77. Hate

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A week had passed. I hadn't be home a lot. Fiona started staying the night a lot, so I only been coming home after dad and Fiona fell asleep. And i would leave before they woke up. Dad didn't try to get me to come home plus dad hasn't talked to me a lot. I started only going to school every other day. I would still show up every day to watch Billy and talk to Chrissy and Eddie. I spend most the day hiding in the woods and hanging with friends. I pull into the driveway it was 2:23 am. I grab my bag and make my way onto the porch. I open the door and walk inside. I turn to face the kitchen and see dad leaning against the counter. "decide to come home" dad asks "i've been coming home i just leave before you get up" i say back "why" dad asks "no reason" i say back "what's going on with you, this is not you" dad says "just leave me alone" i say back. I go to my room. I change and lay on my bed. I fall asleep. I wake up and look at my clock. It was 1:03 pm. "I need to shower" i think. I get up and grab my towel. I go to the bathroom. I see a lot of products that wasn't me or dads all over the place "i just need to shower then i can leave" i think. I shower then go back to my room. I get dressed and pull my hair up. I put stuff in my bag. I put the bag over my shoulder and leave my room. I lock my door and go downstairs. I peek around the corner and see dad cooking. I smile seeing that Dad and Fiona were laughing and having a good time. "Just grab what you need then leave" i think. I walk into the kitchen and go to the fridge trying not to make eye contact with them. I grab water and try to leave but dad stops me. "Why don't you stay" dad says "i um, i don't have time" i say back "what's so important that you can't spend time with your parents" dad says. I feel rage take over my mind "so now Fiona's my mom, fucking dick head" i think. "Fine, but i can only stay for a few minutes, got it" i say back dad smiles. I lean against the doorframe. "So how have you been" dad asks "fine" i say back annoyed "what's up with you, your usually happy to talk" dad says "not anymore" i say back "what's going on you can tell me" dad says "something you don't need involved in" i say back "whatever you say" dad says. Someone knocks on the door "coming!" I yell. I open the door and see mom "hey glam" mom says "hey" i say back. Dad comes to the door "I'll handle this" dad says "no i will" i say back. I walk onto the porch and close the door behind me. "So your dad is with someone" mom asks "listen i need your help, that woman looks identical to you, but dad said your sisters died" i say back "what, my sisters are not dead" mom says "well fuck, good to know dad has been lying" i say back. Mom hugs me "I'm sorry for everything" mom says "this is the only time i will accept an apology from you, but still fuck you" i say back "if you need me just call me" mom says "you got it" i say back. Mom lets go and goes to her car then leaves. I go back inside "what did she want" dad says. I gave up on fighting the rage i felt "you fucking lying son of a bitch!" i yell back dad looks at me confused "what" dad says "you know what mother fucker" i say back. Dad just looks at me. I put my boots on and try to leave. Dad grabs my wrist "let go of me" i say "glam" dad says "fuck you" i say back. Dad lets go and i go to my car. Dad and Fiona follow me. I turn around and see pure terror on there face's. I see vecna beside me "shit!" I yell jumping back. "Wait they see him" i think. "Glam get away from that thing" dad says "no" i say back. I get in my car and drive off. I drive passed the lab. The side that the kids were kept in was burned and falling apart. I drive to school. I park and make my way inside. I find Eddie "hey" i say walking up to him "hey star" he says "star" I say back confused "it's your new nickname, it stands for rock star" he says "ok, that's new" i say back. "So what's your plans for today" he asks "try not to die" i say back "good plans" he says laughing. We walk down the hall "so how's Fiona" he asks "don't start me on her" i say back "will do" he says. We walk into the gym. I look around and spot billy. I see two girls hanging around billy. The one had her arm around him and the other was staring into his eyes "get ready to break up a fight" i say "fine" he says. We walk up to them "oh look it's the freak and the fuckup" she says "fuck off" i say back "get lost" the other says. I look at Eddie. He shakes his head and mouths no I smile. I get closer to them "how about keep your hands to yourself" i say to her "get away from us, he doesn't want you darling" she says "billy Hargrove, you might want to watch out" i say "like you would do anything" she says stepping closer to me. The other girl steps away. Eddie gets in between us. Billy gets beside me "i get to use my one free punch a stupid bitch today" i say "why did i let you make that a thing" Eddie says. Eddie moves and i get in front of the girl. "Just remember you touch him again, and you'll maybe leave alive" i say before grabbing billy and walking away. We walk down the hall and Eddie goes to start hell fire. "How's everything at home" billy asks "fucking hell, i decided to come home early last night and my dad found me" i say back "you can stay at my place you know" billy says "I'm talking to my mom again, i'll just stay with her and piss off my dad" i say back. "Did you hear jay gets out of jail today" i say "no" billy says "yeah, i know my dad will let him back home, so keep your window unlocked" i say back "always do" billy says. We go to are cars and drive home. I see august on the porch and a different car in the driveway. I park and get out. I walk up to august "you know you can go inside" i say "some dick head is in there" she says "fucking grate" i say back. We go inside and see dad Fiona and jay in the kitchen. We walk into the kitchen and i hold onto augusts hand. "Jay what would you like to say" dad says "I'm sorry for how i acted" Jay says "save it for your grave" i say back. Me and august go to my room. She sits on my bed and i sit at my desk. "Who's that dick" she asks "my so called step brother" i say back "that sucks" she says "no shit" i say back. We talk for a few minutes. Someone knocks on my door then try's to open it "did i lock it" i say "i did" she says. I use my powers to unlock the door. The door swings open and jay comes in "get out of my room" i say "your dad wants to talk to you" jay says. I look at august "come on" i say getting up. I walk out and jay stops august from leaving "dude stop, she comes with me" i say "your dad said alone" jay says "august don't be afraid to use your powers" i say she nods. I go downstairs and see dad sitting on the couch. I stand in the doorway. "what's going on with you" dad asks "how about you ask yourself that" i say back "glam, i can't just understand everything that's going on in your life if you don't tell me" dad says "you don't need to know what's going on" i say back "why can't you just tell me!" Dad says standing up "fine if you want to know so bad, maybe I've been acting the way i have because, i had to watch the lab i was locked in burn to the ground, and not feeling safe where i live anymore!" I yell back. Dad just looks at me. I feel a tear fall down my face "just, fuck you" i say trying to hold back crying. "Glam I'm sorry, i didn't know" dad says "you never know what's going on in my life" i say back "I'm trying to change that" dad says "i won't believe shit you say" i say back "you need to listen to me" dad says "i only listened to one person and that was one, now he's dead!" i yell back. Dad doesn't know what to say "happy now" i say crying. Dad looks at me with a guilty look on his face "why can't you be my dad, not some dick head that i have to fight with everyday!" I yell "i never wanted to fight" dad says "mom was better" i say back "what did she ever do for you beside get you hurt!" dad yells "she tried to be a parent, she got clean, had been clean for years, unlike you!" i yell back "glam i tried to have us start a new life" dad says "i never needed a new life, i needed a parent that didn't chose alcohol over there kid!" I yell back "that's why I'm here, I'm trying to do the better thing" dad says "maybe you should keep it to yourself" i say back before walking onto the back porch. I sit on the steps. August sits beside me "you ok" she asks "I'm done" i say back "with what" she asks "everything, I'm meeting up with the worker tomorrow to work on my powers, once they get stronger and i get billy out of this town, I'm done this town can burn to the ground" i say back "i feel you" she says "at least someone dose" i say back. We sit there in silence. "Where you staying tonight" she asks "here hopefully" i say back "well if you need me just use your powers to find me" she says "got it" i say back. She leaves and i watch the sunset. "Time to deal with hell" i say. I get up and go inside. I go to my room and lock my door. I stand beside my bed and close my eyes. I open them and see vecna in the void "i see you came to see me" he says "when will this town be gone" i say back "soon" he says before disappearing. i see one and i walk up to him "hello glam" he says "hi Peter" i say back "what's wrong" he says "everything" i say back "i wish i could help you" he says "same, but your dead" i say back "exactly" he says before disappearing. I leave the void and sit on the floor. Someone knocks on my door. I use my powers to open the door. Dad walks in "hey" he says "did you just come here to act like nothing happened" i say back. Dad sits beside me "i know you miss him, but nothing could have saved him" dad says "he's just in another form" i say back "what" dad says "vecna" i say back "I'm sorry, I'm trying to be a good dad" dad says "save it, I have another shit parent to talk to" i say back. I get up and leave the room. I walk outside and see billy walking to his car. He drives off and i sit on the steps. Jay walks out "get the fuck away from me" i say "listen I'm sorry" Jay says "and did i ask you to say that, no, so fucking go" i say back "i know you don't like me" Jay says "i hate everyone in this town, just fuck off" i say back "well we're stuck being step siblings" Jay says "no we're not, i could leave this place tonight, i have a different life" i say back "yeah like California will do any good" Jay says. I get up and go to my car. I get in and lock the doors "this is life for me now i guess" i think.

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