51. Skate park

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I finish picking up the house. I turn off the music then go grab my laundry. I make my way to the basement. I grab my clothes then go back upstairs. I go to my room. I put away my clothes. I change and look for my skate board. I find it under my bed. "We meet again old friend" i say. I grab it then go downstairs. I grab my bag and go outside. I lock the door then put my keys in my bag. I see max and billy walking across the road. Max hugs me "ready" i ask "yes" max says "thanks" billy says "no problem" i say back. Billy walks back home. Me and max make are way to the park. "How have you been" i ask "good" max says. We wait for no cars to be on the road. We skate down the road. "I never thought you skated" max says "I've skated for years i just never let anyone see me doing it" i say back "so dose that make me the first" max says "yes" i say back. We make it to the park and it was empty. Max goes her way and i walk around. I skate around trying to see what tricks i remembered. I watch max practicing tricks. I put my board against a tree. I stay close to max in case she falls i can catch her. Two boys show up. They watch max. Max lands her trick. She puts her bored beside mine. The boys walk up to us. They looked to be the Same age as me "Finally landed it i see" the one says "go away" max says. The other one walks around us. The one gets closer to me "freak" he says "leave" i say back "glam" max whispers he looks at me "wait your glam northwest" he says "I'm the only glam northwest in the town, so yeah" i say back they laugh "you don't have your boy toy with you i see" he says "fuck off" i say back. Max grabs her board and try's to hit the one. She hits the one. Max steps back closer to me "good one" i say "thanks" max says. "Luke" the one whispers to the other "wait your fucking Luke Oakley" i say "how do you know" he says "you know how I know you" i say back "no i don't" he says "then your josh gray" i say to the other. Max grabs my wrist and pulls me away. We leave the park and the guys follow us. "Max stay in front of me, if i tell you to run you get out of here as fast as you can" i say max nods. Max gets on her board and stays a few feet in front of me. I get on my broad and get beside max. The guys get closer. We hear music in the distance "Billy's music we're close to home" max says "let's see who can make it home first" i say back max smiles. We stay close to each other. We see are houses. I see billy working on his car. I look behind us and see the guys. We go to max's driveway. Max goes inside. "Hello there Hargrove" i say "oh hey" billy says "heads up two guys followed me and max" i say back. The guys see me. Billy puts his shirt on. I walk up to the guys "what now" i say "your lucky no one found out about last time" Luke says I roll my eyes. Luke gets closer to me "leave me alone" i say "you want a repeat of last time" Luke says "can't be worst" i say back. "What's going on" billy says walking up to us. Luke looks at him "couldn't stay away from your boy toy to long could you" Luke says. Josh runs off. "She said leave her alone" billy says "you stay out of this" Luke says. I see Luke take something out of his back pocket. I punch Luke. He drops a gun. I kick it out of the way. I throw Luke on the ground. I stand over him "leave" i say. Luke grabs the gun and runs off. "how do you know that guy" billy asks "he drugged me at a party a few years ago" i say back. Max walks out "you ok" max asks "yeah, you ok" i say back "yeah" max says. "So Billy's your boy toy now" max says "he's my bitch" i say back max laughs Billy flip's me off then goes back to working on his car. I follow max to her room. Max shows me stuff in her room. We hear a car door close "Neil's home" max says "shit" i say back "how are you going to leave without him seeing you" max asks "i have my ways" i say back. I hug max then go to Billy's room. I crawl thru his window. I close it then make my way to the front of the house. I watch Neil go inside. I run back home. I go inside and head to my room. I put my board under my bed. I sit at my desk and see the note i made for Sam. I read it "sucks we'll never get to preform this song" i think putting the note back. I draw for a little. I hear yelling. I look out my window it was getting dark. I walk downstairs and onto the porch. I see max and billy walk out of their house. Max was crying and billy had blood on him. I walk onto the yard. Max hides behind me. I look at billy "your dad again" i say billy nods. Neil comes out of the house "you guys go inside" i say. They go inside. Neil walks up to me "you say one word about me and I'll push you in front of a moving car" i say "didn't i tell you to stay away from my family" Neil says "maybe, i don't remember" i say back "you go tell max and billy to come home now" Neil says "no" i say back "do what i say" Neil says "how about no" i say back "then I'll get them myself" Neil says "you put a finger on either one of them, your ass will be in jail again" i say back. Neil steps back. I see a car park in front of my house. Neil turns around. I see Sadie get out. "Back the fuck off" Sadie says walking up to us. Sadie shaved the side of her head and dyed her hair black. "You won't tell me what to do" Neil says "yeah i will" Sadie says "your just another punk" Neil says "yeah a punk that will put your ass six feet in the ground" Sadie says. Sadie argues with Neil and i go inside. Max was watching tv. I go upstairs and find billy in the bathroom. I clean up billy "what did you get cut with" i ask "glass from a picture frame" billy says. Max comes into the bathroom "did you get cut with anything" i ask "no" max says. "You guys are staying here" i say "we don't have clothes" max says "me and Sadie will walk over with you guys" i say back. We walk outside. Sadie wasn't letting Neil leave without a fight. I walk over with billy and max. They go to their rooms. I walk around the house. I find the picture frame that billy was talking about. I pick it up and look at it. It was a picture of max and Susan. I hang it up. Max walks up to me with her bag. We walk into Billy's room. Billy was picking up stuff that was broken. I help him "I'm guessing he pushed you into your book case again" i say "yeah" billy says. Billy grabs his bag and we go back to my house. Billy and max go inside and i stay with Sadie. Neil finally left. "Sorry this is how you found out i came for a visit" Sadie says "it was like old time" i say back. We go inside. We all change "who wants to watch fire" i say "I'll bring the beer" Sadie says max laughs "I'll drink said beer" billy says. We all go outside. Sadie put wood in the fire pit. I look for my lighter "shit i left it inside" i say "here" billy says handing me his lighter. I light the wood and use my powers to make the flame bigger. We sit around the fire. I wrap my arms around billy. Sadie takes a picture "love birds at it again" Sadie says "they are true love birds" max says. I use my powers to make the flame go closer to Sadie "keep your fire to yourself" Sadie says "nah" i say back. "Hey Sadie the guy that drugged me is back in town" i say "i get to punch him again" Sadie says "yep" i say back smiling. I look at billy "want to sneak into the pool" i say "it's impossible to sneak it" billy says "not at all I've done it before" i say back. "Billy you should be in glams band" max says "no thank you" billy says "come on billy live a little" Sadie says "what even is your band name" max asks "wings of a devil" i say back. We hear a noise in the woods "first one to go in the woods wins" Sadie says "bet" i say back. I get up and walk to the woods. I get over the fence. I find a possum "hello thing" i say. I carefully pick it up. I make it over the fence "i found a new pet" i say walking up to everyone. "How did you catch that" max asks "dumb luck" i say back. I sit it beside Sadie "your it's mom now" i say Sadie laughs. I sit back down beside billy.

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