be" billy says. I grab my bag with my stuff from last night still in it. dad runs into my room "what do these things hate" dad asks "fire" i say back. Dad run's back downstairs. I go to my bed and pull out one of my knives that i can light on fire out from under my bed. "What dose that do" billy asks "you can light it and throw it" i say back. Billy hugs me "what are you doing" i ask "hugging you in case we don't make it out" billy says. I hug him back. I put my hands on his shoulders and look him. "We're going to make it out, we know how to scare them plus I'm a lab rat" i say back Billy laughs. I kiss him then we walk downstairs. We put are shoes on. "Here" billy says handing me my bat "thanks" i say back. We walk to my car. I look around for dad. I see dad walking from the shed in the back yard. Dad comes back with a flame thrower "ready" i say laughing "yeah" dad says. We get in and i drive to the trailer park. I drive thru the woods and park at the tree with the gate. We get out and grab are stuff. I turn around and see hoppers car "who called hopper" i say "me" dad says. Hopper parks and him and eleven get out. We all go thru the gate. Billy holds my hand "I'm not letting go of you" billy says "fine with me" i say back. We walk thru the woods "if we see something you get behind me" i say looking at billy He nods. We keep walking till we make it to a road "this might be a good time to tell you guys that the one byers kid will is missing" hopper says "that would have been nice to know an hour ago" i say back " i know he's here somewhere" eleven says "new mission find the boy" i say holding my bat in the air. We stop when we make it into town "ok I'm splitting us up into groups" i say "why" dad asks "so we can find the boy faster" i say back. "Ok me and billy will go this direction and you three go the other way" i say "billy doesn't know how to fight these things" dad says "yes he dose now go" i say back. We go are separate ways. "Now what" billy asks "we do what we want" i say back Billy smiles. We make are way to the junk yard. The only car that was covered in vines was ash's car. We sit on the top of a truck. We sit there for a few minutes. We hear something that sounded like tv static. We walk up to a tree and i see a walkie talkie. I pick it up and listen. I hear elevens voice. I hold down the button "eleven where are you" i say before letting go of the button. I get no response. I put the walkie talkie in my bag. We make are way back "how are we going to find the others" billy asks "dumb luck" i say back. We make it back to town. Me and billy talk while walking down the road. We hear someone yelling "that sounds like dad" i say. I grab Billy's hand and we run to the sound. We run into the woods and see hopper following behind dad and eleven. Hopper is carrying a boy. "We need to go" dad says. We start walking to the entrance. We make it thru "I'm taking him to the hospital you guys take eleven" hopper says. Hopper drives off  "was that will" i ask "yes" eleven says. I turn around and see a demogorgon coming thru the gate "eleven get in the car" i say "why the fuck is that here" billy says "it followed us" i say back. I light my knife. "Stay behind me" i say. Billy and dad step back. The creature tried to come close to me but got scared because of the fire. I throw the knife hitting the creature making it run off  "so there's going to be one of those things running around Hawkins" billy says "only for a little while" i say back. We get in my car and i drive home. I see clover and some other people standing in front of the house "this again" i say pulling into the driveway. We get out and billy try's to walk up to clover but i stop him. Dad takes eleven in the house then comes back out. "Your daughter almost killed me" clover says to dad "so what" dad says stepping off the porch. Billy hands me my bat "you know me so well" i say "have fun" billy says smiling. I walk up to clover and hold the end of the bat up to her face. "You and your little friends can leave" i say "the town deserves to know the truth" clover says "it's all about the town, why do you care now" i say back taking my bat away from her face "because I'm a good person" clover says "that's funny, if i remember correctly you were the person that almost killed ash a few years ago" i say back "i would never do that" clover says "well why don't you ask her" i say back before trying to hit clover with the bat but miss. The rest of you get going" dad says. The people grab clover and leave. Billy kisses me "that was fun to watch" billy says "well i hope so because it was fun to do" i say back. We walk inside and me and billy go to my room. We change then go downstairs. Eleven was asleep on the couch and dad went to his room. I sit on the counter and billy stands beside me. "Why are you so protective over her" billy asks "because we're like sisters" i say back "it feels like everything in your life is a fucked up fairy tale" billy says "i never thought about that" i say back. We go back to my room it was 1:12 am. We lay on my bed. "When is your birthday" billy asks "June 27, why" i say back "just wanted to know" billy says "ok stranger" i say back "what is my name stranger instead of fucker now" billy says "just this one time" i say back. We talk for a few minutes then fall asleep.

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