11. Secret

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I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the front door. I get out of bed trying not to wake billy. I go downstairs and see that dad is still asleep on the couch. I open the door to see hopper "hey sorry to wake you up at 5 in the morning" hopper says "it's ok come in" i say back letting hopper in the house. Me and hopper became friends after i moved here. He got me and dad out of going to jail many times. "I see your dad started drinking again" hopper says hugging me "do you want me to take him to rehab again so you don't have to deal with him" hopper asks letting go of me "yes please" i say back. Hopper grabs dad by his hands and i grab his legs. We take dad into hoppers cop car and put him in the back seat. "You go back to sleep I'll keep you updated" hopper says hugging me. I go back in the house and go back to my room and lay down with billy. I sleep till 11:00 am. I wake up to billy picking me up "good morning" billy says smiling "good morning" i say back. After about 15 minutes we get done getting ready and walk downstairs. "Wheres your dad" billy asks "rehab" i say back grabbing a note from under the table with a pass code written on it. "What's that for" billy asks "the pass code for my dad's room" i say back walking thru the kitchen and to a door. Billy follows behind me. I put the pass code in the lock and walk in the room with billy behind me. The room has dads bed and desk in it with posters and pictures on the wall. I look under the bed and find a box with dad's file's in it. I pull it out and start going thru it. I find my birth certificate and put it off to the side and continue going thru the box. Billy picks up my birth certificate and reads it. "Why dose it say august as the first name not glam" billy says. I turn around and grab the certificate "he never got my name changed" i say reading the name. "Wait your name isn't glam" billy asks looking confused "when me and my dad moved here i had my name changed because the name august was my mom's middle name, but my dad never had my name changed on here so it stills says august" i say back. Billy doesn't know what to say "just act like you never saw it and this never happened" i say going back to looking thru the box. I finally find what I was looking for "found it and it only took 30 minutes to find" i say holding up dad's paper with all his information. I put the box back under the bed. me and billy walk out the room and i Relock it. Me and billy sit on the couch. Billy watches tv while i look thru dads paper. I don't find anything interesting until i see a phone number with the name Kate beside the number. I get up running to the kitchen to the phone and dial the phone number on the paper. After about 3 try's some woman picks up "hello this is Kate northwest how can i help you" Kate says "hello this is glam northwest" i say back "wait Andrews northwest's daughter glam" Kate says "yes i found a paper with your number on it" i say back "omg glam i haven't hear about you since you and your dad moved away, I'm your aunt" Kate says. We talk for about a few minutes till Kate has to hang up. Kate hangs up and i walk back to billy on the couch. "Well i found my aunt" i say "starting to find your family" billy says. Me and billy look thru the papers some more. I find mom's phone number and some of dads old friends numbers. "I should head home now" billy says "ok call me later" i say back. Billy kisses me then leaves. After about an hour i hear a car pull into the driveway. I look out the window to see the same black car and see mom walk out of it. "This shit again" i think. I walk onto the porch "your not supposed to be here" i say looking at mom. "I heard that your dad went back to rehab so i figured i should come here and make sure your ok" mom says "I'm fine now leave before i call the cops" i say back "god august i was just trying to be nice" mom says "if you ever call me that again you'll be dead in a ditch somewhere" i say back "fine fuck you" mom says getting in her car and leaving. I go inside and sit on the couch and Watch tv because i have nothing to do. I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door. I see clover and Sam they run and hug me. "We missed you!" they yell "i missed you guys to" i say back closing the door. I see that they have backpacks on "why do you guys have backpacks on" i ask "because we're having a sleepover with you since your dads going to be at rehab for at least a week" Sam says i smile.

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