37. Syringe

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I wake up and see Sam's head on my chest. I move her hair out of her face "morning" i say. She picks her head up and looks around. She looks up at me "oh hey" Sam says. She sits up "that was the best sleep ever" sam says "i actually feel relaxed" i say back. "We should do that more often" sam says "how do you get the stuff" i say back "i have a dealer for the drugs and you know that my parents grow weed" Sam says. I get up "I'm going to shower" i say "ok" sam says. I walk to the bathroom. I lock the door then get undressed and get in the shower. I finish and get out. I brush my teeth and hair. I wrap a towel around my body and go to Sam's room. I walk in and close the door. I find my clothes and get dressed. Sam walks in and hands me a bottle of water. I sit down with her "so what's your plans today" sam asks "i might hang out with billy, other then that I don't have any" i say back "would you like to go to that abandoned house by the playground tomorrow" sam asks "sure why not" i say back. She grabs a magazine. I look at it "it that what i think it is" i say laughing "half naked woman then yes" Sam says smiling. I look at the clock it was 2:38 pm. "I should head home" i say "ok I'll see you tomorrow" sam says. She hugs me then i head to my car. I get in and start it. I get my pack of cigarettes off the dash. I open it and see that Sam put a blunt in with my cigarettes. I take out a cigarette and light it. I drive home. I park then get out. I see dad with his bags walking to his truck. "Are you skipping town or something" i say "nope I'm off to New York for work" dad says putting his bags in the backseat "ok well keep me updated" i say back. Dad hugs me then leaves. I walk inside "all alone again" i think. I go and sit on the counter "what to do for fun" i think. I think for a few minutes then the door opens. I see billy walk in. "Max said that the will kid is losing his mind again" billy says "what do you mean losing" i say back "he's been seeing a weird giant creature in the sky since he's got out of the hospital" billy says "he might still be linked to the upside down" i say back "didn't think of that" billy says. We go to my room. We sit on my bed "how was your night with Sam" billy asks "fun" i say back. We talk for a little then we hear someone running up the stairs. My door swings open "glam angus northwest we have a big problem!" sam yells "when do you use my full name, and what's the problem" i say back "brenner is trying to find you again" sam says "he's trying to fucking what" i say back "yeah like five of his white vans drove passed my house like ten minutes after you left" sam says "shit" i say back. I hear cars outside. I look out the window and see the white vans sam was talking about in the yard. "Sam get billy out of here" i say "I'm not leaving you" billy says "billy just go with Sam i don't need you getting hurt" i say back "i don't care what happens to me I'm not leaving you" billy says "billy please the worst he can do is kill me he's most likely going to take me to his new lab plus I've escaped the old one i can escape this one" i say back. We hear someone try to open the front door. "I locked it" sam says. I look out the window and see brenner standing in the yard holding onto eleven "he has eleven" i say. I grab my bat that dad put nails thru. I hand billy my pocket knife. We walk downstairs. I unlock the door and walk outside. "Let eleven go" i say "if i let her go then you have to come with me" brenner says "or i kill you" i say back. The one worker had a syringe in his hand "I'm not dumb i know if i come near you he's going to put that needle in my neck" i say "come with me or eleven gets hurt" brenner says "billy stay back" i say. I walk up to brenner "let her go and I'll come with you" i say. Brenner let's go of eleven. Brenner goes to grab my wrist but i use my powers to stop him. The worker puts the needle in my neck. Sam puts eleven behind her. Billy trys to run to me but three workers stop him. I hit the worker with my bat then take the needle out of my neck. "You hurt him I'll kill all of you" i say. "Don't worry six it will be over soon" brenner says. I start to feel like everything is spinning before passing out. I wake up in a room. I look around "I'm back at the lab" i think. I get up and look at my clothes "fuck this dress thing" i think. I walk out of the room and walk down the hallway. I look at the numbers at the rooms "for fuck sake how many kids has he took" i think seeing the number 27. I make it to a worker. The worker looked familiar. "I want out of here" i say "you can't leave six" she says I look at the camera the light wasn't blinking. "Ok who the fuck are you" i say. She looks around then pulls her sleeve up. She had 005 on her wrist. "So they make the older ones become workers" i say "basically" she says. "Can i have a knife" i ask "why" she asks "so i can break the window in my room" i say back "I'll give you one tonight" she says "works for me" i say back. I keep walking around and see a kid that looked only four walking down the hall. I come to a door that said office. I open the door and see brenner sitting at his desk. "Your awake" he says "why the fuck I'm i here" i say back "because i heard that your powers have got stronger" he says "well how about i use those powers to kill you right now" i say back "do what ever you want" he says. There was two workers standing behind him "you know if you keep putting drugs in me it will eventually kill me then you won't have a test subject" i say "then I will get my hands on eleven" he says "touch her and she will kill you she's stronger then any of us" i say back. I leave and the workers watch to make sure i don't try to come back. I walk back to my room. I walk inside and see my clothes on a chair beside the bed. "this ain't how i wanted to spend my summer" i think. I look thru my clothes. I see a knife under my clothes. I pick it up "nice" i think. I hear someone turn the door handle. I put the knife back under my clothes. Five walks in "oh hey" i say "you have a plan" she asks "yep" i say back "ok everyone goes to bed at 9:00 pm so you'll want to leave after the room checks" she says "why don't you come with me" i say back "he would find us" she says "i made it years without brenner finding me" i say back. "Still" she says "your coming with me whether you like it or not" i say back "fine" she says. She leaves. i change into my clothes and sit on the bed. "I wonder if this will work" i think. I lay down and close my eyes. After a few minutes i wake up in the void. I walk around looking for billy. I fine him and yell his name. Billy turns around and runs to me. He hugs me "how are you here" billy says "my powers" i say back "where are you" billy asks "I'm at the lab i plan on breaking out tonight with five" i say back "i know where your at" billy says "how" i say back "I've seen that building before" billy says "meet me in the woods I'll see you tonight" i say back. Billy kisses me then i wake up. Five walks in "ok ready" she says. I grab the knife and move the chair over to the window. I start hitting the window. It starts to chip away. "Can't you use your powers" she says "why didn't i think of that" i say back. I get down and use my powers to break the window. The window brakes. I crawl thru then help five. The alarm goes off. Five gets out and we run to the woods. "I still have the tracker" she says. We stop at a tree "it's going to hurt" i say. I use my powers to take the tracker out. I throw it into a tree. We keep running. We make it to a road. I see billy parked in the woods. We run up to billy "let's get the fuck out of here" i say. We get in and billy drives off. "You ok back there five" i ask "we did not just do that" she says "we did your free now" i say back. "Do you remember what your parents look like" i ask "no but i remember i had a older sister" she says "what dose she look like" i say back "she has Orange reddish hair and likes music" she says "do you know her name" i say back "i think it started with an a" she says i freeze "was her name ash" i say back "yes" she says "i hate to tell you this but she's not alive she died almost two years ago, i was her best friend" i say back. Billy parks in my driveway. We get out "you have a little sister named Morgan" i say five nods.We walk inside. I see Sam eleven and Morgan in the kitchen. I run and hug sam. "Chloe" Morgan says seeing five. "Five this is Morgan your sister" i say. Morgan hugs five "looks like you found another you" Sam says "yep" i say back. Eleven hugs me. she had bruises on her wrists. Morgan's parents came and picked up her and five. "I never knew ash had another sister" i say "that would explain why she had all those books on the upside down" sam says "makes sense" i say back. Sam and eleven leave. "You ok" i ask "yeah" billy says. "I'm never not going to have a hold of you ever again" billy says before kissing me. We go to my room billy made sure every door and window were locked. I change then jump on my bed. I light a cigarette. Billy sits down "how long was i gone" i say "about two days" billy says "wow that stuff in that syringe put me into a deep sleep" i say back. "What happened after i blacked out" i ask "i tried to get to you but the workers held me back, two workers picked you up and put you into one of the vans then drove off, then brenner yelled that he was going to come back for eleven, then everything from there is a blur" Billy says "well fuck" i say back. Billy lay's down and i put out my cigarette. I turn off the light then get on top of billy. I kiss him "please tell me my bat is safe" i say "it's in the back of my car" billy says. I lay down and billy wraps his arms around me then we fall asleep.

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