8. Car

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I wake up to see billy getting dressed. "Morning" i say sitting up in bed. "Morning darling" billy says. I get up and look outside my window to see that dads truck ain't in the driveway. "Do you know where my dad went" i ask "No" billy says. I figure i should get dressed so i grab dark blue jeans a random shirt i find. and put my boots on. "New color of jeans i see" billy says i laugh. We head downstairs to the kitchen i see a note from dad."be home soon had to go pick something up, and Tom needed my truck" i put the note back down. I make breakfast for me and billy. We finished eating and an hour had passed. I look out the living room window "my dad still ain't home" i say. Billy could tell that i was getting worried. We head outside and sit on the porch steps and talk for a few minutes. I hear music in the distance. i see a red Camaro park in front of the house. Dad opens the door and sees me "surprise" dad says as he puts his hands in the air. I walk up to the car "is this the same one you had years ago, how did you find this" i ask "i found the guy i sold it to and he was selling it so i bought it" dad says. I open the back door and get in looking inside it. I climb into the driver seat. "Here" dad says as he throws me the keys. "it's all yours" dad says and i look around still trying to process everything "let's take it for a ride" dad says as he gets in the passenger seat. I start the car "get in billy" i say. Billy gets in the backseat and sits in the middle. I drive to a giant field "what are we doing here" billy asks "you'll see" i say back. Dad knows what's about to happen so he puts his seatbelt on and grabs the door. I turn up the music all the way up and slam on the gas. "The fuck are you doing!" billy yells as he grabs a hold of the front seats. "Seeing if it can still go as fast as it used to!" i yell back. Billy looks terrified and dads having the time of his life. I look at dad and he shakes his head giving me the ok. I turn the wheel as far as it could to the left. We start spinning in a circle as fast as we can. Billy gives up and lay's on the back floor. We stop spinning and i head back to the main road. Once we started getting closer to the road i slow down. "You ok back there" i ask billy as he gets back on the seat "i think" billy says. We make it back home. i pull into the driveway and turn off the car. Me and dad step out of the car. Billy opens the door and lay's down in the yard. Dad hugs me "like your late birthday present" dad asks "love it" i say back. "Hey billy i just remembered there's a party tomorrow at a house a few minutes away are you going" I ask "yes" billy says as he gets off the ground "Good" i say back. A few hours had passed and billy went home and dad was hanging out with me in my room. "So who's driving to the party" dad asks "most likely billy" i say back. Dad sees the picture i have on my bedside table and laughs "i see you cut your mother out of the picture" dad says "can i tell you something" i ask "sure" dad says "i have a feeling that moms going to come back and try to take me with her" i say. Dad stands up and hugs me "i won't let her take you" dad says. We see billy leave his house "wonder what he's doing" dad says "who knows" i say back. About 45 minutes had passed. Me and dad were going through my cassette tapes when we heard billy pull into his driveway so me and dad walk over to my window. Billy's car was the only car there. Neil and Susan were at dinner and max was with her friends. We see billy step out of his car with a girl with light brown hair wearing a cheer leader outfit. We watch as she walks up to billy and kisses him. They walk into the house "I'm going to fucking kill him" dad say. I've never felt so pissed in my life. It took everything in me not to walk over there and punch her. "Looks like I'm driving to the party tomorrow" i say. Dad looks at me "you have a plan don't you" dad asks "maybe" i say back. About an hour passed i see billy and the girl walk out of the house so i tell dad to hand me my camera. Billy kisses her so i take a picture. They get in the car and drive off. "develop this for me" i ask. Dad heads downstairs. I put my camera away and get my clothes together for tomorrow. Dad comes back into my room "here" dad says handing me the picture "thanks" i say back "no problem" dad says. An hour had passed and i see billy pull into his driveway and go inside. I put my clothes on my desk with my keys and the picture "your fucked fucker" i say looking at the picture. I get changed and lay down and fall asleep.

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