23. Junk yard

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I wake up to dad standing over me. "I'm heading to work so don't burn down the house" dad says "i won't" i say back rolling over to face the wall. Dad leaves my room and i try to go back to sleep. I look at my clock it says 4:17 am "I'm guessing dad took another shift" i think. I fall back asleep. I wake up in the void. I see ash and yell her name. She turns around and sees me. She run's to me "glam!" Ash says hugging me "ash I've missed you" i say "same" ash says "wait you ain't real" i say back "yes and no, your powers help you connect to me even tho I'm dead" ash says "oh" i say back. Before i fade i need to tell you something" ash says "what is it" i say back "go to my car in the junk yard" ash says starting to fade. I hug her as she fades away. I wake back up it was 11:02 am. "I need to get to the junk yard" i think getting out of bed. I changed into my black jeans and white shirt. I run downstairs and put my shoes on. I head to my car and get in. I start driving. After a few minutes i make it to the junk yard. I park and get out. I look around and see a lot of cars "how am i going to find her car" i think. I start looking around. After an hour of looking i find her car. The front of the car was almost completely gone. I start looking around the back seat. I find a box under the seat. I grab it and open it. It had pictures of me and her as kids. The one picture was her in the hospital. I keep looking thru the box and find a bracelet. I put it on. I find a picture of us with her sister. Her and her sister look identical. They had the same reddish orange hair and they would style it the same. Another picture was me pinning a kid to the school wall. I laugh remembering that day. I put the pictures back in the box and put it in my car. I go back to looking thru the car and find the shirt that she would keep in her car. It was a Beatles band shirt. I grab it and go back to my car and start driving. I pull into my driveway and grab the shirt and box. I get out and start walking to the porch. I see clover's car parked in front of the house. "This again" i think. Clover gets out of her car and starts walking up to me "what's in the box" clover says "none of your business" i say back "no need to get an attitude" clover says "leave before i call the cops" i say back "if you call the cops I'll tell everyone your little secret" clover says "like you know any of my secrets" i say back "what was that six" clover says. I freeze hearing clover say that "how do you know that" i ask "let's just say it all most costed someone their life" clover says "i will fucking kill you if you hurt Sam" i say back knowing she wouldn't fuck with billy "bingo" clover says. I sit the box and shirt on the porch then walk up to clover "your fucking dead" i say Clover laughs. I push clover up to her car. I grab her and throw her on the ground. I let her get up "that all you got" clover says. I figured i might as well use my powers. I make her float and throw her into the house. I watch as she falls onto the ground. I pick her up by her shirt "if you fuck with me or Sam ever again you'll be dead in a ditch" i say pushing her back to the ground. She try's to get up so i put my shoe on her chest. "Get fucked" clover says. I step off of her and walk onto the porch. I grab the box and shirt "have fun trying to get up, oh and if you tell anyone about this no one will believe you" i say before walking inside. I head to my room. I put the box on my desk and hang the shirt on my wall. I open my window and go on the roof. I light a cigarette and watch clover try to walk to her car. Clover finally gets in her car and drives off. Billy pulls into his driveway and gets out. "Hey fucker!" i yell. Billy turns around and walks to my house. Billy walks thru the front door and walks to my room. Billy sits on the roof with me. I hand him a cigarette. He lights it and sees the bracelet I'm wearing. "Start wearing something new I see" billy says i laugh "i found it in ash's car" i say back "interesting" billy says. "Heads up clover will most likely not be at school tomorrow" i say "what did you do" billy asks "totally didn't almost kill her" i say back "how do you get away with all the stuff you do" billy says "i become friends with the cops and think of a plan before i do something" i say back. Dad pulls into the driveway "well i should head home" billy says "ok see you tomorrow" i say back. Billy kisses me then jumps into a bush. "I have stairs you know!" i yell billy flips me off walking back to his house. I laugh and go back into my room. Dad comes in "i have to tell you something" dad says "what" i say back "ok so i have a job coming up" dad says "ok" i say back "and it's in California" dad says "oh cool" i say back "would you like to come with me it's only for 2 weeks" dad says "no thank you last time i went there things got crazy" i say back "ok well I'm leaving tomorrow" dad says "ok" i say back. Dad walks out of my room. I change into shorts and a gray shirt. I put the box under my bed and put the bracelet in my bedside table. I sit on my chair at my desk. I put my feet on the desk and try to sleep.

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