47. Time control

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A week had passed and i was getting ready for Sadie's funeral. I get dressed and look at the box of stuff that Sadie's mom gave me of Sadie's "I'll look thru that tonight" i think "if only my powers worked that night" i think. I sit against my bed "it's all my fault" i say. I fight crying. I get up and look in the mirror. All i felt was anger. I punch the mirror making it crack "Dumb idea" i think. I look at my hand. I watch it heal "the fuck" i say confused. I look at the mirror. It's wasn't cracked anymore "well time control works again" i think. Dad walks in "dad punch me" i say "fuck no" dad says "come on it will be worth it" i say back "no" dad says "i need to test something i think my time control powers are back" i say back "what made you think that" dad says "i punched the mirror and cracked it now it's not cracked" i say back "your not thinking of trying to go back in time to save Sadie" dad says "exactly what i was thinking" i say back "it's your choice" dad says "well then I'm going back in time" i say back. I use my powers to go back in time. I watch as everything goes in reverse. We make it back in time. "Now to save Sadie" i say "how is this going to work" dad says "i don't know" i say back "how am i able to go back in time with you" dad says "do i look like i know" i say back. We walk outside. I look around "this is weird" i say. I see billy running across the road. Billy grabs my shoulders "did you fuck with time" billy says "yeah, wait people know when time is fucked with" i say back "uh yeah" billy says "i learn something new every day" i say back. We get in my car and i drive to the factory. I park in the woods. I see brenners vans. I run inside. I look around and see brenner. I run past him. I go to the basement. I find the door to the room we hid in then open it. I see Sadie in the corner. I run and hug her "how are you here" she says "time control" i say back "let me guess i died" she says "what else would have happened" i say back she laughs "now to get back to are time" i say. I get time to stop. We get out of the basement and walk past Brenner. I flip him off. We go to my car. I use my powers to go back in time. I watch as Sadie and dad fade away. I stop when I'm back in my room with dad. "You ok" dad asks "yeah just dizzy" i say back. I look around and see that the box of Sadie's stuff was gone. I run downstairs to the phone. I dial her number. She picks up after a few seconds "Sadie!" i yell "what I'm trying to sleep" she says "thank god your alive" i say back "oh that wasn't a dream" she says "all real" i say back. We talk for a few minutes then i let her go back to sleep. I hang up "better" dad asks smiling "the most traumatic experience ever that had a good ending" i say back. The door opens and billy walks in "powers work" billy says "yep" i say back "let's just hope that time doesn't try to go back" dad says "definitely" i say back. "We should go to Montana" i say "maybe some weekend" dad says "good enough" i say back. Billy left to go to work. "You should get a job" dad says "i hate people plus i preform at bars that's a job" i say back "why don't you work at the record store" dad says "I'll think about it" i say back "Nate works there" dad says "someone i could fuck with, sure I'll do it" i say back "good I'll talk to the owner" dad says "you mean frank" i say back laughing "yeah" dad says. I decided to go for a walk in the woods behind the house. I walk around looking for anything interesting. I find an old beer bottle "this is most likely one of mine" i think putting it in my bag. I keep looking. I found some cool rocks. I make my way back home. I get over the fence then go inside and go to the kitchen. I clean the bottle and rocks. I dry off everything and go to my room. I clean up my room a little. I put the rocks on a shelf and the bottle on my window seal. "I need flowers" i think. I go to the backyard and find flowers. I pick some and go back upstairs. I put water in the bottle then add the flowers "pretty" i think. I take everything off my bed. I put my pillows back. I pick up my blanket. I throw it on my bed. I look at the floor and see a jacket. I pick it up and look at the back of it. It had Sadie's school logo on it. It had "Vance" below the logo "fucking Sadie" i think. I put it on "mine now" i think. I put my hands in the pockets. I take out a piece of paper and read it "i left you this since we don't get to see each other a lot, Plus i want people to know your best friends with a vance -Love Sadie". "Leave it to Sadie" i think. Dad yells my name. I go downstairs "yes dear father" i say. Dad hands me a letter. I read it "hello glam this is your mom, i know last time we saw each other it didn't end well, but i have remarried and i would like for you to meet your stepdad, and i want us to get to know each other more, and maybe have a fresh start blah blah blah. "I don't have the patience to read the rest of that" i say "i read it" dad says. I put the letter on the counter "it's your choice if you want to see her or not" dad says "I'm not going to be able to hide from her forever so i might as well get it over with" i say back. Dad calls someone. I go outside. It started to cool off. I sit on the porch. Dad comes out "she will come by tomorrow" dad says "if she try's anything i won't be afraid to repeat what happened last time" i say back "you just stay out of jail" dad says "i know all the cops in the town" i say back "still" dad says. Dad sits beside me "your time control is cool" dad says "i know right" i say back "new jacket" dad says "it's Sadie's she left it for me" i say back. I stand up and spin so dad could see it. "Christ a northwest wearing a jacket that says Vance" dad says "the town is fucked" i say back "remember then i had to bail you and her out of jail for starting that fire" dad says "that was fun" i say back "it's like she moved yesterday" dad says "it's weird to think that it's been 4 years since she moved away" i say back. We go inside. Dad cooks and i go to the living room. I turn on the news. I watch for a few minutes "this is boring" i think. I go to the kitchen. I lean against the door frame. I watch dad try to cook.

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