41. Jacket

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"Wake up" dad says poking me "I'm up" i say back. I sit up "why did you sleep on the couch" dad asks "couldn't sleep" i say back. I grab my pillow and blanket then go to my room. I throw my stuff on my bed. I shower and get dressed. Dad walks in "want to do something" dad asks "what is it" i say back "want to go thru your clothes" dad asks "sure" i say back. Dad leaves and i take my clothes out of my dresser. I throw everything on the floor "now the fun part" i think. I start trying on stuff. Stuff that didn't fit or i didn't like i put in a box. I finish and put stuff back in the dresser. I almost filled the box. I grab the box and go downstairs. Dad had a box of clothes on the table. I sit down the box. Dad walks up to me with a jacket "here" dad says handing me it. I look at it "it's my denim jacket from when i was your age " dad says. I put it on. I look at the pocket on the front. It had California stitched onto it "never thought that I would wear the same clothes as you" i say back. I help dad put the boxes in his truck "I'll be back" dad says. Dad drives off. I see billy walk out of his house. I walk over. He was lightning a cigarette. I walk up to him "hey" i say "hello mrs Hargrove" billy says "that's new, i kinda like it" i say back smiling. He kisses me "how's the healing process going" i ask "hurts like hell i can't wait for everything to be back to not hurting" billy says he looks at me "new jacket" billy says "it was my dads" i say back "what did you do to piss off el" billy asks "how do you know" i say back "max" billy says "eleven had a large cut on her leg from the mall madness, and she wouldn't let me disinfect it so i told her if she wouldn't let me i would have to cut her leg off, she wasn't happy about it" i say back "Jesus Christ" billy says. "When I'm healed I'm going to make sure you can't walk for a few days" billy says "we'll see" i say back. We talk for a few minutes. Sam run's up to us "band emergency" Sam says i look at her confused "i got a call from someone and they asked me if we would preform at clovers party tomorrow night" sam says "wait she's having a party" i say back "yeah her dad will be out of town and i think her mom is in a different state now" sam says "why don't we ruin the party" i say back "fine but we're not trying to go to jail so no fist fights" sam says "fine" i say back. Sam leaves "no fist fights that's the only reason i go" i say "Steve is probably going to be there" billy says "every guy in Hawkins is probably going to be there, clover sleeps with every guy she can" i say back billy laughs. Dad made it home "well i should head home" i say "probably" billy says "go get rest I'll see you later" i say back. I kiss billy then go home. I go inside dad grabs my wrist and takes me to his room. Dad locks the door "what's going on" i ask "i talked to Brenner he's planning on taking you back to the lab so you don't leave this house" dad says "i have an idea" i say back dad looks at me "why don't i let him take me back, then let him do his tests then i use what I've learned against him" i say "yeah no" dad says "your no fun" i say back "how do we know what he will do" dad says "dumb luck" i say back "let me get a game plan then I'll make sure your ok with it" dad says "works for me" i say back. I go to the living room. A few hours had passed and dad comes to me with a book. "Draw a map of the lab" dad says. I draw a map. Dad looks over it. We go to the kitchen and dad puts down the paper. I mark all the rooms. Dad gets a pen and writes down notes. "Ok so we will meet brenner you go with him, you do what ever you have to do in the lab to not get killed, then after your powers get stronger you can use them on him, you find a phone and call me, i will come and get you, so hopefully this will scare him enough that he will leave us alone" dad says "good plan i like it" i say back. I go to Billy's house. I crawl thru his window. I get off the floor and see billy on his bed "I've come for your soul" i say "i have a door for a reason" billy says. I sit on his bed "the window is funner" i say back. He sits beside me "your going to hate what I'm about to say but it has to be done" i say he looks at me confused "I'm going back to the lab" i say. I've never seen him be so scared and fighting the urge to cry. I hug him "it's going to be ok" i say "you can't go back" billy says "i have a plan don't worry" i say back. I tell billy the plan "how do you know it will work" billy says "let's just hope it will work, plus i have to have some fun while I'm still 17" i say back "i give it a month and you'll be in jail" billy says "done that twice won't be afraid to do it a third time" i say back "how the fuck" billy says "this first was for almost murder and the second was for spray painting an old factory, that's just from me being caught I've ran from the cops many times" i say back "your fucked" billy says "how do you thing i have handcuffs" i say back "please tell me you found them" billy says "nope i ran from the cops with handcuffs still on, dad had to pick the lock, then later hopper got the key for me" i say back "your dad lets you get away with all of this" billy says "yeah, my dad was the same way" i say back. We lay on his bed "I'm going to miss you" billy says "it should only be for a few days" i say back "if Brenner hurts you I'm going to fucking kill him" billy says "that's my job" i say back. "I should get home and think on how I'm going to smuggle weapons into this place" i say "ok be safe" billy says. I kiss him then leave. I run back home and to my room. "Now to think this thru" i think.

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