52. Outside

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I wake up to the sound of music and birds. I look around "the hell happened last night" i think. I sit up and see that I'm still outside. I see beer cans everywhere "fucker left me outside" i think. I see my camera and polaroids beside it. I look at the pictures. Most of them were me and billy asleep. The last one in the Stack was max Crouched down behind me and billy. She was flipping off the camera. I grab my camera and go inside. I hear Ozzy playing. I make my way to the kitchen. I see max and Sadie dancing around the kitchen. Sadie was cooking something "you guys trying to kill me" i say "oh hey your awake" Sadie says. Sadie hugs me "where's billy" i ask "shower" max says. "What the hell happened after i fell asleep" i say "we took pictures and had are own little party" Sadie says "at least you didn't kill anyone" i say back "oh and i found more about Luke" Sadie says "go on" i say back "he was the guy Sam was getting drugs off of" Sadie says "good to know Sam was stabbing me in the back all these years" i say back. Billy walks downstairs "morning" i say "morning to you to" billy says before kissing me. "You smell like flowers" i say "i washed my hair with your shampoo" billy says "better then the smell of beer" i say back. I go to my room. I change and do my hair. I go back downstairs. Billy was taking max to her friends. Me and Sadie go on the porch. I light a cigarette. "Sorry for ditching you years ago" Sadie says "you didn't ditch me, you gave me a six months heads up, not like Sam" i say back "i guess" Sadie says. "what fucking kind of mid life crisis did you have to shave the side of your head" i say "i don't know, i felt like i needed change" Sadie says. "How have you been thru the past years" Sadie asks "good beside ash dying, billy almost dying, Brenner taking me back to the lab many times, my dad being possessed, fucking having to save your ass from dying" i say back "ok change of subject, have you took your dirt bike for a ride" Sadie says "i forgot about that thing" i say back "your dad most likely still has it" Sadie says. We walk to the backyard. I open the shed. I look around and find it. I pull it out and put it in the yard "clean it and you'll be good" Sadie says. I clean it up. Billy pulls into the driveway. I find my helmet "i think i like the color black" i say "definitely" Sadie says. I take it to the front yard. I throw Sadie my car keys "let's see if you can keep up" i say "never thought you would trust me with your keys" Sadie says "I've seen you fight many people at once, that's why I would take you to places i preformed at" i say back "well i am your security" Sadie says i laugh. Billy walks up to me "should i question it" billy says "nope" i say back. I put my helmet and gloves on. I start it. Sadie and billy get in my car. I drive onto the road. Me and Sadie give each other a thumbs up. I drive off. After a few seconds i see Sadie behind me. I go faster. I drive past sam's house. I drive to the lake. I take the path i made last year. Sadie parks and they follow behind me. I make it to the lake first. I put my bike against a tree. Sadie and billy make it. I sit my helmet beside my bike. "I didn't know you had a dirt bike" billy says "there's a lot you don't know about me" i say back. Sadie try's to clime a tree. Me and billy walk around the lake. "Just to think this time next year we'll be in California by the beach" i say "it's crazy to think we're going to be 18 next year" billy says. We walk back to Sadie "i made it" Sadie says sitting in a tree "don't fall" i say back. "What time did max say to pick her up" i ask "four" billy says. I look at his watch "so 26 minutes" i say back. "If you guys want you can use my car to pick up max" i say "if it's ok with you" Sadie says "yeah, I'm going to ride around town" i say back. Billy and Sadie leave. I put my helmet back on and start my bike. I drive back to the road. I speed off. I ride around looking at all the houses. I hear sirens behind me. I look back and see a cop. I pull off into the mall parking lot. The cop parks behind me. The cop walks up to me. I look at hit badge and see marsh. "Do you know why i pulled you over" he says "i don't officer marsh" i say back "well you were speeding" he says "no shit" i say back. He takes me to his car. "Take everything out of your pockets" he says. I take my cigarettes, lighter, and gum out of my Jacket pockets then put it on the hood of his car. "Anything in your short pockets" he says. I feel my pockets. I pull out my hand from my pocket "only this" i say flipping him off. "I'm giving you a speeding ticket" he says. He hands me the ticket. I put my stuff back in my pocket "next time i won't go easy on you" he says "next time i won't pull over" i say back walking back to my bike. I drive off. He follows me "fuck sake" i think. I drive past my house. He was still following me. I pull into the woods. I watch him keep driving. I go back on the road and speed home. I see my car in the driveway. I park my bike. I take my helmet off and sit on my bike. I look at the ticket "fucker" i think. Sadie and billy walk outside "what did you do" billy says "got a speeding ticket again" i say back. I head inside. I few hours had passed. Me Sadie billy max and Jamie were hanging out on the porch. We hear yelling from across the road. We watch as Neil walks out. Susan follows behind him yelling. Neil slaps Susan. I run across the road Sadie and Jamie follow. Sadie protects Susan. Neil smelled like alcohol. Neil yells at me "Jaime i got this you stay with Susan" i say jaime nods. I look and see billy getting max in the house. Neil pushes me on the ground. "Fuck" i think. Neil kicks me. I hold onto my side. Jamie gets Neil away from me. I see billy running across the road. I get up. I hold my side. "Billy go" i say "I'm not letting him hurt you more" billy says. Neil pushes past Jamie. "Stay behind me" i say. Neil gets in my face. "Get out of my face dick" i say "you did this to yourself" Neil yells. Neil punches me. Billy grabs me "two can play at that game" i say. A skate bored hits Neil. I look and see max. I grab Neil and throw him onto his truck. Jamie pins Neil to his truck. Billy holds onto me. Sadie helps Jaime. Me and billy go inside and see Susan hanging up the phone "you ok Susan" i ask "yeah, the cops are on their way" Susan says "good" i say back. Billy takes me to the bathroom. I try to get my nose to stop bleeding "why didn't you use your powers" billy asks "i hate using them" i say back. Billy pulls up my shirt "don't touch it" i say "that's going to hurt for a little bit" billy says. We go back to Susan. "I'm done with him" Susan says "it's better to be safe then be with a piece of shit husband" i say back "billy your still apart of my family" Susan says billy nods. I go outside and see Neil talking to a cop. I flip him off. He walks up to me. I get in his face "touch me again fucker i dare you" i say. I could tell he was pissed by me saying that. I look at Jamie. Jamie nods "burn in hell Neil" i say before punching him. Two cops take him to the car. They put him in then leave. Sadie walks up to me. She wipes the blood off my nose "punk" she says i laugh. A few hours passed. Max and billy went home. Jamie went to the police station. Me and Sadie go to my room. I put shorts and a bra on "holy shit that bruised" Sadie says "believe me it hurts like hell" i say back. I put Sadies jacket on. Sadie changes. We go downstairs and watch tv. Sadie gave me a ice pack. I hold it to my side.

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