72. Principals office 

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I hug Dustin then go to leave but the door opens. Lucas walks in and i step behind Dustin. "Oh hey" Lucas says looking at me "Dustin help" i whisper "you guys need to get over this not liking each other" Dustin says "i won't be nice to someone that's dating a dick head" Lucas says "i don't get involved in his stupid life Lucas" i say back "guys!" Dustin yells. We look at Dustin "get over yourselves" Dustin says "i don't have time to fight with you guys" i say walking to the door. "Glam!" Dustin yells. I leave and go to my car. I sit in my car. After i few minutes i see Jason walking to me "why" i think. Jason walks up to me and leans against my car "leave, me, alone" i say "i know your upset but i had no idea they would punch him" he says "Jason just fuck off" i say back "i don't want to fight" Jason says "you have a minute to get away from me or i will let billy beat the fuck out of you" i say back "just listen to what i have to say" he says. I get out of my car and stand in front of him "go on fucker" i say "i know they pissed you off, but i had nothing to do with it" he says "your friends your problem, deal,with, it" i say back "no it's not!" He yells "yes it is, now get away from my car" i say back. He backs away. I get back in my car. I start it and turn my music up. I flip him off before driving away. "I liked being a drop out more" i think. I make it home and park. Dad was standing on the porch "fuck he's doing his pissed off stand" i think. I get out and walk up to dad. "Have something you would like to tell me" dad says "no" i say back "then why did the principal call me" dad says "i don't know" i say back "you punched a kid" dad says "when do you care about that" i say back "it's different when you punch someone at a party, but at school it's not ok" dad says "hey he fucked with me first!" I say back "and what did i say about using your powers there" dad says "who said i used them" i say back "i see the dried blood on your jacket" dad says. I look at my jacket and see blood on my sleeve "ok, yeah i did use them so what" i say back "we have a hard enough time trying to hide from Brenner, you know you can't trust anyone in this town" dad says "you say that then you go to the bar and flirt with that slut, I've seen you drunk, you go on about random shit, how do you think i know so much about mom!" I say back "stay out of it" dad says "you know what, fuck you" i say back. I grab my bag out of my car then walk down the road "Glam get back here!" dad yells. I flip him off. I light a cigarette and make my way to the woods. I make it to the woods. I get on top of the picnic table. I look around "i refuse to go back home" i think. I put my headphones on and pick up glass bottles. I get back on the table. I throw one of the bottles in the air and use my powers to catch it. I use my powers to make it crack. It falls apart "didn't know i could to that" i think. I do it again. I break the bottles. I feel light headed. I sit down and my vision goes black. I wake up and the sun had set. "How long was i out" i think. I take my flash light out of my bag. I get up and look around "good to know no one tried to find me" i think. I make my way out of the woods. I start walking down the road. I make it to a pole light. I walk on the sidewalk. I see my house. I see dad talking to someone on the porch. I get closer and see Jason. I walk quicker. I walk into the front yard "leave Jason" i say "good your ok" Jason says. I walk past him and go to my room. I lock my door and turn my music on. I change then lay in bed "guess I'm seeing the principal tomorrow" i think. I fall asleep. I wake up to banging on my door "I'm up dick head!" I yell "your going to be late" dad says "fuck that place i liked being a drop out" i say back "you have to at least do it for a month then I'll let you drop out again" dad says "fine" i say back. I get up and get dressed and get my bag. I take a blunt out of my bedside table. I light it and take a drag "god I'm becoming Sam" i think. I take another drag then put it out. I go downstairs and see dad. "I wanted to say sorry about last night" dad says "get fucked, i don't accept apology's" i say back "ok, well if you want after your meeting you can come home so you don't have to go to class" dad says "I'll nap in my car" i say back "what do you even do there" dad asks "go to class, then go to my car for lunch, then watch billy do basketball, then go to a dnd club" i say back "at least you do something" dad says "fuck off and let's go" i say back. Dad follows me outside. I get in my car and drive to school. I park and dad parks beside me. I see Billy's car. I get out and dad follows me inside. I put my stuff in my locker then we go to the principal office. We walk in and i see billy and Neil "fucking grate" i think. I sit down and dad stands behind me. I look at billy i could tell he was nervous. I look at Neil he looked pissed. "Mrs northwest and mr Hargrove, thank you for coming in today" he says. We look at him "i have got reports that mr Hargrove was hit by another student, and that mrs northwest hit the student" he says "sounds about right" i say back "mrs northwest you said you didn't hit said student" he says "i like to lie what can i say" i say back "mrs northwest i will have to suspend you for three days, after today you don't come back till your suspension is up" he says "oh come on i love this hell hole" i say back sarcastic "glam" dad says "what" i say back "don't be a smart ass" dad says. I put my hands up in defense "whatever you say" i say back. "Mr Hargrove i need you to sigh this, it just means that every thing you told me is true" he says handing billy paper. Billy sighs it. Neil pats Billy's shoulder. The principal turns around to put the paper away. I flip him off. Dad grabs my hands "don't" dad whispers. I put my hands back in my pockets. "That's all for now, you may leave" he says "gladly" i say. We leave. Dad takes me to my locker "don't fuck with anymore shit" dad says "yeah yeah" i say back "i mean it" dad says "I'm not an idiot" i say back "fine then, I'll see you at home" dad says before walking away "don't count on it" i say. Chrissy walks up to me "hey glam, what are you up to" she says "hey Chrissy, just getting out of the principals office" i say back "was it for punching that guy" she asks "yep" i say back "that sucks" she says "meh i wont have to come back for three days after today" i say back "well maybe I'll come by your house one of those days" she says "that works" i say back "what are your plans for now" she asks "try to find billy and see if his dad will let me talk to him" i say back "have fun with that" she says "what are your plans" i ask "don't have any" she says "well if i can't find billy would you like to hang out with me in my car and talk shit about people" i say back "sure" she says "well see you later" i say "you to" she says. I walk down the hall looking for billy. Jason starts following me. I turn around and walk backwards "fuck you" i say "hey" he says. I flip him off then turn back around. I find billy talking to Neil. "Maybe i should wait for Neil to be done lecturing billy" i think. I walk passed them and walk to the gym room. I walk in and look around for anyone. I didn't see anyone. I pick up a basketball. "Your not aloud to touch those" Jason says "like i care" i say back. I use my powers to make it bounce "how are you doing that" Jason says confused "none of your business" i say back. I put the ball back and wipe the blood off my nose. I walk around and Jason watched me. After a few minutes billy walks in. Jason quickly leaves i laugh. Billy walks up to me and pulls me close to him. I hug him "you alright" i ask "i don't know" billy says "your dad was a dick I'm guessing" i say back "very" billy says. We stay like that for a few minutes. Billy let's go "you won't have me to keep you in line for three days" i say "i know you'll sneak your way in" Billy says "you know me so well" i say back. We go outside. I light a blunt i keep in my bag. I take a drag "are you trying to get caught" billy says "everyone here are idiots" i say back. We go to Billy's car. Me and billy do are best impressions of the meeting. I laugh at Billy's impression of the principal. Billy looks at me weird "what" i ask. Billy holds my face "smile" billy says. I smile "why do you have fangs" billy asks "you never noticed that my teeth are sharp" i say back "no" billy says "well now you know, and I can do something cool with them" i say back "I'm scared to know" billy says. I poke my finger with my tooth. It bleeds a little "trick i learned" i say "what did you have to do a lot of blood tests" billy says "at the lab yeah" i say back. "What's your plans this weekend" billy asks "nothing so far" i say back "want to hang out somewhere other then home" billy asks "sure" i say back. Billy looks at his watch "i need to go i have practice" billy says "good luck" i say back. Billy goes inside and i follow. I head to the class room. I walk in and see Eddie "hey" i say "hey glam" he says "what you up to" i ask "nothing much just hanging out" he says "sounds fun" i say back "i forgot to ask you but what's your last name" he asks "northwest" i say back "you should remember me" he says "what's your last name" i say back "Munson" he says "it sounds familiar" i say back. He gets on the table and picks up a stick. "My dear friend i have come to rescue you from the foul dragon" he says bowing. I look at him confused then it clicks "Edward Eddie fucking Munson how the fuck did i not remember you!" I say he laughs "we haven't seen each other in years" he says "about 9 years" i say back "shit it's been that long" he says "yeah crazy" i say back.

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